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Loulabelle 07-05-2006 01:33 AM

It looks probable that the 'little wriggler' is a boy!

She couldn't be certain since the little scamp was very wriggly and wouldn't let us have a good look, but she said she was about 75% sure she saw 'boy bits'!!!!

I know I said I'd love it to be a girl, but when she said boy, I wasn't surprised and instead I was just happy to think of him as a proper little person, not just an it.

We're going to have a snazzy 4D scan later on and that will probably show us for absolute definite, but in the meantime we're working on the assumption that it's going to be a mini-Fussy!!!!

lizzardbits 07-05-2006 02:01 AM

:baby: Well I can tell you that I am 100% thrilled for you and Fussy, no matter what bits the little one is born with. :baby:

:baby:Still, Isn't it absolutly AMAZING to take that little peek inside and see your little miracle?!?:baby:

:baby:How fun! much love to you three!:baby:


osuche 07-05-2006 02:10 AM

Congrats. I'll drink to boys (or girls) but HEALTHY and HAPPY is most important!


/me raises one for Lou

dm383 07-05-2006 03:20 AM

Originally Posted by osuche
Congrats. I'll drink to boys (or girls) but HEALTHY and HAPPY is most important!


/me raises one for Lou

/me Raises osuche's :wine: to :cheers: :cheers: (cos Lou obviously can't drink hers right now, so I'll have it!!)

Congrats, Lou & Fussy. As I said when asked if there was any specific gender I wanted - so long as s/he has the requisite bits and pieces and HEALTH, it don't matter a damn!! Good on yer girl!!


TinTennessee 07-05-2006 05:00 AM

Congratulations darlin'...I have two boys myself and happen to think they are wonderful! Like the rest said..as long as he/she is healthy that is really all that matters ..... So MOM, any ideas on names yet? "hugs"

nikki1979 07-05-2006 05:01 AM

CONGRATS!!! thats awsome!

dicksbro 07-05-2006 05:14 AM

Congratulations to you two. That is so neat. We're just happy for you lovers and for that little ... likely to be ... guy that's spending his summer in a climate controlled environment. :)

jseal 07-05-2006 05:40 AM


Congratulations to both of you! :wine: Osuche has it right about healthy. :)

sodaklostsoul 07-05-2006 05:57 AM

Very Cool!!!!!!!!!

imaginewithme 07-05-2006 06:06 AM

Awww congratulations!!!!

Lilith 07-05-2006 07:22 AM

YAY! So glad things are progressing well! I am so excted for all of you! ((hugs))

Eliza 07-05-2006 07:41 PM

Yea! Congrats you two! I was the same way.. I wanted a little girl. But fate delt me a boy and now I wonder what the hell I was thinking. I'm a boy Mom.. and he's my pride and joy. Just invest in bubble wrap!!!! :wobbly:

LixyChick 07-07-2006 04:48 AM

Yay! He didn't shoot the balls off! Not that that woulda been a bad thing...lol!

Oh...and Lou? Is there such a thing as a "mini-Fussy"? I think NOT! If ya know what I mean *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*.

Congratulations to the proud parents!!!!

Loulabelle 07-31-2006 12:40 PM

Sorry about the long absence folks...the day after I posted this our internet went down (turned out to be a problem with our modem - we think it got blasted in a power surge during an electrical storm).

Anyway, we're back now and I just wanted to say thanks for all the kind thoughts. We're having our 4D scan this Saturday so I'll post some pictures when we have them - can't believe we're actually going to be able to see our baby's face!

imaginewithme 07-31-2006 12:41 PM


How far along are you now?

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