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Lilith 07-03-2006 08:59 AM

Lessons Learned
Insight...please just tell me what you have learned.

wyndhy 07-03-2006 09:42 AM

i've learned that i have a lot left to learn...even if at one time i thought i knew it all. i've learned that there is nothing i've learned that someone else hasn't learned before me, and learned faster and applied it better. i know that there isn't a person big or small on this great green and blue swirly ball that can't teach me something.

PantyFanatic 07-03-2006 09:51 AM

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

--Albert Einstein

imaginewithme 07-03-2006 10:23 AM

I've learned that even if you've known a person a short while they can still make an impact on your life.

I've learned that the mistakes I've made can easily be corrected.

Lilith 07-03-2006 10:29 AM

I've learned I can't fix things for people. I just have to be there and supportive in hopes they decide they want to fix it for themselves.

osuche 07-03-2006 10:46 AM

I've learned not to put off telling and showing people you care about them...because you might not have an opportunity tomorrow.

Lilith 07-03-2006 11:02 AM

I've learned that you can love someone and it still not be enough.

WildIrish 07-03-2006 11:05 AM

I've learned that if you scratch the surface of anything or anyone...something incredibly interesting is there.

I've learned that discretion is the better part of valor.

I've learned that patience is a virtue, until it does no more good...then losing your patience is a virtue.

I've learned that no matter how little we think we have, there are ways we can give to those with nothing.

I've learned that this world is not black & white. There truly are 256 shades of gray.

I've learned that my big toe hurts like hell when hit with a can of peaches dropped from waist high.

I've learned that describing to my youngest son that sometimes the reward is the journey, makes me feel good.

I've learned to wash whites alone, with bleach.

I've learned how to cook, and that I really love it.

I've learned that boxer-briefs are annoying as hell when they get stretched out.

I've learned that cumshots & tummy hair look very sexy, but are quite a mess.

I've learned that old wounds can heal if you stop picking and let them.

I've learned that you can't talk without saying something, and that listening is so much more than waiting your turn to speak.

Like wyndhy...I've learned that I have a lot to learn, but knowing tthat is a good thing.

Oldfart 07-03-2006 11:22 AM

I've learned that if you scratch the surface of something, you'll have to pay for it.

imaginewithme 07-03-2006 11:24 AM

I've learned to never give up hope.

Lilith 07-03-2006 11:29 AM

I've learned that spending time with people under 8 and people over 80 is time well spent.

imaginewithme 07-03-2006 11:30 AM

I've learned it's easy to love.

Steph 07-03-2006 11:31 AM

Keys can vanish into thin air.

Dogs are the best things on the planet.

imaginewithme 07-03-2006 11:35 AM

I've learned that it's okay to be in the picture....this is how I look and I just have to deal with it!

Scarecrow 07-03-2006 11:57 AM

I've learned that love does not run out no matter how many people you love

I've learned that things do not matter as much as people

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