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snoozycat7 06-10-2003 04:42 PM

Why won't he go down?
My boyfriend of 3 years won't go down on me. At first I thought it tasted bad, smelled, or even something I hadn't thought of, but I've tasted it and smelled it, my pussy is fine. I asked him too, and he just says that he doesn't feel like it or he's too tired. I need oral sex to cum becuase it takes a REALLY long time and if he just gets me started, rather than finishing me as well, I would be satisfied. This is starting to hurt my confidence because I feel like he doesn't want me anymore (btw, he used to do it ALL the time). When we finish, I usually get stuck finishing myself off, while he falls asleep. HELP!

Lilith 06-10-2003 04:45 PM

Poke him with a fork he's done!!!!! He does not care if you are satisfied???? What does he care about? I would hold out....no nothing til I got licked!I would be honest and open and direct. He can shape up or ship out!

airhog 06-10-2003 05:14 PM

If he refuses to lick, then you must not let him hit it.

Seriously, you need to sit down and talk with him about why he wont do it. Maybe he feels cheated because he goes down on you, but you never go down on him. I know I can get that way sometimes with my gf.

2-4-tea 06-10-2003 06:11 PM

thats his loss he is missing out on something great

Eliza 06-10-2003 07:20 PM

I agree! This would be deal breaker for me. No lickin..no stickin!
But really what's worse is the fact that he does not care if you are satisfied. I think there are some things you and your boyfriend need to talk about. It sounds like there is more to this situation than a simple unwillingness to preform oral sex. You should talk to your boyfriend..not about the oral thing right away..find out if there is something on his mind..or bothering him. It could be he's stressed for some reason? If this does not seem to be the case...approach the oral issue..when he is fully awake...and in a good mood...and discuss how important it is to you. Don't attack him w/ it...just try and explain how important it is to you and see if he comes around.
It this is a simple matter of taking you for granted and leaving you to take care of yourself... See Lilith's post above.

Originally posted by Lilith
He can shape up or ship out!

Good luck hun!

krzykrn 06-10-2003 10:33 PM

Hmm this is strange, you say he used to do it all the time...what has made him change his behavior? When did you notice him stopping? Maybe it is something mental, or he is worried about something, but doesn't want to tell you...and the little devil pops onto my shoulder and even whispers...could he be cheating on you? I have heard that behavior change can be caused by infidelity as well, but I am not saying that is the definite reason for his change of heart.

I would think after three years, he would be VERY intune with your body, your emotions, your desires...I don't know what to say except try talking to him again, the reason of being tired, or not feeling like it does not wash at all. You would think he would give you an honest answer after being with you for so long...and if that is the true answer, that he doesn't feel like it...I honestly would let him go...after all, what other things will he not feel like doing in your relationship as the years go by? I don't know, maybe I am putting too much stock on this, just what I think and feel.

Steph 06-11-2003 12:04 AM

I have to agree with krzykrn.

How is sex otherwise? Does he expect oral performed on him? Does he contribute to housework? Are you happy otherwise? Seems there is communication lacking . . . good luck, sweetie!

ericthered 06-11-2003 07:21 AM

It's hard to resist the thought that you have picked a bad one. Not so much that he doesn't like to go down (after all, I'm told there's some men that don't even like women!) but because he leaves you unsatisfied. That's not a thing you do to some-one you love.

Of course we don't know the rest of your life together etc etc, but I don't think I would tolerate the present situation for long....

skipthisone 06-11-2003 07:22 AM

If he doesnt lick you must not aquit

blastpdb 06-11-2003 09:30 AM

It sound like he has gotten to comfy. Time to change things up and take charge of the moment. First let him know how you feel and then act.

Like no sticken.
A little force BDSM if you into it.
Then Saying Bye Bye. I know 3 Years is a long time. But a life time of fustration is a lot longer. Maybe if his missing the yum yum then he'll wise up. Giving you what you need "A good tongue licking.
Good Luck.

cbass1976 06-11-2003 09:57 AM

if he hasn't gone down on you in 3 yrs....i wish you good luck

WildIrish 06-11-2003 10:48 AM

I would love to know what caused him to stop. You may never find out though. Bottom line is that you would like it and he doesn't want to do it. If a lady I was interested in would not let me give her oral, it would be a deal breaker. Unfortunately you can't read into the future or you wouldn't be dealing with love and emotional attachments. If you had known this up front, you might've dodged this bullet altogether.

PantyFanatic 06-11-2003 11:58 AM

That’s GREAT news snoozycat.
I hope all guys STOP sucking pussy!

…. That would make my life heaven.:D
(maybe when my time comes I will start a movement like that so I can leave this world with a smile on my face and covered with pussy cum.:rolleyes: )

… all kidding aside, I think what Eliza, krzykrn and others have said should be truly considered. Now is the time to sort out things that are so important.:(

Good luck hun:) ….. and call me if it doesn’t work out.:lust:

Grumble 06-12-2003 07:48 AM

I think that there has been some excellent advice given here.

it is one of my dearest pleasures to give oral as i know that my partner is being pleasured by it.

Communication is the answer if there is one. if you are not being satisfied then it is a big issue, it is a 2 player sport.
(well for me it is a 2 player sport anyway not commenting or judging other peoples dispositions in that area.)

jc3010 06-12-2003 09:44 PM

Similar circumstance
A similar thing happend with my girlfriend. No more lipsmakin on my captain happy. It stopped the same day she moved in with me. Curious, isn't it? I am a little bit better off than you in that i get off with straight sex. But this brings me to my next issue. The strange thing is... she dosn't want to cum anymore!!!!?? I can't comprehend it. When I try to do the things she usually gets off on, she stops me, and in addition she want's tons of "missionary sex" without orgasms. I love to make women cum. Lots of the same sex, without getting to feel my SR shudder in pleasure is boring as hell. Womens orgasms are fun fun fun. Life without them is like life without food and water.

Strange, I can't understand it. It makes no sense to me and she won't talk about it.

I can't offer you much advice, but try to get to the root of it sooner rather than later as this problem is getting to be worse every day. THis is my 10 ton pink elephant in the living room that one party ignores while the other is stunned

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