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Lovediva 06-12-2002 11:04 AM

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Member Profiles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sure would be nice to know which members are male or female...or both!!! LMAO!! :D :D

Age would also be very nice ;) :p

Can you guys and gals update your profiles pretty please?!?!?!?

Thanks!!!! :)

sweetc0rn 06-12-2002 11:10 AM

Now u get me wondering Diva, how are we going to stead whether are we a male or a female??? :confused:

redstake1 06-12-2002 11:19 AM

where is that to update girlie

Lovediva 06-12-2002 11:20 AM

HUH???? LOL...there is alot of room to put in biography your gender...and you are alright SweetCorn..I already know you are a female!! ;) :D

Lilith 06-12-2002 11:20 AM

Yes Ma'am!!!!!!!! I mentioned adding more stuff in the profiles to Kim and she said she would check it out!!! Until then I will update :D:D:p

In case you have forgotten or are a newbie.... click user cp at the top and then click on profile......make the changes and then besure to save them by clicking button at the bottom!!!!!!

Lovediva 06-12-2002 11:21 AM

Thank you Lil...LMFAO :D :D

sweetc0rn 06-12-2002 11:23 AM

Originally posted by Diva
HUH???? LOL...there is alot of room to put in biography your gender...and you are alright SweetCorn..I already know you are a female!! ;) :D

Hahaha! I think thats pretty obivous! :D I think the avatar helps a little too. :)

scotzoidman 06-12-2002 08:33 PM

Hmmm...if there's a MAN in the name, would one still be required to state one's gender? Just wonderin'...

Reverend Silky 06-12-2002 10:42 PM

i guess when ya see Reverend Silky, ya automatically assume "hey, that must be a psycho-sexy girly with a smokin' little body and a candy-sweet ass. hasta be." part of it's right, at least. ah, well. i guess the Cash reference in my bio ain't clear enough. i'll get right on that.

Lovediva 06-13-2002 07:40 AM

i guess when ya see Reverend Silky, ya automatically assume "hey, that must be a psycho-sexy girly with a smokin' little body and a candy-sweet ass. hasta be."

Far from it!!!!!:D :D

I usually think.."OH my.... it's the WEIRDO who wants to punch a koala again! :p :D

axe31 06-13-2002 07:51 AM

hey names dont help on chats i am allways geting asked
my sex also i know another person that uses the nick name
diva and he`s a guy

legend 06-13-2002 08:55 AM

what if you're a hermaphrodite?....i guess that would be the "both" then

in case everyone doesn't know.....i'm a thing :D

Reverend Silky 06-13-2002 01:15 PM

is it weird to wanna protect myself from those cuddly purveyors of anguish, Diva? did you know that koalas are responsible for 70% of all deaths? it's true. and they shoot their teeth like tiny throwing knives, like some cute circus act from hell.

MilkToast 06-13-2002 09:11 PM

speaking of profiles, it sure would be nice if we could enter the year we were born with out the exact date... at least it would allow for a "close" age though not exact ;)

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