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Old 06-24-2006, 06:42 PM
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Eliza Eliza is offline
A Little of Both
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Pa
Posts: 3,114
The bad boy thing... it's the confidence. I like a man to be confident in himself. The trouble is, the "nice guys" seem to let women walk all over them. And then the women don't respect them. You've to strike a middle of the road. Be confident in yourself.. but respect yourself and your women. And you'll be beating them off with a stick.

Now of course.. this is normal women and not the drama queens.... them..I don't get...

Myself..I have a "wounded brooding man" thing. I always seem to fall for that type. I married one in fact. I guess it was a what can do to fix him thing... Luckily mine turned out okay. And he got fixed ( ??lol??) and I didn't want to move on. But most of the time I think it's the other way.

"Only the united beat of sex and heart together can create ecstasy" ~Anaïs Nin

"The full moon is calling, the fever is high.
And the wicked wind whispers and moans.
You got your demons, you got desires
Well, I got a few of my own"
~The Eagles

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