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dicksbro 03-18-2014 04:41 AM

Idea of this game is for you to ask a "dumb" question ... and the next person posts a snappy (sarcastic?) answer. Then, after you answer, you ask the next 'dumb question' for the next person. For example:

A guy is walking down the street and sees another coming his way. "Hi, out for a walk?"

The next person posting might answer:

"Nah. Just trying to see how many steps it takes to wear out the soles of my shoes."

Now ... your turn.

A lady comes into the office at 10AM and sees her boss. She asks, "Am I late?".

The boss answers, " ... "

gekkogecko 03-18-2014 11:37 AM

No, we readjusted the time frame of the entire universe so you'd be on time.

"Can I ask you a question?"

dicksbro 03-18-2014 02:25 PM

Thank heavens that's out of your system now. Glad you didn't ask for two.

I see you got out your spreader and fertilizer. Are you getting ready to do some yard work?

BIBI 03-20-2014 01:44 AM

That is a brilliant deduction Einstein!

Those are nice flowers. Did you buy them for you wife?

dicksbro 03-20-2014 02:59 AM

No, I got them to help decorate the garbage can and make it smell better.

Hey, neighbor, taking your dog for a walk?

BIBI 03-20-2014 07:14 AM

Are you always an idiot, or just when I'm around?

Where are you going with that picnic basket?

(this game is making me feel bad)

gekkogecko 03-20-2014 09:57 AM

Hop in, I'll explain why it's getting warmer.

(after seeing someone stub his/her toe):
Did you do that deliberately?

dicksbro 03-21-2014 02:26 AM

Yes, it's such a nice way to get attention.

Is that the sun shining this morning?

gekkogecko 03-21-2014 05:16 PM

No, we surgically implanted LEDs in your eyelids while you were sleeping.

(From a person just barely not falling-down drunk):
Should I have one more for the road?

dicksbro 03-22-2014 01:32 AM

Absolutely. Roads get thirsty this time of day.

Seeing a neighbor at the gas station, he asked, "Going somewhere?"

PantyFanatic 03-22-2014 08:58 AM

No. I'm already here.

Walking in and sitting down at the bar when the barkeep walk over and asks "Do you want a drink?"

gekkogecko 03-22-2014 01:16 PM

No, I'm a priest. I'm waiting for a minister and a rabbi to join me.

And actual question I was asked when I was helping staff a wildlife education display:

"Does that owl, have like, *feathers* ?"

I would loved to have had a snappy answer, but I couldn't, because I had to run behind the display, because you're not allowed to laugh in the public's face.

dicksbro 03-22-2014 03:25 PM

I asked one once but he wouldn't answer. In fact, he seemed to think the whole question was a real "hoot" and said as much.

Is that an ant hill forming in that crack in the sidewalk?

BIBI 03-25-2014 02:43 AM

No, it a new volcano forming...

I see your house is for sale. Are you moving?

dicksbro 03-25-2014 04:24 AM

No, the sign is just there to fool people.

Oh, I see you've intently watching whatever is on TV, do you mind if I interrupt you and tell you about my day at the office?

gekkogecko 03-25-2014 01:03 PM

Oh, I don't mind at all, could you just defenestrate yourself from the 18th floor first?

As you are getting on a hat, scarf & gloves in the middle of winter:
"Are you going out?"

dicksbro 03-26-2014 04:02 AM

No, I just wanted to get overheated.

As you go up to the store cashier with a full shopping cart she asks:

"Did you find everything you wanted?"

You answer:

"No, so I just put a bunch of stuff in the cart I didn't want so I could return it all as soon as I finish purchasing it."

gekkogecko 03-26-2014 07:07 AM

"Did you forget to ask a question ?"

PantyFanatic 03-26-2014 08:08 AM

No, he wrote it with disappearing ink. :wink:

While I was standing on a ladder with a roller in hand she walked across the drop cloth and asked "are you painting today?"

dicksbro 03-27-2014 04:18 AM

No, I needed new carpet but it's so expensive and so I'm using a drop cloth to cover the old floor and the roller to smooth it out.

Seeing a lady walking with her dog on a leash, "Walking your dog, mamm?"

gekkogecko 03-27-2014 11:04 AM

No, I left my dog at home while I kidnapped this one from my neighbor down the street.

Upon smelling & seeing smoke coming out of th toaster:
Hey, did you burn your toast?

dicksbro 03-28-2014 03:19 AM

No, the bread is taking revenge on the toaster and frying it's heating elements.

You see your neighbor walking their dog and ask, "Taking your dog for a walk?"

scotzoidman 04-04-2014 10:08 PM

No, I'm bringing my cat home from his species-change operation.

Someone sees you changing a tire & asks, "Have a flat tire?"

(BTW, I used to love these in Mad Magazine...Al Jaffee was a comic genius)

BIBI 04-04-2014 10:55 PM

no, the tires are dirty and it's time to change them

Even though your feeling fine someone asks....why do you look so unhappy?

dicksbro 04-05-2014 12:00 AM

I'm not unhappy, I'm just smiling upside down.

Carrying your umbrella on a dark and cloudy day someone asks, "Is it suppose to rain?"

gekkogecko 04-05-2014 08:23 AM

No, but I'm carrying my sword umbrella because my sword cane is int he shop.

Asking of several people at a single-route bus stop:
"Has the bus come yet?"

BIBI 04-05-2014 07:15 PM

No, but it's breathing heavy!

Why is there steam coming out of the sewers?

scotzoidman 04-05-2014 09:56 PM

It's trying to get away from the awful smell (sorry, that's all I got...kind of odd question)

You walk in, dripping wet, & someone says, "Is it raining outside?"

dicksbro 04-06-2014 12:05 AM

No, I'm just perspiring a lot.

You've in a restaurant and the waitress/waiter comes to your table and asks, "May I take your order?"

PantyFanatic 04-06-2014 08:36 AM

Yes. 'Paint my house' :D ............... or bring me a hamburger & chocolate shake. ;)

Someone walks into the room while you are sitting in front of the keyboard and looking at the monitor- "Are you on that computer again?"

gekkogecko 04-06-2014 09:42 AM

No, this is just a convenient place to meditate with my eyes open.

Another actual question, asked of someone sitting in a Panera Bread internet lounge with an electric blanket:
"Is it cold in here?"

BIBI 04-06-2014 10:10 AM

Originally Posted by scotzoidman
It's trying to get away from the awful smell (sorry, that's all I got...kind of odd question)

You walk in, dripping wet, & someone says, "Is it raining outside?"

is it odd or is your imagination lacking for the question lol

dicksbro 04-08-2014 12:48 AM

Going back to our last question, "On the computer again?"

A: Heck no. It's not even real comfortable here on this chair.

Q: Looking at cameras in a case, the clerk asks: Can I get anything for you?

gekkogecko 04-08-2014 08:59 AM

Yes, you can get naked so I can take your picture with one of these cameras.

After falling down, smacking your face ont he pavement and giving yourself a bloody nose:
"Are you all right?"

dicksbro 04-10-2014 01:44 AM

No, I have an itch on my left foot.

Q: Seeing you get out of a shiny new car with dealer plates, your asked, "Thinking of getting a new car?"

gekkogecko 04-10-2014 10:49 AM

Yep, my mind is so powerful, I thought this one right into existence in my driveway!

I had no shoes and I wept. Then I met a man with no feet. So I said, "Hey, man, got any shoes you're not using?"

dicksbro 04-11-2014 02:02 AM

No, my dog always uses my old shoes as chew toys once I tire of them.

Can you believe at 3 in the morning it's still dark outside?

PantyFanatic 04-11-2014 09:09 AM

Yes, unless my bed slid to the south pole during the night. :rolleyes:

While sitting on a bench at dusk and staring out over the lake someone asks "watching the sun set?".

dicksbro 04-11-2014 11:07 AM

Nah, I've seen my son sit many times. Nothing new in that.

Seeing the person staring at the television set he asked, "Whatcha' watching?"

dicksbro 05-25-2014 03:46 AM

Nothing, I was just waiting for a power failure and didn't want to miss it.

Running the vacuum in the living room, your SO/spouse asks: "Doing some cleaning?"

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