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Old 10-16-2005, 03:14 AM
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Pixies Horse Widower
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Part Seven (The End!)

Tom and Steve sat in continuing silence for quite a time after Tricia had finished her speech. Both of them were more than a little sceptical of anything this woman had to say, but Steve, for one, believed in her sincerity. Tom was a little more reluctant to accept her statement that she was going to change at face value, but even he had to admit that it must have taken a lot for Tricia to bare her soul like this, and he was prepared to give her the benefit of the doubt on the understanding he would be monitoring her 'progress' over the coming weeks and months; and he said as much to her, in no uncertain terms! Tricia's next comment, however, took both men quite by surprise. Turning to Steve, Tricia looked him straight in the eye and spoke directly to him.

"I know our meeting wasn't exactly, um, conventional" she began, "and the circumstances haven't exactly been normal either, but...." She tailed off at this point, unsure whether or not to continue. Taking a deep breath, she went on.

"I think, as weird as this sounds..... I'm sure I'm falling in love with you, Steve! Tom, too..... but you more so. And I don't know what to do about it". She looked beseechingly at Steve, while both men sat dumbfounded at Tricia's latest pronouncement.

Steve quickly recovered his wits, and replied to Tricia's bombshell statement.
"Well, I must admit that since the first day we had you here, I have found you more and more attractive and sexy" he said, "and you've shown a lot more nerve than I imagine many people would have in this situation. That appeals to me, I must say! And the shaved pussy helps a lot, I must say!" he quipped.

This last comment broke the tension that had built up over the past half an hour, and both Tom and Tricia laughed at Steve's sally, the underlying sense of threat in the room now totally dissipated. Tricia stood up from the chair in which her life had turned completely around, and shoved it away with a casual bump with the backs of her legs. Regaining her direct eye contact with Steve, she licked her lips and murmured,

"Oh, you like that, do you? Wanna see it again?"

Steve merely nodded his assent to her question, and Tricia stood back and kicked her slipper-type shoes off one by one, both of them flying to a corner of the room and landing with a slight thump on the carpet. She was dressed simply in a skirt and thin blouse, under which she had on a skimpy brassiere and thong panties. She lifted both hands behind her back and unhooked her bra through the thin material of her blouse; then she performed that intricate manoeuvre that some women seem to find so easy, and within seconds she slipped the straps of her bra through the sleeve-holes of the blouse, and then the wispy material was lying on the desk beside Steve. Tricia then teased the skirt up the full length of her thighs, her hands bunching the material for a second, and then the tiny patch of material and strings that formed her thong flew through the air to land beside the bra at Steve's elbow.

Tricia paused then, standing with both hands on her hips as she gazed through half-closed lids at Steve and Tom, feeling her already hard nipples rub against the thin material of her blouse, and the inside of her thighs grew damp as her pussy leaked it's moistness onto her soft skin. Slowly, she glided over in front of Steve's chair, standing with her knees pressing against his as she slid the dress up her thighs again, this time continuing until her glistening vaginal lips were exposed to Steve's avid gaze. Close up, Steve could see clearly every detail of her sex, the inner lips puffy and protruding from her cleft, covered in a thin film of moisture which smelled intoxicating from such a short distance away.

"Like what you see?" Tricia asked, and Steve's reaction was to lean forward and run his tongue the full length of her dripping slit. Tricia shuddered as the tip of his tongue rasped over her engorged clitoris, barely able to keep her balance as a tiny orgasm rippled through her body. Steve now reached up and began to undo the buttons on the front of Tricia's blouse, easing each one agonisingly slowly through it's eyelet until every button was undone. The sides of the blouse still covered Tricia's bosom as Steve's hands slipped down her body, reaching behind to briefly cup her buttocks in the palms of his hands as he passed.

It was Tom's turn to move now, and he rose silently from his seat, softly walking round until he was directly behind Tricia's trembling body; he then took the edges of the blouse in his hands and slowly eased its silkiness over her shoulders and down her arms, finally drawing the sleeves over her hands and off, leaving Tricia standing in front of Steve totally naked except for the bunched material of the skirt she still held in her clenched fists. Steve reached for Tricia's hands and eased them out of the way as he took over the handfuls of cloth, his fingers stretching the elasticated waist of the skirt as he drew it downwards over Tricia's legs, holding it as she stepped delicately out of the circle he formed as the material reached the floor.

Tricia was now completely naked, shivering in anticipation of what was to come. Tom reached round in front of her, cupping her small but firm breasts in his hands, allowing her thimble-sized nipples to peek out from between the first two fingers of each hand. Steve, meanwhile, had slid his hands back up the inside of Tricia's legs, her thighs parting easily as he enjoyed the sensations of her smooth flesh against the backs of his hands. Midway up her thighs, he stopped, pushing Tricia's legs even further apart. Glancing briefly at Tom, and nodding almost imperceptibly, he lifted Tricia's legs up off the floor while, at the same time, Tom lifted her body up and back, pressing her torso into his own for added support, until Steve had completed his movement and Tricia's thighs were now resting on the top of Steve's shoulders. As Tom slid his hands underneath Tricia's upper body to support her, Steve placed his own hands under her buttocks, grasping them firmly and pulling her body closer in to him, her lower legs now folded so that her feet were almost flat against the planes of his back. In this position, Tricia's hot cunt was only inches away from Steve's face, and as he leant forwards her thighs parted even wider, giving him unhindered access to the treasure between her legs. For the second time that morning, Steve's tongue made contact with Tricia's soaking love tunnel; this time, however, he spread her buttocks wider apart and allowed his tongue to scour her cleft from her puckered pink rosebud, right to the tip of her clitoris, savouring the taste of the natural lubrication that was now pouring from her swollen labia. His tongue probed deeply inside her pussy, one finger moving to push against her anus as he drank down her copious juices, struggling to hold her still as she bucked and writhed in Tom's arms.

After several minutes of this, he knew that as enjoyable as it was for all of them, little else would be possible while they remained in this position; standing up from his chair, he gestured to Tom to carry Tricia back through to the bedroom she had awoken in earlier, and the two men took her through the open door and laid her, almost reverently, on the wide bed. As they both hurriedly stripped off, revealing already hard cocks to Tricia's lascivious gaze, she in turn thrust her hand deeply between her legs, penetrating her needy hole with three fingers and stroking her hard nipples with her other hand. Tom and Steve climbed on to the bed beside her, Tom leaning in to suck hard on Tricia's left nipple and simultaneously pinching the right with his left hand; while Steve gently removed her hand from between her legs, replacing it instantly with his eager mouth, swivelling his body so that Tricia could reach his pulsating manhood with her still wet right hand. She quickly discovered that Tom was positioned in such a way that she could also wrap the fingers of her left hand around his cock, and she lay back contentedly then, gently stroking up and down the two full lengths in her dainty hands.

Steve licked, sucked and nibbled on Tricia's inner lips, stretching them until they protruded at least an inch from her body, covered in the almost continuous stream of juices now flowing from her pussy. On the occasions when Steve looked up to note her reactions, Tom could see that his friends' lower face was also covered in Tricia's cum, lending an even more sensual air to their situation. Tom himself was engrossed in his pleasuring of Tricia's breasts, moving his mouth from one rock-hard nipple to the other, his fingers continuing to stimulate the rubbery buttons even when his mouth had the other deep between his lips. Tricia was in ecstasy by now, every touch by one or the other of her lovers was sending pulses of orgasmic energy through her body and generating more and more cum from her soaking hole, cum which Steve was endeavouring to drink down as her arousal increased by the second.

Steve altered his position slightly, though keeping his mouth tight against Tricia's hot cunt, and slid his hand palm upwards under Tricia's ass as she lay supine on the bed. Concentrating his oral ministrations on her stiff clitoris now, he inserted his thumb and first two fingers deep inside Tricia's soaking pussy, coating the digits in her thick juices. Steve then knelt beside Tricia's thrashing body and, still sucking her clit deep between his lips, withdrew his forefinger from her slit and slid it easily into her tight anal ring, cupping her pelvic region like a bowling ball, with the two finger holes being her slick pussy and tight rosebud. Steve then began to thrust his finger and thumb into Tricia's holes, alternating the in-and-out motion between pussy and ass; he could feel his digits moving inside her through the thin wall between her rectum and her vagina, and this turned him on even more than he was already! Meanwhile Tom was still enjoying himself playing with Tricia's petite breasts, squeezing, licking and sucking her nipples to new heights of arousal, all the while Tricia held both men's hard members firmly in her hands as she stroked them, occasionally having enough presence of mind to rub the palms of her hands over the pre-cum covered heads of the two stiff shafts in her grasp which caused shivers of lust to shoot through both her lover's bodies.

After some few minutes of his dual-fucking motion with his finger and thumb, Steve changed their position so that his forefinger was now up to the knuckle in her tight asshole, his palm cupping Tricia's right buttock cheek as his thumb continued its probing mission inside her hot cunt, with occasional forays upwards to rub and tease her clit with the tip of his digit. Each time Steve's thumb touched her clit, Tricia's pelvis left the surface of the bed as she climaxed, her grip on the two erect cocks in her hands tightening to almost painful levels. Then, during one particularly strong orgasm, her hands flew open and released the two men from her grasping hold on them, their penises bobbing up from their small prisons, both red and angry in appearance, both seeking a hole to plunder!

Tom moved first, sliding round to the head of the bed, still on his knees, until he was directly above Tricia's head; he quickly slid a pillow underneath her shoulders for support, and this had the added benefit of angling her head slightly down towards the bedcovers. Her mouth still open from her reactions to her earlier climaxes, Tricia opened her jaws even wider as Tom moved over her face, his angry tumescence bobbing against her forehead and nose as it made it's way to her parted lips; she reached out greedily for Tom's cock as it came into her field of vision, wrapping her fingers round the slick shaft once again as she guided his thickness into her mouth. With her experiences over the past days coupled with her supine position on the bed, Tricia had no difficulty in swallowing nearly all of Tom's hardness in one thrust of his hips, his thick member making her throat swell as his balls mashed against her nose so deep in her mouth had he penetrated. He pulled back a few inches when Tricia began to gag slightly, allowing her to use her tongue to swirl all around the head of his prick, her right hand now cupping his heavy sac while the other snaked round his back and settled on his left buttock, drawing his cock back into her throat.

Meanwhile, Steve had removed his finger and thumb from Tricia's orifices and, still supporting her lower body on one hand, slid round so that his rampant penis was lined up with her sopping wet cunt, the head delving for brief seconds between her pouting vaginal lips as he teased her desperate sex with his own! As he watched Tom's cock disappearing into Tricia's sexy mouth he thrust himself deeply inside her pussy, which was so wet and slippery he entered easily until his shaft was fully embedded in her and his balls were pressed hard up against her tight asshole. Tricia removed her hand from Tom's ballsack and reached round Steve's back, pulling him deep into her, engulfing his rampant penis in her molten centre, her nails digging furrows into his skin as she pulled him deeper and deeper inside her. Tom and Steve quickly settled in to their well-practised rhythm, one sliding his hard cock into Tricia as far as it would go as the other withdrew, then reversing their strokes at the same instant, so that Tricia rapidly became the subject of a totally voluntary "spit-roast", losing herself in the experience of two highly sexual men taking full advantage of her, as she did with them. It took only half a dozen strokes by both men before Tricia succumbed to her first major orgasm; her right hand nails dug deep into Steve's back at the same time as her left hand left deep weals on Tom's butt, her legs scissoring tightly around Steve's waist as she screamed her ecstasy around the, not inconsiderable, girth of Tom's cock.
When the first waves of her climax subsided, Tricia renewed her assault on Tom's erection with a vigour and passion that surprised even herself. Still enjoying the tremors in her abdomen as her orgasm died away she sucked Tom's hardness deep into her throat, her tongue constantly licking around his glans, then up and down the full, glorious length of his shaft; her hand now returned to fondling and caressing his sac, gently squeezing the hot eggs of his balls, even as her forefinger teased the entrance to his anus. Steve was continuing his persistent invasion of Tricia's hot pussy, albeit at a much slower pace now, allowing his friend to fully experience the sensation's engendered by Tricia's experienced mouth and tongue. Tom could only stand Tricia's expert ministrations for another ten minutes, exerting all his willpower to stop himself from cumming long before that! Inevitably, though, he reached the point of no return; he began to thrust his pelvis uncontrollably into Tricia's throat, his thick penis almost choking her when she slipped her slim forefinger deep inside his anus and pressing on the deeply buried prostate gland inside his bowels, causing a massive ejaculation of hot sperm to shoot down Tricia's willing throat, the hot saltiness seeming to burn her as it was greedily swallowed down. Three, four, five jets of hot, thick cum later, Tricia withdrew her finger from Tom's ass and pushed his groin away from her face, the remaining three or four spurts from Tom's cock covering her lips and chin in gooey white cream. As Tom leant back, away from Tricia's face, Steve withdrew his solid length from her still spasming hole and crawled up the length of her body until he was positioned directly above Tricia's face. She immediately knew what he wanted and, wrapping her tiny hand as far round his shaft as was possible for her, she began to rapidly move her hand up and down his shaft, occasionally lifting her head so she could take the head of his gorgeous manhood into her mouth. Steve, too, was unable to hold out against such determined effort, and within a few minutes he too succumbed to his imminent release; the tiny hole in the end of his penis, it seemed to Tricia, enlarged tenfold even as she looked at it, closely followed by an eruption of sperm so huge it took her breath away. Stream after stream of hot, thick spunk covered her face, some going in her hair, more landing on her cheeks and chin, trickling down her neck to her chest, where it was quickly joined by Steve's final few spurts as he moved down her body and aimed for her tits, his last small emission of sperm landing square on Tricia's swollen right nipple. She lay back, spent, then began to scoop up all the spunk from her body and swallow it down, saving the last globule of Steve's cum for last. She bent her head as far forward as she could and, squeezing her tiny breast between both hands, lifted her breast to her mouth and licked the last drop of spunk from the tip of her supersensitive nipple, cumming one last time as she did so. She then fell back onto the bed, replete and satiated - for the moment!

Tricia's feelings of satisfaction did not last long, however; she was much too turned on for that! As she lay savouring the taste of the two loads of salty cum she had just swallowed the two men, once again on either side of her, resumed their soft caressing of her body, their fingertips stroking the silky soft skin of her abdomen and flanks, one set moving up over her shoulders and arms while the other descended to explore her hips and outer thighs. Tricia found herself moaning constantly in pleasure as her two lovers excited her still further with each pass of their tender and experienced digits over her expectant flesh, her nipples and pussy aching with the desperate need to be touched. Her eyes closed, in order to appreciate fully every tiny movement of their fingers, Tricia was also acutely aware of her body's reactions to the erotic actions of Tom and Steve's touch; she could feel a constant stream of juices leaking from her puffy labia, trickling down her cleft and over the puckered ring of her anus, soaking into the sheets beneath her, while at the same time she felt the tautness in the flesh of her petite breasts as her massively swollen nipples seemed to grow towards the ceiling, desperate for one of the men to suck them deep into his mouth.

Opening her eyes then, Tricia was amazed to see that both men had regained - or had they retained? - their erections, the heads of both deep purple in colour as a result of the copious amounts of engorging blood filling the shafts. Just as she was about to reach out to them, Steve suddenly lowered his head and latched his lips expertly on to Tricia's throbbing clitoris, sucking it hard between his lips until they were touching her skin above and below her swollen button. Immediately, Tricia was consumed by another huge climax, heightened still further when Tom squeezed her breasts together with such vigour that her nipples were touching each other, a feat she had never managed before; when he then lowered his head and sucked them both deep inside his mouth, lashing them with his tongue, she came even harder, her thighs clamping in a vicelike grip around Steve's head and piercing screams of ecstasy pouring from her throat. Both men continued their oral assaults on Tricia's pussy and tits, wave after wave of orgasmic bliss pulsing through her body until every nerve in her body felt like it was on fire!

Just when it seemed to Tricia that she was once again on the verge of passing out, Steve raised his juice-covered face from her groin, ceasing his stimulation of her now hypersensitive clit and grinning broadly up at her even as Tom allowed his sucking lips to let her breasts fall away from his mouth as he, too, rose up from her body.
"Are you enjoying yourself, sexy?" smiled Steve, to which Tricia could only nod in reply.
"Oh, good" he added, then, almost before Tricia realised what was happening, his arms slid under her legs and upwards until his biceps pressed against the back of her knees, pushing her thighs back towards her chest. Tom's strong hands reached over her body to grasp her ankles firmly, spreading her legs wide apart and giving Steve a wonderful view of her stretched out pussy and ass. His rampant, slick penis slid inside her dripping pussy easily, slowly filling her hole until his balls rested against the puckered ring of her dark rosebud, while at the same time Tom's hard cock trembled scant millimetres above Tricia's pouting mouth. Tricia had closed her eyes to fully experience the feeling of Steve's length filling her needy cunt; now, as she opened her eyes at the feel of him embedded inside her, she saw Tom's cock directly above her face, a small drop of pre-cum poised at the very tip of his slightly trembling pole. Tricia raised her head the fraction needed to reach Tom's cock-head with her tongue and slowly, teasingly, licked the bead of moisture from his cock, wrapping her lips round the shaft and sucking as hard as she could to envelop his shaft with her lips and tongue. As Tom's hardness disappeared into Tricia's mouth, pulled in by the suction she was exerting on his manhood, Steve was withdrawing his cock from her reluctant pussy until only the tip was left inside her. As Tom's ballsack squashed against Tricia's nose and upper lip, his cock causing a distinct swelling in her throat, Steve rammed his thick, slippery prick deep into Tricia's desperate cunt, his balls bouncing against the puckered entrance of her anus.

Tricia was in 'seventh heaven' by now, revelling in the sensations of two large cocks filling her mouth and pussy in alternate, deep, powerful thrusts, climax after climax ripping through her body so quickly that it seemed she was having one huge, continuous orgasm. She was barely aware of Tom sliding his member out of her mouth and lifting her torso off the bed, nor did she really notice that Steve had lifted her hips and was now lying flat on his back with his cock buried to the hilt in her hot pussy; all she knew was, she was cumming - and cumming like she'd never done in her life before! She could feel her juices flooding the insides of her thighs, and was vaguely aware of a tongue licking the juice from her skin, but still didn't fully realise she had changed position until she was suddenly aware of Tom's hands spreading her buttocks wide apart, and his rigid tongue probing the entrance to her rosebud. Her face buried in Steve's shoulder, Tricia screamed in pleasure as Tom plunged his oral muscle as deep into her puckered ring as he could, forcing his way past the ring of her outer sphincter and drinking deep from the musky depths of her hot asshole.

Tom continued to plunder Tricia's anus with his tongue, the muscle stiff and rigid enough to feel like a miniature cock inside her. He loved the taste of her now moist ass, the tang coating his tongue as he continued to probe deeply inside her; he felt her anal muscles contracting around his tongue as she came again, her gluteal muscles straining against his hands as he continued to hold her ass-cheeks wide apart. He could hear Steve's groan as Tricia's pussy clamped onto his cock amid the throes of her orgasm, his friends' sounds almost drowned out by Tricia's own loud squeals of pleasure, despite the muffling effect of Steve's shoulder. By now, Tricia's ass and buttocks were covered in a heady mixture of her own abundant juices and Tom's saliva, his lips pressed tightly against the slick flesh of her rosebud as his tongue intruded deep inside her dark opening. Tom raised his head to take in the beautiful sight, and he was aware of his cock twitching in anticipation as he watched Tricia's asshole iris slowly closed.

As her latest climax slowly faded Tricia raised her head from Steve's shoulder, somewhat shocked at the impressions of her teeth in the smooth skin. Steve didn't even seem to notice though, and he avidly latched his mouth onto her right nipple and sucked the swollen button deep between his lips as he lashed the reddened nub with his tongue. Feeling that Tom had released the pressure of his face on her ass, Tricia ground her flooded cunt hard onto Steve's cock, mashing her ecstatic clit roughly against his pubic bone. She felt Tom moving behind her and his hands shifting position on her butt-cheeks, pulling them wide apart once again, exposing her wet skin to the air; then she shivered with lust-filled anticipation when she felt the head of Tom's dripping penis at the entrance to her expectant ass. When Tom slid the head of his cock inside her hole, her first instinct was to push backwards against him, to force the throbbing shaft deep inside her bowels; when she found herself unable to do so, she realised that Steve was so deep inside her, and Tom had such a firm grip on her butt, she was unable to move! Once again, Tricia was at the mercy of two men who were intent on prolonging her pleasure, as well as their own, as long as they possibly could.

Realising that there was nothing she could do to 'assist' in Tom's movements which, she admitted wryly to herself, turned her on even more than she already was, Tricia forced herself to relax her muscles, allowing Tom to slide his turgid shaft slowly into her easily dilated rear entrance. For what seemed like long minutes to Tricia, she felt the fierce heat of Tom's cock as it oh-so-slowly filled her tight hole; eventually, though, she felt the pressure of his pelvis against her wide-spread buttocks and the bump of his ballsack against her perineum as he finished pushing his entire, thick 8½-inch length inside her.

As she had done so often over the past few days, Tricia almost passed out with the sheer, undiluted sexual lust she felt, climaxes ripping through her body like there was no end to them. She barely noticed Steve swap his deep suctioning from her right nipple to the left, so engrossed was she in enjoying her multiple-orgasmic experience. She could hardly believe the feeling of complete fullness inside her body, with two magnificent specimens of manhood buried completely inside her ass and cunt - and they hadn't even started moving in her yet!

Steve was paying more attention to Tricia's nipples at the moment than he was her pussy; he had sucked and bitten her right nipple until it was over an inch in length and a dark plum colour, hypersensitive to his every touch. As he proceeded to emulate his performance on the left nipple he lightly brushed the right one with his fingertips, causing an instantaneous tightening of Tricia's pelvic muscles which squeezed hard on the two cocks embedded in her body as she gasped loudly in ecstatic relief.
Tom, too, was engrossed in something other than Tricia's pussy; he had savoured every millisecond of his entrance into her slick asshole and was now enjoying the sight of his thick member stretching her ass wide apart, the edges of her tight hole blanched almost white with the pressure of his erection inside her. He hissed softly at the feel of Tricia's internal muscles squeezing his cock as she came yet again, savouring the rippling sensation along his length. When Tricia's orgasm started to subside, Tom slowly began to withdraw his throbbing shaft from her dark hole, easing himself backwards millimetre by millimetre while still holding her hips firmly in his hands, until only the head of his penis remained inside her hot rear entrance. Looking down once more, he could just about see his friend's ballsack tight against the stretched lips of Tricia's hot cunt, small drops of her juices coating the crinkled skin of his scrotum. Allowing his gaze to travel up Tricia's body he noted the sheen of sweat on her skin, then his view took in the beaded moisture on her brow as she lay with her cheek against Steve's chest, a beatific smile highlighting her face. He drank in the sight of his former tormentor revelling in the rock-hard double penetration of her small body, then became aware of a small grimace starting to take the place of the previous smile as Steve began to slowly pull his cock out of Tricia's grasping hole.

Steve lay on the bed at the base of a 'pile' of bodies, his rampant member buried to the hilt in the tightest pussy he'd ever experienced, and two of the hardest, most pronounced nipples he'd ever enjoyed sucking digging into his chest. He had felt the lessening of pressure around his shaft as Tom had withdrawn his own prick from Tricia's asshole, but could feel that his friend had left the head of his cock just inside her. Now he, too, began to withdraw from Tricia's volcanically-hot body, feeling the smile she'd had on her face for the past minutes slip slightly at the thought of both of these magnificent members pulling out of her. Almost immediately, though, he felt her smile return; as Steve continued to ease his cock out of Tricia's pussy he felt Tom sliding back into her tight ass, the two of them timing their movements so that as Steve's glans reached Tricia's outer lips Tom was, once again, buried balls-deep inside her dark hole. Steve immediately reversed his stroke and slid his cock easily back inside Tricia's slick pussy, and felt Tom's rigid member pulling out of her ass as he did so; he felt Tricia's teeth on his shoulder as she fought to keep her screams of lust quiet for a few more seconds, loud moans escaping her lips where they latched firmly to his skin.

The two men now fell into a rhythm they had practised several times before, although never with a subject quite as willing and desperate for satiation as Tricia was; she muffled her continual squeals of lust in the meaty flesh of Steve's shoulder as his and Tom's thrusts became gradually stronger and faster, alternately filling her cunt and ass with their stiff, throbbing shafts. All three were now sweating so much that Tricia was slipping up and down Steve's body with every thrust - he reached up with both hands and hooked his strong fingers over her shoulders which, combined with Tom's still firm grip on her spread buttocks, kept Tricia firmly in place, and able to feel every fraction of an inch of movement of the two members burying themselves inside her body.

Even so, with each solid invasion of one or other of her orifices, Tricia still moved slightly; enough that her engorged, highly sensitive nipples rubbed against the somewhat rough hair of Steve's chest, sending their own bolts of orgasmic sensation straight through her overworked system and causing even more of her juices to gush from her superheated pussy over Steve's pounding cock and heavy balls. She retained just enough sense of her surroundings to notice that the sheet underneath her straining knees was saturated, and it suddenly dawned on her that it was soaked in her own cum ~ God, was she really that turned on? A microsecond later she answered her own question a resounding "YES", as Tom's cock pounded into her tender anus yet again and forced yet more orgasmic nectar to flow from her flooded cunt, lubricating an almost immediate onslaught from Steve's wonderfully talented member! She wondered fleetingly at her choice of thought in describing Steve's cock to herself; then all thought ceased as the two men redoubled their speed of penetrations into her. Suddenly, both men were fucking her with a rhythm and intensity she had only ever experienced one-on-one before, so that it seemed that her lower half was now permanently full of glorious male flesh, her climaxes now coming thick and fast, one after another in an orgasmic rip-tide of sexual juices, combining with the sweat which was now adding it's own layer of lubrication between the three pulsating bodies.

In the end it was Steve who first felt the telltale tingles of imminent orgasm. Signalling to Tom, unseen by Tricia, he indicated he was near to completion, causing Tom to increase the rapidity of his strokes into Tricia's now slackened anal ring. Steve likewise speeded up his thrusts, the almost constant stimulation of Tricia's clitoris and sensitive anal nerves combining to induce a massive, continuous climax which wracked her body in a constant fine tremor of lust. Suddenly, Steve's thrusts became shorter and harder until, with a loud and unstoppable shout, he came mightily inside Tricia's hot, slick cunt, a torrent of scalding fluid spewing from his penis and filling her ravenous pussy to overflowing. Seconds later Tom also unloaded his own contribution to Tricia's spunk collection, in his case spurt after spurt of distinct, yet 'as one' jets of sperm which shot into her very core until, as had just happened in her pussy, the amount became too much for her abused ass to bear and the last few spurts of Tom's cum trickled tightly from her plugged asshole.

Tricia could barely believe what was happening to her; the sensation of almost continuous orgasm had been amazing enough, but when first Steve and then Tom had shot their massive loads of hot juices into her cunt and ass virtually simultaneously, she thought she'd died and gone to heaven so heavenly had the experience felt to her. Now, as she lay sandwiched between two hard, heaving male bodies, she felt totally satisfied in a way she thought they had achieved before, but now had been surpassed a hundredfold. Feeling the globs of the two men's sperm mingling on her sticky thighs and abdomen, Tricia could only marvel at the events which had brought her from an uptight, vindictive woman with almost no sex-drive whatsoever, to what she could only describe as a cock-hungry cum-slut in less than a week. As the hard cocks inside her began to soften prior to slipping from her well-used holes, Tricia decided that from now on she absolutely would not live without some form of sex on at least a daily basis, and more often if she could get it! She also vowed to herself that Steve would be the guy who would give her this; somehow, as good at making her cum as he was, she would never quite feel the same way about Tom as she did Steve; this was probably because she was - or at least had been - his boss, but more so because......... well, she had to admit it to herself, despite the circumstances, she had fallen for Steve in a very big way!

Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted as she felt first Steve, then Tom, allowed their softening members to slip out of her satiated orifices. When they had completely left her holes, she could feel a twin torrent of spunk flooding from her pussy and ass, pouring out over her thighs and onto the rumpled sheets of the bed. The feeling of the still-hot juices trickling over her tender clitoris was enough to bring Tricia to climax once again, though not as intense as her earlier ones, causing her to shiver uncontrollably with the pleasurable sensations running through her body. Suddenly, a really dirty idea popped into her mind; reaching down with one hand, she scooped a handful of Tom and Steve's mingling sperm from between her thighs and, slowly, aware both men were mesmerised by her actions, raised the hand to her mouth and swallowed the mass of sticky juices on her fingers. She repeated her movement several times, until her groin was completely cleaned of spunk, then lowered her mouth first to Steve, then Tom, sucking their softened members totally dry of cum and savouring the musky taste of the two cocks that had so recently been pounding into her body.

Her oral ministrations on their cocks had the effect of making both Tom and Steve's members start to swell once more, an effect Tricia had not considered when she started her "clean up" operation. Nor had the two men, despite the fact that both of them (Steve more so than Tom, perhaps) now thought of her as a very attractive, sexual woman; and both of them responded to that fact in the most basic way - pricks that hardened fully almost as immediately as Tricia began to lick and suck on Steve's far from reluctant member! By the time she had finished her "cleaning" of what she now thought of as her pleasure sticks, both of them were as hard as they had been only minutes before, gorgeously throbbing purple-headed monsters which seemed to have a life of their own, a life dedicated to pleasuring her to limits she had never previously dreamed of.
Kneeling in the middle of the bed with two hard-cocked men lying supine on either side of her, Tricia couldn't believe just how horny she felt; despite the multiple orgasms she had enjoyed over the past hour or so, she felt more alive and alert than she had in years - she just wanted MORE, more of these two magnificent specimens of manhood, filling her full of hard meat and copious amounts of hot, thick spunk!

Steve and Tom lay on either side of Tricia's sexy and slim body, her hands resting lightly on their stomachs with her forearms barely touching the heads of their throbbing members. Almost in a daze now, both men watched as she lifted her hands from their bodies and grasped a hard cock in each hand, sliding her hands up and down the shafts in a slowly twisting motion which teased both of them into a state of even greater hardness and arousal. As Tricia's pumping movements became quicker and quicker, the two men gasped almost in unison at the feeling of her slippery hands over their swollen, sensitive glans', the muscles in their thighs trembling as they strove to maintain some form of composure.

Steve was the first to 'crack'; the sight and feeling of Tricia stroking his cock while simultaneously doing the same thing to his best friend causing him to think of nothing else but giving her as many more climaxes as he and Tom between them could manage, before they too would cum yet again. Tom was having very similar thoughts to his friend; despite the way they had started off with Tricia, in his case hating her almost to the point of no return, it seemed that they had awoken a very sexual - and sensual - woman who, he was amazed to find, he was not only very attracted to but also was developing strong feelings for. Knowing Steve as well as he did, he could tell that these feelings were much stronger in his friend, just as he also knew that Tricia reciprocated those feelings. He thought that in time to come, these two would become "an item", but he also knew that Steve being Steve, many more occasions like this would occur.

Shaking his head slightly to clear his thoughts, Tom noticed that Tricia's pussy lips were glistening with a resurgence of her arousal, the cleft between her slightly-spread thighs filled with swollen labia and protruding clitoris. He moved his right hand between Tricia's legs and smoothed it up the length of her thigh until his first two fingers slipped effortlessly into her wanton cunt. His ring finger settled naturally into the cleft of her buttocks, the tip pressing against the tender rosebud of her anus and gently inside until his finger was covered as far as his first knuckle. A soft moan escaped Tricia's lips as she felt the double invasion of her body, Tom's thumb now caressing her clitoris in tiny, provocative circles that were driving her mad with lust. Now Steve began his own traverse of Tricia's body, twisting up to cover her tiny breast-buds with his hands, the rock-hard buttons of her nipples digging into his palms.

As the two men continued with their minimal movements on her body, Tricia felt the onset of her first climax of their 'new' session, the smooth stroking movements on the two penises in her hands stuttering then stopping as her orgasm gained momentum and rippled through her whole body. As she gave herself over completely to the enjoyment of her orgasm, Tricia was aware of Tom removing his fingers from her holes and cupping her groin in his powerful hand; sitting up quickly, he put his left arm round her body and, as Steve also removed his hands and moved out of the way, Tom lifted her clear of the bed and held her close to him, one finger teasing her anus as Steve slipped into the centre of the bed, leaning back on his hands, his rampant prick pointing straight upwards as if it was trying to reach the ceiling. Tom positioned Tricia directly above his friends' ardent pole, two fingers now invading her still-tender rosebud, stretching the muscle of her sphincter and filling her hole with his two middle fingers. Infinitely slowly, Tom lowered Tricia until her bottom was only an inch above Steve's waiting member; she could feel the heat from Steve's cock even from there and, despite having already been fucked hard in her ass, she knew she wanted to feel Steve's hardness plough deep into her bowels and fill her full of his hot cream. She groaned as Tom removed his fingers, and used them to keep her buttocks spread wide apart; then, agonisingly slowly, she felt herself being lowered the last inch until the wide head of Steve's luscious cock was pressing against her anus, the folds of her ass stretching easily to accommodate his girth.

Oh, so slow ..... and SO good! Tricia bit her lip to keep in her moan of pleasure, savouring every millisecond of Steve's slow incursion into her well-used hole, the strain now starting to tell on Tom as he continued to lower her down, the tendons and sinews of muscle in his strong arms standing out like wire hawsers. She gave a sigh of fulfilment as she finally felt Steve's balls pressing against the taut skin of her buttocks - he was all the way inside her ass now, and it felt wonderful! Tom removed the hand that had been between her legs, and she revelled in the sensations of total fullness that Steve was engendering in her, feeling every minuscule movement and twitch of his member deep inside her bowels. She laid back against Steve's broad, hairy chest, her back arched so that she could be sure every last morsel of his cock was inside her, the slight pads of her breasts stretched tight against her ribs, her nipples proudly erect as she looked down her body to where her thighs were splayed wide apart over Steve's. He moved one of his supporting hands and brought it to the front of her body, teasing the fluttering skin of her belly with his fingertips, then "walking" them up her abdomen until his palm settled over both swollen buds, gently rubbing in a circular motion to excite her to a fever pitch. Leaning her head back against him and closing her eyes, Tricia was unprepared for the touch of Tom's tongue on her protuberant clitoris; when she felt the first lick grazing her puffy lips before firmly stroking her love button, Tricia literally jumped in the air, almost dislodging Steve from his place deep inside her. Luckily, Steve's firm hand on her breast plus his other hand around her waist (which she hadn't noticed) kept him securely inside her.

She was expecting Tom's next touch, but still she jumped a little so pleasurable did his tongue feel on her supersensitive sex. She felt Steve's member slide inside her ass as she moved, the movement sending indelicate shivers of lust through her body, and she could feel her juices running out of her tingling pussy where they were avidly lapped up by Tom who, by now, was in a frenzy of insatiable sexual appetite. Both Steve's hands were now at her nipples, rubbing and pinching the rubbery buttons until they were aflame with the signs of her need, Tom virtually drinking the copious juices now flooding from her superheated cunt. A distant part of Tricia's mind thought how downright kinky it felt, for one man to be licking her pussy so single-mindedly while another was buried in her ass, his balls less than an inch from the chin of her vaginal assailant, but the major part of her mind was engaged in isolating and enjoying every single thrust and lick the two men were lavishing upon her.

Tom now felt it was time to give Tricia's pussy a rest - at least, for the ten seconds or so it took him to move up the length of her body and place the head of his cock where his mouth had been so recently! He bent forward and kissed her full on the lips, his tongue probing hers so she could taste the sweet muskiness of her own juices still lingering on his breath. As he began to slip into Tricia's sodden, slippery hole, Tom also began to thrust his tongue in and out of her mouth, a feeling of being fucked by a tiny penis that Tricia enhanced when she latched her lips round the delving muscle. Tom was now fully inside Tricia's pussy, and he began long slow thrusts which penetrated her as deeply as any that had gone before.

Tricia was now in a place where she had never imagined she could be - or would have wanted to be, in the past. Now, though, she felt as though all her Christmases and birthdays had been rolled into one, and given to her as one huge present. Every one of her sexual orifices was now filled, and every one was being fucked - and fucked HARD. Tom's pelvic thrusts had speeded up quickly until every time he rammed his iron bar of a penis into her wanton cunt, he lifted her several inches off Steve's impaling rod; when he withdrew, Steve would shove his own hips fiercely upwards, so her descending rectum was completely and roughly filled, once again, by his engorged manhood. And as if all that wasn't enough, Tom was fucking her mouth at double speed with his tongue, her own ejaculate still strong enough on his lips for her to taste, while Steve's tormenting of her tiny breasts and painfully hard nipples continued unabated. At times, it felt to Tricia that her nipples were about to be twisted off her body, he was so rough with her delicate buds, but she was now so far gone even that pain served only to arouse her further yet than she'd ever been.

Climax followed climax as the two men pounded and rammed into her, performing, had she but known, at a higher and more sustained pace than even they had ever managed before. Tricia was so engrossed in her own sensations, that this time she was totally unable to sense when Tom's orgasm approached. None of them were aware of the passing of time, as all of them were awash in sexual fervour beyond their experience, but over an hour had passed since Tricia was first lowered ass-first onto Steve's waiting member. Now, Tom was at the point of no return, his strokes quickening as he fought to delay the inevitable for just a few seconds more - to no avail. With one last thrust deep into Tricia's hole, he yelled loudly as his ejaculation erupted out of him, half a dozen powerful jets shooting into her and overflowing out of her spasming pussy to soak Tom's pubic hair and thighs in a sticky mixture of carnal juices. Seconds after Tom beginning to cum, Steve too reached his end; squeezing Tricia's sorely abused breasts tightly enough that tomorrow she would be quite bruised (although uncaring of them!), he rammed his already spurting cock hard inside Tricia's back passage, his head to one side as hers shot back in ecstasy, feeling every last drop of Steve's spunk coating the inside of her rectum as he emptied his balls for the last time that day. A feeling of total overload threatened to engulf Tricia, much as it had several times before with these men, but with a huge effort of will she kept the approaching blackness at bay and was able to savour every last second of Tom and Steve's ejaculations, her own orgasms tearing through her body like a freight train, eventually leaving her filled with two massive loads of hot sperm and plugs made up of her two lovers' wilting cocks. Eventually, Tricia's orgasms slowed, and stopped, leaving her completely satiated this time and on the verge of a comatose-style sleep.

Sooner than Tricia would have liked (in truth, she would have loved those cocks inside her forever) both men grew too soft to stay inside her and first Tom, then Steve, slipped their members grudgingly out of Tricia's well-used holes. This allowed the pent up rivers of spunk to come pouring out of Tricia's body, covering her buttocks and thighs in thick, gooey cream. With her last remaining strength, she used her fingers to scoop up as much of the fluid as possible, sucking it off her fingers before delving deep inside her body for more, until every available drop of sperm had disappeared down her throat with a deliciously salty aftertaste left on her tongue. As the only one with sufficient strength left, Tom fetched a warmed washcloth and wiped Tricia down, noting how puffed and inflamed her still-protruding labia were, and how she trembled as he passed the soft cloth over her abused anus. He desisted from washing her breasts, as he could already see bruises beginning to form where Steve had gripped her so fiercely during his climax. When he had finished with Tricia, he quickly wiped himself before passing the cloth to Steve, who barely managed to clean himself before flopping back on the bed. Tom's last act was to cover them all in the thick quilt of the bed, before all three fell into a soundless sleep, Tricia sandwiched between the hard bodies of her two newly-found lovers.


Six months later.

Tricia Mulholland sat behind the large table with two of her senior colleagues, nearing the end of a long day. They were the interview panel for a Ward Managers post, which had become vacant due to the last holder of the job returning unexpectedly to her home town, where her mother had taken extremely ill. Tricia had been called in at the last minute to sit on the panel, as another of her colleagues had phoned in sick that day. They had now sat through seven presentations and interviews, and Tricia had not found any of the applicants so far to be good enough for the job. Another drawback was that, as a late arrival, she hadn't had a chance to go over the candidates CV's beforehand, like she would normally do. Indeed, she didn't even know who had applied until they walked through the door and introduced themselves.

As they waited for the last candidate to walk through from the waiting area, Tricia mulled over the past six months of her life. Since her week spent in Steve's house (being turned into a total cock-hound in the process, she laughed to herself), Tricia was almost unrecognisable to those who had known her before - especially those who worked under her at the hospital. She now listened to her juniors, both regarding patients and other problems, and wasn't in any way spiteful or petty towards those people she had been before. This wasn't because of the threat of the compilation tape of her being humiliated, then loving every second of being used sexually in every way by two unknown men, rather it was because she had found something she hadn't even known she wanted - love. Unknown to most of her work mates, Tricia had put her house out to rent and moved in with Steve a few weeks after her 'awakening', as she referred to it to herself, and had never been happier. She and Steve enjoyed each other in many ways other than sex, although they maintained a healthy and exciting sex life, which occasionally still included Steve's best friend Tom. While Tricia didn't love Tom, at least not in the same way as she did Steve, she still felt great affection for him, and enjoyed their sexual escapades together. When the knock came at the door, Tricia snapped out of her reverie and waited expectantly for the last candidate to enter. As he rounded the door, Tricia nearly fainted with shock - it was TOM!!

Swiftly, Tricia composed herself, not wishing any of her colleagues to become aware of the trepidation coursing through her. Looking at Tom as he set up for his presentation, Tricia marvelled at the composure he was showing, while reflecting that he had shown the same presence of mind when she had returned to work following the situation that had led her to Steve. Tom finished his preparations and began his talk to the panel.

When he had finished, about half an hour later, Tricia was very much back in control of herself, and joined in the questioning of Tom with gusto, asking as pointed and difficult questions as she could think of, all of which he replied to concisely and knowledgeably. At the conclusion of the interview, Tom left the room and the panel sat in a group to discuss the candidates more fully. Tricia's colleagues were unanimous in their praise of Tom White, one of her female colleagues in particular seemed very taken with him and not, in Tricia's opinion, in a wholly professional manner!

As they sat and deliberated, Tricia's mind was in turmoil. There was still a minute part of her that thought Tom should be punished for his treatment of her six months earlier, and now was the perfect opportunity to exact her own revenge by denying Tom the job he so obviously wanted. But the 'sensible' part of her knew that, if it wasn't for Tom, she wouldn't be the predominantly pleasant and approachable person she now was. Instead, she would probably be even more bitter and vindictive than she had been before, and, much more importantly, she wouldn't have Steve. It was at that split-second Tricia realised just how important Steve was to her, and she knew that to block Tom for this job would be to lose Steve forever. So it was that Tricia added her recommendation to the panel, making Tom a unanimous choice for the post.

Tricia's colleague, Shona, who earlier had shown such interest in Tom, immediately volunteered to phone Tom and tell him he had been successful in his application, and it was on the tip of Tricia's tongue to claim that particular job for herself, as she was entitled to do as his line manager but, knowing she would see (and fuck!) him later at her and Steve's house, she agreed Shona could be the bearer of the glad tidings. After all, she mused, it might be interesting to set Tom and Shona up together, especially as she was a well-formed, long-haired brunette, just Tom's type. And being able to utilise the cameras and other equipment still set up in the basement to record Shona's basest desires being fulfilled would be interesting, to say the least. She smiled to herself, thinking how much fun the three of them could have with Shona in the future!


I hope you have enjoyed this story even half as much as I enjoyed writing it. The basic idea for this scenario was from something that happened to me years ago, and although these events never actually happened, it was fun to imagine. The people in this story are all based on real people, but names and place have been changed for obvious reasons.

It has been something of a marathon for all of you that have been reading this, I'm sure. Whether you enjoyed the story or not, PLEASE take a few minutes to give some feedback. BTW, a second "Chapter" to this story is already underway!

The selfish, they're all standing in line
Faithing and hoping to buy themselves time
Me, I figure as each breath goes by
I only own my mind
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