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Old 09-16-2002, 11:49 PM
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Thinker Thinker is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2002
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Posts: 101

Everyone seems to be forget5ting one very important factor. How you look. If somone looks like 12 day old summer time road kill they probably arn't going to pick up a girl no matter what they say. On the other side, some men who are particularly attractive can say just about anything and get a good response (almost). Here is a good example of this kinda thing. Quite a few years back I was at a gathering to commemorate a particular event. Any way I was talking to two girls, who happened to be sisters, there wasa third sister who was also the most attactive of them, but she wasn't getting in on the conversation, and I was very interested in meeting her. At one point I happened to notice she had a huge scar on the back of her arm. And to break the ice I said "Whoa how in the heck did you get the huge scar on your arm?" Although my question was rude, her response was still positive. And she gladly explained how she had gotten the scar. Although the way I stuck up the conversation was not a good one the result was good because she already liked me before that. So it is all first impression, and normally a person gets an impression of you before you even open your mouth so often times what you say doesn't make to much a diffrence as long as it isn't to insulting. (there has been studies which coroberate this)
Man who go through turnstile sidesways is going to Bangkok.
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