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2-4-tea 03-25-2003 07:17 AM

King or Queen of the world
ok here is a new game for everyone I hope you all like. You are named King or Queen of the world. After you take care of world peace , poverty, diseases, and your loved ones what are the first selfish things you do for the pure enjoyment of yourself?

I have 3.
1. I would make sure Lixy was my shop teacher (I still love that post Lixy)
2. I create a new reality show called Celeberty Jail in which all the celebertys that annoy me to no end such as Celion Dion, Kathie Lee and OJ are in jail being harassed by real inmates and no cell phones .
3.I would have a pixies meeting so everyone could meet and we could have one hell of a party

horseman12 03-25-2003 07:29 AM

1) would have to agree with the worldwide pixies party!!

2) be the photographer for all the pixie beauties

3) have a mass pixie orgy

Lilith 03-25-2003 05:51 PM

1. patent and build that f*ckin teleporter:D

2. remodel the dungeon

3. build the school I want

txgrneyes 03-25-2003 06:20 PM

Well i guess...

1. have a room in my castle with nothing but men in it and a bed in the middle. The men are there to be at my beck and call.

2. Go to the pixies orgy....

3. Saving for later.......open to seggestions

2-4-tea 03-25-2003 06:42 PM

Lil can you get Lixy to teach shop class so I can attend

CptMorgan 03-25-2003 07:03 PM

Has anyone read the "Island Paradise" stories?

1 - Buy an island in the carribean.
2 - On it build myself a castle.
3 - Host the pixie orgy at my castle.

Sharni 03-25-2003 07:15 PM

1. Invent a Holodeck and make millions selling them

2. Invent Middle Earth program to run in Holodeck....and make more millions

3. Live out my days in absolute bliss with Legolas as mine(alllllllll mine!!!) in the Holodeck :D:D:D:D

horseman12 03-25-2003 07:19 PM

Originally posted by Sharniqua
1. Invent a Holodeck and make millions selling them

2. Invent Middle Earth program to run in Holodeck....and make more millions

3. Live out my days in absolute bliss with Legolas as mine(alllllllll mine!!!) in the Holodeck :D:D:D:D
:D i wish i was legolas :D :D :D

celticangel 03-26-2003 03:13 PM

1----------swap the weekdays for the weekend------ie 5days off work each week!
2----------make chocolate an official food group!
3----------have people to do all my work,and Dm's, so I can spend more time lazing about with him and the kids!

dicksbro 03-29-2003 05:10 AM

1. Huge monitor to better view Pixie ladies pictures
2. Fast connection to reduce the wait time
3. Oh, yeah, a few million dollars in case I forgot anything.

denny 05-05-2003 11:57 PM

1. Become Legolas
2. Move to Brissie
3. Conscript Bilbo into the navy and keep him at sea.

Sugarsprinkles 05-06-2003 09:18 PM

1. Lose 150 lbs.!

2. Reverse my husband's lack of libido

3. Make love to him every day for the rest of our lives together. :)

Flynn 05-06-2003 11:37 PM

Oh, wow....where to begin? I've had so many ideas for so many years.... So in no particular order:

1. Regulate Jack Nicholson impressions. Jack is exempt, and therefore allowed to do as many impressions of himself as he wants. Christian Slater gets a special permit. Everyone else must be licensed.
2. Along similar lines, maybe have a task force dedicated to comedy. I'm not concerned about how clean or PC the content is--that's not the point at all. But if you have *anything* to say on stage about differences between men and woman, dogs and cats, white and black people, LA and NY...it better be DAMN funny or you will be fined.
3. Cut back on warning labels. Sure, we have to protect the children, but adults should watch out for themselves. If you think it's a good idea to use your hair dryer in the shower, go for it.
4. Have Bob Saget visit the palace once a week to be slapped by whoever wants a go.
5. Issue a decree to all media to henceforth refer to Marilyn Manson by his birth name of Brian Warner.
6. Make all telemarketing a crime, punishable by going to a special telemarketer's prison. Each cell has an self-answering speaker phone that can only be hung up by the caller. The prisoners would call each other in shifts, 24 hours a day.
7. Make spamming a crime, punishable by electric shock to the genitals.
8. Revel in my abuse of power with lots of other arbitrary, whimsical laws.

denny 08-08-2003 05:37 PM

1. Build a teleporter deck at my house.

2. Go to work as a dungeon remodeler.

3. Become a teacher in Lilith's school.

osuche 08-09-2003 11:36 PM

1. Make every man want me all the time

2. Make myself multi-orgasmic

3. Make myself tremendously happy and rich

4. travel the world ans sample men of all nations

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