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dicksbro 04-06-2014 12:23 AM

Happy Honen Matsuri

In Japan, it's time for that festival of festivals ... the Honen Matsuri Festival ... nicknamed the ...


Actually a fertility festival seeking a good harvest from their gods, the day is highlighted with an annually carved 8-foot phallus paraded
through the streets of Komaki less than an hour from Nagoya at the Tagata Shrine. The festival dates back almost 1,500 year.

It's considered good luck to rub the phallus and make a wish.

Since we don't have the festival here, any of you ladies that's wanting to make a wish,
I'm sure many of us Pixie guys would consider making the sacrifice and offer ours up for wish making. :)

Aren't we nice? ;)

dicksbro 04-06-2014 01:07 AM

I figure I better get a quick poem written. Maybe not as inspiring as I'd like but ... hey ... it's early.

The Penis

Designed to be a trooper
When near a lovely lass,
It feels her hand caress it’s skin,
Or strokes it’s rigid shaft.

It’s wonderful how hard it gets,
Yet its head remains so smooth.
It twitches to a special beat,
When slipping past her moistened groove.

Primed with life’s milky seed,
And straining from desire,
You can tell, when he moans and groans,
That it’s ready to … contract and fire.

No longer able to resist the urge,
The muscles tighten quick,
And spurts of lotion pure and white,
Erupt from his ecstatic dick.

Soon the thrill subsides and then,
His breathing lessens some.
And he relishes the joy he felt,
As he shared his sticky cum.

BIBI 04-06-2014 01:19 AM

LOL db....and Happy Penis Day!!!

dicksbro 04-06-2014 03:21 AM

The Willies Wanted Medoly
To help celebrate this special day, here's an animation you might enjoy. It's called "Willies Wanted Melody." It's really cute.


BIBI 04-06-2014 08:30 AM

Hilarious dicksbro!!!!! The whole video was great...:)

Loved the river scene and the drunk passed out! Thanks for the giggles!

What would we do with out You Tube?

grotochp 04-07-2014 02:34 PM

Very funny video looked like it said its a series ill have to watch more LOL.

gigi 04-07-2014 06:27 PM


Complete with photos. And lollies.

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