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Tuna19 04-22-2004 08:43 AM

NHL Play-off Fever!
Alright everybody, its finally spring and the NHL play-offs are well under way. Since I'm a good ol' Canadian boy I love talking about hockey, but I was wondering if there are any fellow hockey fans here in pixies, and if so who are you cheering for?

Anyways, here are my predictions for the second round
Detroit vs. Calgary (Detroit in Five)
San Jose vs. Colorado (Colorado in Six)
Toronto vs. Philadelphia (Toronto in Six)
Montreal vs. Tampa Bay (Montreal in Seven)

This year the cup is coming home to CANADA! GO LEAFS!

gekkogecko 04-22-2004 09:11 AM

Lots of us hockey fans here. Several of us have threads on this theme, so another thread isn't going to bother any of us.

My picks are:
Detroit in five.
San Jose in six.
Toronto in six.
Tampa Bay in seven.

Interesting that we have similar game numbers, but I really want to see Detroit take the Cup this year.

thedog 04-22-2004 10:19 AM

I lived in Philadelphia during the 70s and watched the Flyers take the cup twice.

Remember "Only God saves more than Parent?" Oh, then there was Kate singing "God Bless America."

As much as I like the Canadian teams (especially that win over the Bruins), I gotta go with the Flyers.

Aqua 04-22-2004 12:01 PM

The only series that matters much to me is the one Colorado is playing in... San Jose is goin' down.

Fire Ze Missiles!!!

Sugarsprinkles 04-22-2004 06:15 PM

GO WINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That being said, I have to say I HATE ABC and their freakin' "regional coverage"!!!!!!!

Instead of getting to watch my beloved Red Wings Saturday afternoon, I'm stuck watching the Avs/Sharks game. This is the only time of the year I wish I still lived in HOCKEYTOWN. (That's Detroit, for the uninitiated :D )

I'm rooting for Toronto and Montreal........would love for Detroit to meet either one in the Finals. An Original Six Finals would be excellent!! And a Toronto/Detroit Finals would be the absolute ultimate! :hot:

I don't think I have to say who I'm rooting for in the Avs/Sharks series. :D:D:D (Sorry Aqua........I just can't cheer for the Avs), but I do think the Avs will take the series. Then on to a Wings/Avs Conference Final. :D:D (go wings :D, Aqua :D )

thedog 04-22-2004 08:27 PM

Hi Sugar,

Even tho I like the Flyers, I still root for the WINGS. They are great. And also, the Wings are one of the original six. All the rest of them except for the Bruins, Canadiens, Leafs, Blackhawks (love them too - nothing like a game in the old Blackhawk stadium ... the noise), and New York. The rest are all expansion.

Remember Red Kelly? Wow.

There is absolutely nothing, NOTHING like playoff hockey!!!!!


And BTW, what the hell is regional coverage in Detroit if they're not covering a regional game?

Not on ESPN I or II either?

Sugarsprinkles 04-22-2004 08:52 PM


I don't live in Detroit now. I moved to Branson, MO about 18 mos. ago. I love it here, except for the lack of hockey coverage.

Red Kelly was a little before my time, but I did get to see a few games at the old Olympia Stadium.

And no, the games on Saturday afternoon are all on ABC. No alternative but to watch the 'Lanche. :( :mad:

aflyerfan 04-23-2004 12:44 AM

Im gonna say that I think the Flyers are going all the way. I cant believe 2 people said Leafs in 6. I guess we will have to wait and see. I definitely think the Leafs need Sundin back to make it interesting.

naughtyangel 04-23-2004 03:04 PM

I have married into a Canadiens family. If I so much as dare to utter a syllable that might be taken as saying Montreal may not win a game, I'm subject to torture-by-incessent-Habs-trivia. Both husband and toddler wear their Habs jerseys every playoff game day, regardless of where they're going, or what they're doing (though the toddler gets to take his off at meal times, in respect for the jersey due to the toddler's messiness).
Therefore, I have to chime in with a rousing GO HABS GO!!!

*though I will admit I was a Habs fan even before I got married

Tuna19 04-23-2004 04:00 PM

Wow, theres lots of wings fans here in Pixies. I repect the wings because they definetly have a good team with alot of good players. I just dislike them because all those old guys on the team have won several stanley cups already, they are getting old and its time to retire. Its time for one of the other, younger teams to win the cup!

Sugarsprinkles 04-23-2004 04:32 PM

Originally posted by Tuna19
Wow, theres lots of wings fans here in Pixies. I repect the wings because they definetly have a good team with alot of good players. I just dislike them because all those old guys on the team have won several stanley cups already, they are getting old and its time to retire. Its time for one of the other, younger teams to win the cup!

Yeah, there are more than a few players on the Wings who have won 3 Stanley Cups. But the Wings also have a lot of young players who haven't won a Cup yet. And don't forget Steve Yzerman played for fourteen years before winning it the first time. There are still a few members of the Av's who have won two Stanley Cups.
But I thought winning the Stanley Cup was about skill and stamina, not about deserving to win because a team is younger or not deserving to win because you're old and have won it before.

thedog 04-23-2004 04:56 PM

Flyers 3 -- Leafs 1 (Yea!)
Calgary 2 -- Wings 1 (in OT)

Overtime playoff hockey is always a heart stopper.

Sorry Sugar - but it's only Game 1


In 1954, Marguerite Norris, President of the Detroit club, becomes the first woman ever to be presented with the Stanley Cup. She also becomes the first female to have her name engraved on the Cup.

Sugarsprinkles 04-23-2004 07:13 PM

Originally posted by thedog
Flyers 3 -- Leafs 1 (Yea!)
Calgary 2 -- Wings 1 (in OT)

Sorry Sugar - but it's only Game 1

I'm not in a panic, thedog, not at all. I realize it's only Game 1. In 2002, the Wings lost the first two games to Vancouver and still went on to win the Cup. But I will admit, Curtis Joseph doesn't inspire a lot of confidence, at least not with me.

Marge Norris............ whose family the old Norris Division was named for, and sister of Bruce Norris who ran the Red Wings into the ground so badly that they became the laughing stock of the League and known as The Dead Things in the '70s. Thank God they sold out to Mike and Marian Ilitch.

Tuna19 04-23-2004 08:27 PM

Winning the stanley cup isn't about being the younger team and who deserves to win. I just don't like Detroit, I dislike their style of play mostly. I perfer the faster teams that rely on speed. Unfortunetly the Oilers didn't make the cut ( :( ) so Calgary is as close as I'm gonna get.

Tuna19 04-23-2004 08:30 PM

Those old guys are past their prime anyways, they are getting old. LoL Time to retire with their millions and let some of the younger, faster players into the league. I'd rather see a team with hardly any veteran big-name big-payroll players win the cup over Detroit always

Anyways, I'm going out to drink Canadian beer and watch the Montreal - Tampa Bay game on HNIC. Have a good night everyone!

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