Thread: Island Paradise
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Old 03-11-2006, 09:22 AM
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Moonshine Moonshine is offline
Married Couple
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Backwoods of Arkansas
Posts: 302
Holly had just settled herself on the footboard when Ian knocked on the door. "Come in," she sexily answered. She could tell that it took his eyes a few seconds to adjust to the candle glow that lite the room. She smiled as his ran over her body. The red silk gown was proving to be more than he could stand. Holly grinned as she watched him strip as he crossed the room. "Damn this man," she thought when he garbbed her waist and pulled her close to him. "I had planned to take it slow with you tonight," he whispered into her ear, "but you're making it hard for me too."

Holly reached her hands up and pulled the wooden sticks from her hair. It began to casade down as he lightly kissed her neck. In no time, he had her clothes removed. Her high heels brought her hips up evenly to Ian's and he soon took advantage of this. She moaned as he bent her over the footboard and then pushed himself in to her. "Oh Ian," she panted as he rammed himself in her. His pace quicken and she could feel the first of several orgaisms rush through her body. Her body arched as Ian had his way with her. She could tell that this time was for his pleasure alone and not for her. But, he too was giving her great pleasure. With a loud groan, she could feel his releasal into her. One year after reaching the island, Holly bore Ian the first of five boys. Ian only allowed Holly off the island with his permission and his presences.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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