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Old 03-16-2006, 10:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Steph
Who are/were your favourite muppets/puppets?

Saw this thread on a Canadian music board today & it's hilarious. Fraggle Rock, Waldorf & Statler . . . There were some Canadian ones mentioned like "The Friendly Giant" -- check out the rooster playing the harp. He was the coolest! Ah, the 70s!

An underrated man was DON MUSIC

Composer Don Music was a character on the children's television show Sesame Street.

check him out in a wicked clip
I didn't know he had a name...the one & only time I saw him was when he was trying to compose the Sesame St jingle, of course Kermit comes along & suggests changes that turned it into "Can you tell me how to get to Yellowstone Park"...& then asks him how to get to Sesame Street...but also I noticed when Don started saying "Never, never, never", the voice seemed very similar to the voice of Junior on Fraggle Rock...yeh, I was a fan of that too, I had HBO when #1 son was little, & that gave me an excuse to watch it with him on Sunday mornings...
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