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Old 06-09-2006, 06:55 AM
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Originally Posted by rockintime
Been a few weeks since I've been through these here parts. Driving by notices the new sign for Relaxation Spa and Resort. Thinks, "Hmmm...might be worth checking out some time."

Then notices the "IWM's" at the front of the sign...spins car around and into the parking lot. Hops out of the car and heads thru the ritzy looking doors.

"Very posh interior you have here, IWM. Oh my, and certainly a sexy clientele! You definitely have my "imagination" running wild. And yes, a glass of wine, a nice hot jacuzzi, and then a personal massage by the owner of this fine establishment would be just fine."

Well hello there rockintime!
Welcome to my little piece of heaven! You're right, it's filled with such wonderfully sexy peeps! There's always room for more tho. I'm so glad you finally showed up.

I've poured a glass of wine for you and have the jacuzzi running. Please undress, take a dip and I'll give you the best 'feelin up' you've ever had as soon as you want to get out of the jacuzzi.

Don't forget to schedule you're next appointment so you'll cum again and again!
~Tainted Love~
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