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Old 10-13-2005, 04:08 AM
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Pixies Horse Widower
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Part Three

A little over an hour later, Tricia heard the noise of her two captors coming down the stairs of the basement. With a high degree of trepidation, she wondered what they had in store for her now. Much to her shame, she also wondered if, whatever else they had in mind, they would make her cum again; she had been SO turned on and, despite not knowing who they were, or where she was, she had really enjoyed the amazing orgasm they had induced in her. Having been so long without any form of sexual contact, the craving for more that had been set up inside her was overwhelming.

She listened as one pair of footsteps walked towards her, and could just make out the other set heading away from her, and various other sounds; metal clinking softly, the scrape of a chain (there was no mistaking THAT sound!) and, incongruously, the sound of china on a table. When her blindfold was suddenly whipped off her head, she was momentarily dazzled by the brightness of the spotlights blazing from the ceiling, and she could only experience the feeling of the man removing the bridle with its steel bit. She then felt the backrest of the bench rising up, while at the same time the bar holding her legs apart was swiftly removed. When her right arm was also released, she thought for a brief second that the two men were going to release her! Somewhat to her own surprise, however, she was only mildly disappointed when none of the other straps were loosened, and she could begin to make out that a small table had been placed in front of her, which held a plate of, what appeared to be, stew and potatoes, and a glass of orange juice. At least they weren't going to starve her, anyway!

The smaller man, for it was he who had moved her and laid down the plate, allowed her a minute to recover the full use of her arm before handing her a spoon.

"Eat" was all he said, and turned away to go behind her where she was unable to see what he was doing. As she ravenously began eating, she could dimly hear the sounds of the two men, but couldn't quite make out what they might be doing. After she had finished her meal, and drunk the glass of juice, she was able to concentrate more fully on what was going on behind her. When the two men appeared one either side of her, she was again unsure of what was going to happen, so when they began to release the straps around her ankles she was unprepared to lash out at them, or even attempt to do so.

"Don't even think of trying to kick us, or anything else" said the smaller man, "neither of us will have any hesitation in breaking your leg or whatever else you might use. OK?"
Tricia only nodded, her brief thoughts of trying to injure her captors already blown away like a feather on the wind. Her left arm remained shackled, and she watched silently as the tall man attached another cuff to her right ankle, this one with a long length of smaller chain attached to it. Then the smaller man unbuckled the cuff around her wrist, and helped her to stand up for the first time in almost a day!

After a few minutes, during which she could barely hold her own weight up, Tricia was able to move around on her own, although not able to move very far due to the chain and cuff securing her ankle. The smaller man now guided her over to a corner of the room she had not been able to see earlier; to her surprise, it contained a small but perfectly serviceable shower stall, complete with shower gels, soap and a large, fluffy bath-towel at the side. Pushing her, not ungently, into the stall, the man said "Wash", and pressed the button to start a powerful jet of hot water, which cascaded over her naked body like a self-contained waterfall. She was vaguely aware that there was no door on the shower stall, but quickly rationalised to herself that she no longer had any reason to try and hide her body from these men, as they had already seen more of it than any man had for over five years! And, she admitted grudgingly to herself, it actually made her feel quite turned on to know they were watching her soap and scrub her most intimate parts!

She quickly gave herself a basic wash all over, then decided to concentrate more fully on her breasts, groin and bottom. Soaping up the sponge they had given her to a thick lather, she first spent several minutes rubbing and caressing her small breasts with their larger than expected nipples, making certain that every trace of soap was rinsed clean. When she had finished her nipples had, once again, achieved a pebble-like shape and hardness, an indication to both herself and the two men watching her, of just how turned on she was feeling.
Tricia then soaped up the sponge again and began to thoroughly scrub her mound, dipping lower until she was stroking over the outside of her vaginal lips, the tip of her finger occasionally rubbing the sensitive button of her clitoris. She moved further down so that she was soaping right between her legs, the sponge covering her labia and perineum with thick suds. Bringing the sponge out now, she rinsed it off and reapplied the soap; reaching her arm behind her, she slowly drew the sponge up the full length of the cleft separating her buttocks, relishing the touch of the slightly rough material over her skin, and shivering slightly as it scraped across the entrance to her anus. She had never even tried anal play before, and she had been amazed at her own reaction when the smaller man had jammed his thumb inside her ass; it had felt so dirty but yet SO intoxicatingly sensual at the same time! She closed her eyes tightly as she continued to stroke her rosebud with the sponge, only opening them and ceasing her movements when she realised she was close to cumming again at the thought of one (or both?) of the men taking her anal virginity!
Tricia washed out the sponge one last time then, taking the shower head from it's cradle, began rinsing the soap from her groin and butt, paying special attention to her ass as she enjoyed the pulsating jet of hot water against her hole. Eventually she finished, and faced the shower controls to turn off the water. After she did so, she reached for the towel held out to her by the tall man; glancing down, she couldn't help but notice the large bulge in the front of his black boiler suit! Snatching a quick look at the other man, she noticed that he too had a prominent lump at the front of his suit!

"Oh My God..... these guys are getting turned on! What will happen now?" she thought, bending over a little to dry the tops of her thighs.

She was about to find out, in a most unexpected way! The sight of Tricia so unashamedly playing with herself had not gone unnoticed by the two men; both of them were extremely aroused by Tricia's very obvious and blatant display and Steve, at least, was keen to take advantage of the body which was quickly beginning to consume his consciousness. Tom was also painfully aroused despite, or was it because of?, his ambivalent feelings towards this woman.
As Tricia finished drying herself off, he tapped Steve on the arm and pointed to the bench, indicating by gestures what he was planning quickly in his head. Steve nodded rapidly in understanding and taking Tricia by the arm he led her back over to the bench where he got her to lie down and reattached her leg and wrist cuffs, albeit much looser than before, which would allow the woman to move around a lot easier. Neither man was the least concerned that she would manage to escape, as all the cuffs were secured by a small combination padlock that would prevent any attempts to get away, especially as all the combinations were different!

For Tricia's part, she was a little disappointed the men had chained her up again, but she quickly realised they had done so in a much freer manner this time. When she saw the taller man approaching her with a blindfold (different to the one they had used before, she noticed) she panicked. Whatever was going to happen to her, she at least wanted to see; she was not easily scared, whatever her other faults may have been! However, she also realised the futility of trying to fight these men, and meekly succumbed to having the blindfold reapplied to her eyes. She then had to strain to hear, able to discern a strange clicking sound, then the more familiar rustle of clothing being removed. She then heard sounds of the men moving around, then - silence.

Oh! "What was that?", Tricia asked herself. 'That' was something hard pressing into the inside of her left thigh, easily done because the men had not replaced the fold-down part of the bench, and she had been resting her opened legs on the edge of the bench that was left. When the object moved slightly, she felt a thigh rubbing where the object had been seconds before, and she realised with a start just what 'That' had been. It was .. OH! it had been, and still was, a hard cock! And it was now pressing against her labia, the head pushing, pushing until .... aaahhh! He, whoever 'He' was, was inside her, with what felt like a very nice-sized penis! She could feel the rim of the glans just inside her copiously-leaking pussy, and desperately wanted to feel the full length fill her up. This did not happen, however, the man seemingly content merely to move himself infinitesimally backwards and forwards, teasing her and turning her on almost beyond measure.

Frustrated, she was, and very much to her own surprise desperate to have this strangers hardness buried inside her; suddenly enraged with her tormentor, she at once slipped her body down the bench and cried out,

"Shove that thing IN ME, you fucker!"
Even more frustratingly, the man merely reversed with her, and next second she received a sharp slap on her left buttock.

"You'll get it when I say so!" snarled a voice, and she gasped aloud at the shock and pain of the slap. "just lie there and Wait", snapped the voice, and now she was almost certain this was the smaller of the two men.
Tricia had sat up during this exchange and she was now pulled back down by her shoulders, the other man obviously having been behind her all the time! She felt him leaning on the head of the bench, her head between his forearms, then the pressure of his arms on her shoulders as he reached down and cupped her petite breasts in his hands. She moaned as the palms of his hands landed on her hard throbbing nipples, squirming as he began to move his hands in small circular motions, his rubbing hands causing her to imagine that bolts of electricity were shooting through her body, defining the clear link between her nipples and her clitoris. Tricia had always had highly sensitive nipples, and she remembered many occasions where she had cum merely from having them played with, or sucked into her partners ever willing mouth! As she thought it, the past repeated itself in spades. Tall-man, as she now thought of him, stopped his circular motions and lightly pinched her nipples between his fingers. That was enough to set her off, a loud cry issuing from between clenched teeth as her back arched in an ecstasy of orgasm. When tall-man leant over further and took her right nipple between his teeth and bit down gently, she screamed into his chest as she felt her juices spurting out of her, covering small-man's pulsating member in a flood of her sweet honey.

"Wow, we've got a real goer here, mate!" she dimly heard small-man's voice, "she's squirting all over me!"

"Mmm, so I can see" was tall-man's reply, having momentarily lifted his mouth from her breast. He returned his fingers to her dark-pink nipples, teasing them out between his fingers and thumbs until they were each a separate throbbing nubbin of flesh almost half an inch long. As she felt her breasts were about to explode, small-man chose that moment to thrust himself fully into her hot, streaming cunt, so deep inside her that she could feel his heavy ball sack squashing against her anus. She gasped once again at the feeling of the thick shaft which filled her hole completely, stretching her beyond anything she'd experienced before even with her ex-husband whom she had thought, mistakenly it now appeared, had been quite well endowed. Now tall-man grasped her firmly under her arms and pulled her up the bench, small-man staying buried inside her as she moved. The thought that 'small-man' was really quite an inappropriate nickname for him, given the size of the cock that was buried inside her right now, flashed fleetingly through her mind, then she felt a pillow, or some kind of support, eased underneath her shoulders, so that when she laid back on the bench and the back of her head touched the bench, her head was tilted back at a comfortable, but strange, angle. "You even think of biting, and I'll break your jaw" promised tall-man's voice, and as he said it, she felt something hot and silky smooth rubbing gently along the top of her nose, and then felt a throbbing, round mushroom-shaped object butting against her lips. God! It was tall-man's cock, and if anything it was even bigger than small-man!

"I won't bite" she promised, "just let me suck it for you!"

She had thought she had been as shocked at herself as she was going to get by now, but hearing those words from her own mouth amazed her; what was even more surprising was that she meant every syllable! All she could think of was swallowing as much of this monster as she could, wanting to be filled at both ends with rampant specimens of man-flesh; the fact she did not know who they were, or that she had been brought here very much against her will didn't seem to matter any more. She simply HAD to have these cocks, to make her cum and cum and cum!

Tom looked up at his friend, taking in his beatific expression as he held on tightly to the woman's thighs, his penis buried to the hilt inside the woman's still-cumming pussy. Guiding his own penis into her eagerly waiting mouth, he revelled in the feeling of the suction immediately applied by Tricia's orifice, sliding his shaft slowly, but inexorably, further and further into her mouth. When the head reached the very back of her mouth Tricia gagged, but quickly managed to relax her throat muscles enough to allow Tom's penis to penetrate her throat, the girth and length expanding her slim neck so noticeably Tom worried for a moment that she might choke. However he had failed to take into account just how aroused the woman before him actually was; Tricia was now having no difficulty whatsoever accommodating Tom's member, and was stunned, but pleased, when she felt his heavy sac touching the bridge of her nose. She was now lying flat on her back, on a bench in an unknown basement, at the mercy of two men who had basically kidnapped her and were in the process of, technically at least, raping her. But, filled as she was with two of the biggest pricks she thought she had ever encountered, she felt as if she'd died and gone to heaven; she couldn't believe how turned on she was by this, and how much she wanted to please these two captors of hers. She felt a surge of disappointment when tall-man began to withdraw himself from her mouth, but could only grunt when small-man thrust himself deeper into her soaking cunt. When he also began to withdraw, the feeling of loss that suddenly overwhelmed her was almost unbearable, but as soon as small-man's cock began to move, so did tall-man's ~ right into her throat again!
Of course, Tricia could not be aware, even if she had known who the two men were, that they had been in similar situations many times before, and had now 'practised' this type of manoeuvre so often, that they each knew, almost to the second, what the other was going to do. They both moved slowly, Steve slipping in and out of Tricia's slick pussy while Tom gently fucked her willing mouth. When Steve started to slowly rotate his thumb on Tricia's prominent clit, AND Tom again began to roll her fiery nipples between his fingers and thumbs, she virtually lifted off the bench in a lust-filled explosion of pleasure, every nerve feeling as though it was on fire, and then convulsing in the throes of a full-body orgasm, something she had never experienced in her life before!

Of course, Tom and Steve had encountered this phenomenon several times before; although never with someone chained up and at their mercy, so to speak, so they did not let up on their double fucking of the woman lying in front of them - rather, they redoubled their efforts, Tom thrusting his rigid member as deep into her throat as he could while simultaneously pulling and twisting her throbbing nipples so hard that her chest appeared to possess a pair of fairly substantial breasts, despite her normally diminutive stature; as Tom enjoyed his manipulations of Tricia's upper body, Steve was concentrating on filling her pussy with his entire length, plunging his thick 8-inch penis into her deep and hard enough that his balls were nudging against her asshole on every stroke.

For Tricia this was more sexual stimulation than she'd ever experienced at one time in her entire life. In all her previous experiences, she had never been fucked so deeply and hard, nor had she ever taken such a big cock so far down her throat before - and she was loving it! In the (very) brief periods where she was able to think, she was certain that in the past either of the experiences she was having would have satisfied her beyond measure, but the two together were just about blowing her mind completely. After her second orgasm, she simply gave up trying to retain any coherent thoughts, and just gave herself over completely to the immeasurable sexual feelings she was experiencing, forgetting altogether the circumstances which had led to where she now was. When she heard small-man grunting to his friend "gonna cum in a minute, mate" her response was to shout out,

"God, YES! Fill me up with your spunk, you fucker!"
This seemed to be the catalyst for both men; no sooner were the words out of her mouth, than small-man increased the already frenetic rhythm of his pounding, and tall-man's thrusting into her throat also quickened in exact counterpoint to the cock in her pussy. Small-man now had Tricia's legs bent up to her chest almost as far as they would go, giving him unrestricted access to her cunt, and he was hammering into her harder almost than she could bear. Tall-man, by now, had squashed her tits into small conical mounds, the nipples squeezed out between his fingers into nearly ¾-inch-long, deep-red arrow heads, which sent bolts of sexual energy through her body every time he rubbed their tips with his fingertips.

Seconds later, both men quickened their thrusts even more, a signal to Tricia that they were about to cum; she could feel her own heart-rate speeding up as small-man rammed his hardness deep inside her and simply stopped, the torrent of his ejaculation exploding inside her pulsating hole as he spent jet after jet of his hot liquid into her. Seconds later, as she tried to ride the wave of orgasmic pleasure induced by small-man's cum, she felt the first spurt of tall-man's orgasm speeding down her throat. Clamping her cunt-muscles tightly around Steve's still spurting cock, she began to swallow Tom's scalding sperm; another first for her, as she had never enjoyed the taste of a man's juices before, not even with her husband in the early days of their relationship. She found the time, somewhere, to be astounded at the amount of spunk that was shooting out of tall-man's prick, it seemed that no matter how quickly she swallowed, much of the hot, slightly salty juice was running down the sides of her mouth, it's thick taste lost from her tongue. Even as small-man allowed his, now softening, penis to slip out of her pussy, she stretched her neck as far as she was able and licked tall-man's sac, her tongue smoothing over the skin from front to back, then continuing until she had somehow managed to reach his ass. As the last tremors of her own orgasm rippled through her, and small-man's spunk started to slide down the insides of her thighs towards her anus, she pointed her tongue and licked tall-man's asshole, revelling in the slightly bitter taste but enjoying even more the added two or three small jets of cum which spurted from his cock-head onto her chest. She reached up with her hands now and, gathering some of the spunk from the sides of her mouth, began to massage it together with the small blobs on her chest, smoothing the sticky white cream into her hypersensitive nipples, inducing one last, small orgasm deep within her very centre, which (unknown to her) did not go unnoticed by Steve.

The two men now backed away from the bench, leaving Tricia to virtually collapse her body onto the supportive material. Such was the unexpected and previously unexperienced force of her orgasms, Tricia was completely spent, and within seconds had fallen asleep on the bench, her legs remaining wide apart and displaying the sperm which still trickled from her well-fucked cunt. As the two men stood watching this from the bottom of the bench, Tricia unconsciously moved one hand to her crotch; despite her current unconscious state she seemed unable to forego the touch of something, even her own hand, on her enlivened sexual organ!
Tom and Steve looked at each other and, as he smiled broadly at his friend, Steve said,

"Well, mate, it looks like there's a lot more fun to be had with her, don't you think?"
Tom nodded, and grinned rapaciously as imagined some of the other acts the two of them could enjoy with this newly rampant woman!

Tom and Steve returned once more to their viewing room, both of them tired but well-satisfied with themselves. They sat for a while, enjoying a cold beer and discussing the events of the past 36 hours, during which they appeared to have turned a woman both detested, and who seemed to detest in turn most of the people around her, into an insatiable cum-slut with only the minimum of 'fuss'. Tom maintained a degree of scepticism about that, expressing his personal belief that no-one could change so radically in such a short space of time. Steve disagreed, arguing that Tricia had been placed in an invidious position and had simply adapted her 'survival techniques' to the only way she thought she might get away 'intact', so to speak.

"Besides," he concluded, "she isn't going anywhere for a while, so we've plenty of time to get it figured out!"

The two men then turned their attention to the monitor screen, and Steve zoomed in for a close-up on Tricia's pussy. To both men's surprise, Tricia was awake and was writhing on the bench, three of her slim fingers buried deep inside her freshly-shaved pussy, thrusting in and out while the other hand pulled viciously on her swollen nipples. As they watched, almost mesmerised by Tricia's performance, she rubbed herself even harder, almost pulling her left nipple from her breast as her entire body bucked and arched as she experienced yet another orgasm, this time induced solely by her own two hands and her imagination! Steve smiled at his friend, stroking his recuperating penis as he watched the show in front of him, noticing from the corner of his eye that Tom also was getting turned on at the sight of the naked woman frigging herself to orgasm under their unseen gaze.

"Looks like I might be right, for a change!" he gloated.

"We'll see" replied Tom, "We'll see!".

Both men enjoyed watching Tricia pleasuring herself until she fell asleep once again, this time looking completely spent from the length of time she had taken over her final orgasm of the night. They had stroked themselves quite unselfconsciously in front of each other, both of them with their eyes glued to the monitor rather than what the other was up to. When Tricia had finally had enough, they retired to bed, each falling quickly into a deep sleep.
On waking the next morning, the first thing they did was check the monitor; Tricia was still sound asleep, and a quick trawl of the video by Steve showed nothing more after they had last seen her. After a shower and quick breakfast, they sat for over three hours watching the taped footage of yesterday's activities, editing it down until they had almost an hour of Tricia being pleasured by both of them followed by her self-pleasuring action, which lasted for another twenty minutes.

"We've already got enough to ensure her silence for the next hundred years" said Tom, "we probably don't need any more now".

"Maybe so," replied Steve, "but we're going to film it anyway, just for added security. After all, she may think her friends might believe this to be 'normal' for her, but with some of the other things we've talked about......" He let his voice die away then, allowing Tom to make up his own mind about their next move. After all, he reasoned, it was Tom's idea and drive that had got them (and Tricia!) where they were now, so it was his decision to make.

"Yeah, you're right" Tom answered, "we have to keep taping her. Besides, it'll give us something to look back on in years to come!".

After a leisurely breakfast, the men went downstairs to the basement where Tricia was now wide awake. Following the same routine as yesterday, they gave Tricia some food and drink, then allowed her to shower. In what seemed an action replay of yesterday, Tricia again played with herself wantonly in the shower, making herself cum twice in the space of ten minutes. The men were both turned on by this, as before, but neither of them made any move towards her, much to her disappointment. Their first physical touch of her today was when they led her back over to the bench, replacing all the straps that had held her down originally, ensuring that she was again unable to move more than an inch or so in any direction. Tom adjusted the bench so that she was lying flat on her back with her legs held wide apart and up, again much as she had been yesterday. Today, however, the aim was not to finger or fuck her ... or at least, not for a while!

Both men had noticed Tricia's apparent liking for having her nipples nipped and pinched really hard, and had decided to see just how much she actually enjoyed nipple-play. Tom (tall-man) walked over to the side and returned holding several items which Tricia couldn't quite make out. When he shook out a thin chain with what looked like a silver ring on each end, she was perplexed as to what they might be. Tall-man moved to the top of the bench, and stood for a few seconds observing Tricia's body. As was fast becoming the norm, her nipples were hard and stiff, protruding quite sexily from her almost-flat chest. Tricia watched, mesmerised, as tall-man took one of the rings and slid it over her left nipple, ensuring it was sitting right at the base of the fleshy nub. His hand remained in her line of sight, obscuring what was going on from her view, and she took several seconds to realise there was a growing pressure around her nipple, that was actually rather pleasant! When tall-man moved his hand to straighten out the thin chain, she saw that the ring was now fitted snugly around her nipple and had been tightened up by a small, knurled screw at the side, the whole looking rather like a tiny jubilee clip, the type she most associated with being used on car water hoses!

As she assimilated this information, tall-man was tightening the clamp on her other nipple, until the pressure on each was identical. She noticed too that the chain had a round link in the middle of it, but she could not imagine what that was for. Then small-man picked up another length of chain, this one with a hooked snap clip at one end and what looked like a miniature crocodile clip at the other. She let her head fall back for a minute, as the strain of holding it up for so long was beginning to tell. She felt the chain linking her breasts lifted and replaced, then the cold metal of the other chain draping down across her ribs and belly, until finally she could feel the slightly warmer touch of metal resting on her pubic mound. Both men then moved back, and stood admiring their handiwork.

When Tricia lifted her head again and looked down the length of her body, she could see that the chain across her chest was now bisected by the other, longer chain, which in turn went down as far as the very top of her pussy. The strange clip on the end of this chain was now hidden from her gaze by the swell of her pubis. She laid back and looked at the two men enquiringly, to no answer. Then tall-man moved towards her and, concealing his actions from her once again with his hands, swiftly and efficiently tightened the nipple-clamps further. This time Tricia could really feel the pressure of the metal bands on her sensitive flesh, and now it was becoming slightly painful. Another small adjustment by tall-man and now she could feel definite pain, but in addition to being uncomfortable it was, amazingly, highly stimulating too! She glanced quickly at her chest, noting that her nipples were now a very dark red colour as well as thicker and longer than she had ever seen them before.

Neither of her two captors had yet spoken this morning, and this did not change now. A small nod from tall-man as he removed the bottom part of the bench led to small-man removing his boiler suit, closely followed by tall-man doing likewise. Both were sporting large erections, much to Tricia's secret delight, and they now moved into the identical places they had been yesterday, with one exception; this time, it was tall-man between her spread-open thighs, while small-man was standing at her head. Tall-man reached down to the junction of her thighs, and Tricia could not help but gasp as he slowly ran a finger up the full length of her slit, flicking the fingertip over her rapidly swelling clitoris as he lifted his hand in the air, displaying the glistening digit to his friend. Small-man merely smiled, which surprised Tricia even more than her own wet arousal. It was then that she noticed that neither man had the little electronic voice-box round his neck, and THAT was why they were not talking! That must mean one of two things, she thought; either she was going to die here at the hands of these men or, more likely, they thought she might recognise one or both of them. Oh God! That meant that they knew her, must know, or have discovered, her planned movements for the two weeks of her holiday. She could be here for days!

Her ruminations were brought to an abrupt halt when tall-man thrust two fingers deep inside her soaking pussy, so that she could feel his knuckles against the flesh of her buttocks. As his thumb began to stroke and rub her engorged clit, his fingers curled upwards inside her, almost immediately finding the small lump on the front wall of her vagina that was her G-spot and pressed lightly on it, stroking it with delicate but firm pressure.
That was it for Tricia! Her pelvis thrust upwards in a huge spasm as a massive orgasm ripped through her entire body, so sudden and unexpected that she nearly passed out with the force of it. She could feel her legs and arms trembling in their leather restraints, and the severe tension in her pelvic muscles as her cunt contracted tightly around the fingers buried inside her. When the initial paroxysms of sheer lust began to fade, small-man made his move. He reached over her head and placed a fingertip on each of her nipples, pressing down very lightly and began to move his finger in small, circular movements. This caused her hypersensitive breast-nubs to rub against the tiny metal collars enclosing them, sending shock waves of sexual electricity down to her already aflame clitoris and inducing another muscle-wrenching orgasm which this time proved too much for her overloaded nerves, and she passed out.
The selfish, they're all standing in line
Faithing and hoping to buy themselves time
Me, I figure as each breath goes by
I only own my mind
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