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Old 10-12-2005, 04:15 AM
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Pixies Horse Widower
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Scotland
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Part Two

Next morning Tom and Steve woke early, and went to the viewing room to check on their captive. She also was awake, and was again trying to strain against her bonds in a futile effort to escape the thick, supple leather of the cuffs buckled securely to her wrists and ankles. After eating a leisurely breakfast, the men descended once more into the basement prison.

"Morning, sweetheart" boomed Steve jovially, "and how are we this fine morning?"

"All the worse for seeing YOU, you pig" was the feisty reply.

"Naughty, naughty, Trish........ now what did I tell you about my delicate sensibilities last night?

"I'm sorry" came the small voice of her apology.

"That's better, dear!" was Tom's comment, "don't forget your manners!"

They performed the same manoeuvres as before to allow Tricia to complete her ablutions, then Tom washed her down with soap and cold water. He found himself becoming aroused by the touch of his hands on her bare, female form, and was grateful for the 'protection' offered by his boiler suit. Time enough for her to find out some of the more 'exotic' plans they had for her.

"I think it's time for phase two mate, don't you?" Steve asked, and Tom merely nodded in agreement. He moved to the back of the room, out of Tricia's view, and returned shortly with a bowl of hot water, a razor and a pair of scissors.

"What are you going to do with them?" Tricia worried, "Oh NO. You're not going to shave my HEAD, are you?"

"Now, there's an idea" smiled Steve to himself, but neither man made any reply.
Working carefully, Tom first took the scissors and carefully trimmed Tricia's quite thick, reddish hair to a length of about half an inch, all over. During this, Tricia kept up a constant litany of abuse, until by the time Tom had finished, Steve was tired of the same repeated profanity, over and over again.
"Jees-sus" he exclaimed, "are they the only words you know? Time for the gag, mate" he said to Tom.

Tricia quieted and watched as the tall man again moved out of her line of sight, reappearing seconds later with something in his hands she couldn't quite make out, but which looked familiar to her. As he shook out the folds in the leather, she suddenly realised what it was and began to scream and plead with the man that she would be quiet from now on.

"I'm afraid I don't believe you" he said, "and anyway, with your well-known love of horses, we thought you'd appreciate this!"
'This' was a smaller, adapted version of a pony's bridle, complete with a stainless-steel bit attached to the leather straps. One of Tom's many talents was sewing and leather work, and he had adapted this regular bridle to accommodate a human head. While Steve held her head firmly in a vicelike grip to minimise the risk of her biting, Tom eased the cold steel bar into Tricia's mouth, pressing hard on the points of her jaw to open her mouth when she tried, vainly, to clamp her jaws shut. The only concession to comfort at all was a thin pad of material at either end of the bit, so that Tricia's mouth wouldn't chafe too badly.

Now the bridle was securely in place, and although Tricia could still scream and make other noises, she was prevented from speaking by the thick metal bit in her mouth.

"May as well put the bar in , too" mentioned Tom, "save any thrashing about later".

"Right you are, mate" Steve answered, and this time it was he who disappeared from Tricia's sight. He returned carrying a steel bar, about three feet long, with rings formed into the ends. He went down to the foot of the bench, and she lifted her head to try and see what he was doing. When he clipped on end of the bar to a clip fixed on the inner part of the cuff round her ankle, she realised with horror what the bar was for and let out a scream, muffled only slightly by the bit in her mouth. Steve ignored the noise, and her now wildly thrashing body, and attached the bar to the other cuff, causing Tricia's legs to be spread wide apart on the bench. He also tightened the original straps, so that she could now barely move her legs at all. Tom then brought up two wide leather straps from either side of the bench, and buckled them snugly together over the now frantic woman's bare midriff, completely immobilising her lower body. He then moved to the head of the bench, bringing up two clip-ended chains which he attached to two rings on the bridle, thus now rendering Tricia totally helpless. The two men then stood back and surveyed their handiwork.

The woman lay on the bench, tense, and tears spilled out of her screwed-shut eyes to trickle down her temples into her newly-cropped hairline. The men examined her pinned-down body, reiterating their comments of the night before but in a way she would take no pleasure in, even if she had been listening. Steve finally left the bench and returned a few minutes later with the shaving accoutrements they had assembled. Taking a soft badger-hair brush, he gathered shaving foam from a spray can onto the ends of the bristles, the noise causing Tricia to open her eyes. When she saw what the man had in his hands she quickly shut them again, whimpering

"oh no, oh no... not that too!"

Steve slowly worked the foam well into the mound of tight curls on Tricia's mound, until they were completely covered. Taking a generic multi-blade razor in his hand, he began to shave the soapy bush from the top in short, smooth strokes, rinsing out the razor carefully between each downward motion. When he reached the fleshy outer lips of the vagina, he took even greater care, scraping the razor with great deliberation down side of the mound, until only the very edges of Tricia's outer lips had but a few small hairs left visible.

"It's a hard job, but someone's got to do it!" joked Steve, as he pulled the left side of Tricia's mons to one side and drew the razor slowly down the revealed edge of the labia. He then repeated his action on the other side and, finally, he was finished. Standing back next to Tom, he admired his dextrous touch with the razor.

"I doubt she's been as smooth as that since they day he was born" he laughed, "and maybe not even then!"

"We'd better make sure there's no redness there" Tom muttered, thinking that Tricia's naked cunt actually looked quite sexy, at the same time feeling disgusted with himself for having such thoughts about this woman, of all the women in the world! He opened the bottle of baby-oil that had been placed on the shelf behind him, and began to smooth the slippery liquid into the newly-shaved skin. As he worked, he became aware of a growing bulge in his crotch - God, this was turning him on! Sneaking a quick glance at Steve, he observed, quite clinically, that his ministrations were having a similar effect on his friend! He almost stopped then, quite appalled at the effect this sexless, yet sensual, contact was having on them both. Then he remembered that he had agreed with Steve that they were going to have 'a wee bit of fun' with Tricia, and rationalised to himself that if they couldn't get a hard-on, then they wouldn't be able to have this 'fun'.

Working on, now having reached her slit with it's smooth expanse of plump mound on either side, he discovered to his amazement that he and Steve weren't the only ones to be getting turned on! Motioning to Steve to come and look, he pointed out to his friend that despite not yet having reached her labia with the oil, Tricia's pussy was already moist; in fact, it was positively wet with her own sexual lubrication!

"My, my Tricia" Steve crowed, "are you actually enjoying this, perchance?"
As Tricia tried vainly to shake her head in denial, Tom continued to apply the baby-oil to her labia, finishing with a light dab of his oil-coated finger on her perineum. Tricia convulsed uncontrollably at the touch of his finger there, though the two men could not decide if this was in pleasure or disgust.

"I don't know if she liked that or not, mate" Steve voiced the thoughts of them both, "but she's stopped crying, so I reckon she might like a bit of 'ass play', what d'you reckon?"

"Well, I reckon I agree with you, pal" Tom replied, "which may well prove interesting later, to say the least!"

"Time to leave her to think things over a bit more" Steve commented, and the two men removed all the shaving gear from it's shelf, and then they ascended the stairs and returned once more to the viewing room on the second floor of the house.

Tom and Steve thankfully removed their boiler-suits and helmets, both of them feeling very warm having spent quite a long time in the basement.

"We'll cover her eyes next time, so we don't get so hot" said Steve, and Tom replied,

"Yeah - I was thinking of doing that anyway, just to increase the pressure on her a bit"

"Like your thinking, fella" was Steve's retort, and they settled back to watch the monitor in front of them, Steve taking his time over a coffee while Tom made some adjustments to another piece of equipment he had constructed.

"I was thinking," he pondered aloud, "it might be 'nice' to get some extra .. erm .. toys, for later on!" Steve looked at his friend, with one eyebrow raised quizzically before comprehension dawned.

"Nah, we don't need to do that" he replied, "we've still got a few things from when those two sisters were here a few months ago. They left them when they went back home to France!"

Tom smiled as he thought back to when the four of them had engaged in virtually every sexual activity it was possible for two guys and two very willing girls to enjoy!

"Oh yes ... I remember they were a bit preoccupied when they left!" he laughed, recalling that both the girls had enjoyed their little vibrating eggs so much, they had refused to take them out when they left, and Steve had grabbed the remote controls from them and had played with them even as the taxi took them down the street towards the airport, both the girls squirming in their seats and visible through the taxi's back window shaking their fists playfully at the two laughing men.

"Pity they took those eggs with them" he mused.

"Well, they didn't take all of them" Steve answered, "I didn't tell you at the time, but I managed to sweet-talk the sales girl into giving me an extra set. And we still have the controls!"

"You sly devil!" grinned Tom, "why didn't you tell me that before?"

Returning their attentions to the screen, they noticed that the bound woman on the bench had now attained as relaxed a posture as was possible given the nature of her restraints, and appeared to be dozing again. Steve zoomed the camera into her face and saw that her earlier tears had dried; panning down, he lingered briefly on the still quite pronounced nipples on the woman's chest, continuing down until he stopped and zoomed closer in on the junction of her wide-spread thighs and the plump, now smoothly-shave, pussy that, to both men, still appeared to be quite wet!

"Well, well, we-e-e-ll". Steve was the first to comment on Tricia's apparent liking
of the circumstances in which she found herself.

"Maybe because we haven't done anything REAL bad yet, she thinks it's some kind of game" he said, "maybe we should go down and show her it isn't for her enjoyment, all this. Hmm?" he asked Tom.

"I think you're right" Tom replied, " I think we'll definitely start with the blindfold, then maybe half an hour of Cold air"

As Steve nodded his agreement, both men were moving as one out of the room, boiler-suits already donned and helmets being put on even as they moved swiftly down the stairs. They entered the room to find Tricia was, in fact, awake, and quickly proceeded to attach a specially fashioned blindfold onto the bridle, completely covering her eyes and rendering her effectively blind. They removed their helmets, now able to move around quite freely without fear of Tricia realising who they were, or at least who Tom was, as she'd never actually met Steve.

"What about this, as well?" asked Steve, holding up a large butt-plug he had lifted out of the small case of sex-toys they had brought down from a spare room. Tom merely nodded his assent, and moved over to a control panel previously unnoticed by Tricia when she had been looking around the room. He watched as Steve attached two broad leather straps around the woman's thighs, and completely removed the panel which had previously been dropped to allow Tricia to perform her ablutions. When Steve had finished his tasks, much to the loudly-voiced, but unintelligible, complaints of their captive, Tom pressed a couple of buttons on his control panel and the whole bench began to rotate, turning slowly for 180 degrees until it was upside-down from it's original position. He then raised the height of the entire bench with another button-press, until it was at approximately rib-height for both men. Lastly, he pressed two more buttons, which simultaneously relaxed the tension on the ankles cuffs, while lifting the straps secured around Tricia's naked thighs. Steve then removed the end section of the bench, with the end result being that the woman was now face-down in a position bizarrely reminiscent of childbirth, only she was suspended face-down and held securely by the array of leather straps.

The men now rested from their labours, checking all the straps were totally secure and the woman could not fall out, or escape. When they were completely satisfied all was well, they allowed themselves to concentrate on her properly.

"Your ass looks really cute from here" Steve smiled at Tricia, well aware she could not see him!

"Your tits actually look like tits now, too" added Tom, "no stretch marks either, which is a bit of a surprise given you're nearly 39. 'course, you haven't had any kids, have you, so that might explain it".

Tom was referring to the biggest regret in Tricia's life; when she had been married, she and her husband had tried for years to have a child. When they had finally gone to see a specialist, it transpired that she was sterile. Unknown to either man, it was then that Tricia had turned into the nasty, vindictive woman she was today. The words struck a bolt of loathing and torment through her, making her feel even more a prisoner than all the straps and chains combined. She was glad that the blindfold covering her eyes served also to hide her renewed tears from these men. Briefly, she allowed herself to contemplate that the reason she'd had pubic hair to shave off was because she had deliberately grown it back after her divorce, no longer wishing to see the organ that could not produce what she had so longed for - a child of her own. Amidst her humiliation and distress, a tiny switch inside her brain 'clicked', but as yet she was unwilling to acknowledge the circuit inside her that this 'switch' had illuminated. That would come much later!

Observing the naked woman displayed so wantonly before them was having a quite natural 'reaction' on the two friends, despite the circumstances and the loathing that Tom, in particular, felt for this woman. Her buttocks were clear of the end of the bench and hence clearly visible to them; both men admired the firm roundness of her small posterior, and her clean-shaven labia clearly visible between her held-apart thighs. Both men reached out one of their hands, and in perfect harmony, each squeezed one of the firm buttocks and then allowed the hand to slide round to the front of the front of the slim woman's body, meeting at the puffed-out lips and inserting a finger each into the hidden hole, withdrawing them almost immediately and rubbing her clitoral hood as they did so.

The reaction to this was surprising, both to the two men AND to Tricia herself. As the two fingertips slipped over the end of her clitoris, Tricia experienced what to her felt like a tiny orgasm; to the men, it appeared the same, evidenced by a tremor through her whole body and a noticeable increase in the wetness of her slit. The reason Tricia was so surprised was that since her divorce, over five years earlier, she had not slept with anyone; in fact, she had not really felt any sexual stirrings at all, surprising in a woman who prior to that could barely get enough sex in her life! Tom's response to this unexpected turn of events was quite unexpected to him, too; his cock twitched very noticeably inside his pants and he felt strange lustful emotions inside him, directed at the bound, naked woman in front of him. Steve's response was similar, but his reaction was much more overt than Tom's. He reached out again, and inserted two fingers deep inside Tricia's wet pussy, twisted them a couple of times inside the hot slit and withdrew, slipping the fingers in his mouth and sucking deeply on the sweet honey coating them. During this, the woman's reaction was tenfold what it had been the first time; she shivered almost uncontrollably at the feelings of sheer lust ripped through her body, screaming loudly in pleasure around the steel gag in her mouth.

Tom's reaction underwent something of a sea-change then; he and Steve had been in a similar position before, both of them with one woman, and they had developed a kind of informal rhythm over the past few years; Tom fell in to this almost unconsciously, in spite of the vastly different circumstances of this encounter. He knelt down under the table and brought his face up until his lips were only millimetres away from Tricia's dangling breasts, the nipples now much harder and more prominent than he had noticed earlier. He reached out with the tip of his tongue and licked the very tip of her right nipple, causing her to flinch slightly then, as he licked the full length of her engorged mammary button she moaned in delight, only encouraging his ministrations to the extent where, after a few more long licks of her breast flesh, he sucked the now rock-hard nipple deep into his mouth, rasping his tongue across the tip of the delicate nub as he enjoyed the texture and taste of the rubbery button.

Although he couldn't see from his position under the bench, Steve had also taken things a stage further. Observing Tricia's reaction to Tom's stimulation of her nipple, he plunged the two fingers he had used minutes ago deep into her tight hole, the thrust made easy by the copious amounts of lubrication now coating the inside of her canal. Rubbing the tip of his thumb against her swelling labia, coating it in her juice, he then placed the tip against the puckered entrance to her anus and began to rub it over the dark ring even as he was sliding his fingers in and out of her pussy, literally fucking her with his fingers as Tom sucked on her breast. When Tom swapped his attention to her left breast, forgoing any kind of 'foreplay' and taking her left nipple between his lips, Steve felt her reaction by the tightening of her inner muscles around his fingers and instantly pushed his thumb into her anus, easily penetrating past her sphincter due to the surprise and speed of his insertion until the entire length of his digit was buried deep inside her asshole. As Tom sucked Tricia's entire left breast into his mouth, his tongue squashing the nipple against the roof of his mouth, Steve increased the tempo of the two fingers buried in Tricia's cunt, his third finger rubbing against the swollen mini-prick of her clitoris. Within seconds of this added stimulation, Tricia let out a strange noise; a combination of scream and moan issuing past the steel between her jaws as she came uncontrollably at the behest of the two men's attentions.

As soon as this happened, it seemed to bring both men back to their senses; both immediately stopped what they were doing, and removed their various body parts from Tricia's proximity. Despite this, she continued to moan and writhe to the limits of the straps securing her, all her internal muscles in spasm as she rode the crest of her orgasm. As her climax diminished, Tom moved over to the control panel and revolved the bench again so that Tricia was once again in a supine position. In addition to her soaking genitalia, her breasts were also wet, covered in Tom's saliva where he had sucked her breasts hard. He had also left a slight bruise around the circumference of her left breast, he had been so engrossed in his actions upon her. He was shocked at the sight; never before had he marked any woman like this, never mind a woman that, consciously at least, he detested the very sight of. He was also aware of the fact that his cock was as hard as he'd ever known it, and when he glanced at Steve, he could see his friend was in the same rampant state.

"What the Hell came over us?" He wondered silently to himself, "we're not supposed to be enjoying this so much!"
When Steve moved to release his erection from the confines of his boiler-suit, Tom reached over and touched his friend on the arm.

"Not now" he mouthed, and gestured for Steve to leave the room with him. Steve contented himself with patting Tricia familiarly on her pussy mound, and saying to her,

"Relax Trish, we'll be back later!", and with that the two men left the basement and returned yet again to the viewing room.

"Wow!" exclaimed Steve when they had reached the room and made themselves comfortable again. "Who would have thought such a nasty, skinny bitch could turn out to be such a sexy little number?"

"She certainly surprised the Hell out of ME!" answered Tom, "and you could have knocked me over with a feather when she came SO easily, especially in her circumstances".

"Mmm, yeah. Makes y'wonder if she was into the bondage 'thing' before, huh?" Steve murmured, it'll be interesting to see what happens if...... no, WHEN we go a bit further!".

"You really think we should?" Tom wondered if his resolve to humiliate and punish this woman was wavering, simply because of the completely unexpected physical attraction he felt for her.

"Christ yeah, of COURSE we should!" Steve exclaimed, "but let's put our own little twist on enjoying ourselves. We can set this" he pointed at the monitor, "to tape whatever we do with her. We'll keep some kind of mask on ourselves, but make sure her face features well in the footage - that way, any thoughts of comeback from her if... no when she finds out who we are will be negated. After all, she wouldn't want a tape of herself enjoying kinky sex to get out, and there'd be no way of proving she wasn't here voluntarily!"

"I like your thinking, mate" enthused Tom, "I must be too hung up on the punishment side of all this or something - I didn't think of that, and it's so obvious!"

"One thing we'll need to do for her though," opined Steve, "is allow her to get showered, or at least washed - after all I, for one, don't want to have my wicked way with someone who's stinking of B.O. Or anything else!"

"I know what you mean. I'll make an adjustment to one of the other straps, and we can let her use the shower down there" answered Tom, "in fact, I'll get on with that now."

"And I'll go and make us all something to eat" Steve countered, "we don't want any of us 'fading away', now do we?"
The selfish, they're all standing in line
Faithing and hoping to buy themselves time
Me, I figure as each breath goes by
I only own my mind
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