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1nutworld 08-27-2008 11:59 AM

Beer muscle
Hi everyone.

I'm sure this has probably been covered before, but I can't seem to find it.

I've decided that I'm tired of having dunlop disease- (my belly has done lopped over my belt).

I'm trying to stop my midnight snacking and eating a meal past 10pm. That is the first step.

as I see it the next step is finding a way to get rid of the fat that currently occupies my midsection. I dont have a gym membership, or an exercise machine. do I need to get rid of the fat somehow before I start a real exercise regimine? Or will the exercising get rid of the fat or will it just build (tone?) muscle under the existing fat?

anyone have any suggestions?

Some good exercises that will help rid the love handles?

Will aroebic exercise also be of any help? Walking around the neighborhood and things like that?

I just dont know where to start.

I'm not fat, but could stand to lose 10 -20 lbs that are just "hjanging" around.

Thanks everyone.

Lilith 08-27-2008 03:02 PM

I'm fatso that is my perspective. I took an extremely strenuous class this summer for 3 months. I was out of shape horrifically to begin with and was prepared for how bad I'd be hurting. I was hurting pretty bad but I just stuck with it. It got easier but being so out of shape meant it took me longer to get adjusted to the pace. I gained 15 pounds while taking the class but I can kick the living shit out of just about anyone. I scare me :D Under my squishy soft layer is a lot of really solid muscle now. I would suggest you start a cardio regimen first and drop what you can before you start lifting if you are going to lift.

citrus 08-27-2008 07:28 PM

The weight is distributed out to the entire body. 10 to 20 lbs off might make a little difference at the waistline. Your idea to shed the spare tire is good. To be more specific, target your midsection by adding exercises that tighten up the torso, front, SIDES and back. The "abs in five minutes" regimes are fun gimmicks that are good until they aren't effective for sustaining your lifestyle activity level. Be sure to use a smaller plate when you eat, don't fill the plate completely and stop short of taking the last bite from your plate. Chew slightly slower and a bit longer. Drink a full 8oz glass of water in the minute immediately preceeding your commencement of eating that meal. Have fun? Good luck!

PantyFanatic 08-27-2008 08:37 PM

Originally Posted by Lilith
.....I can kick the living shit out of just about anyone. I scare me :D Under my squishy soft layer ....

She scared the hell out of me too. :doorpeek:

jseal 08-27-2008 09:30 PM


If you want to lose weight, you must eat fewer calories than you use. This is easier said than done. That is why programs such as Weight Watchers and similar programs are successful. The good news is that they do most of the hard work for you. The bad news is that they cost real money.

If you want to roll your own, I recommend that you read a book called "The Complete University Medical Diet" by Maria Simonson, who used to be the director of The Health, Weight and Stress program at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions. Published back in 1983, you can purchase it used at amazon.com for half of nothing.

Exercise will help. You should try to get 30 minutes of moderate activity five times a week.

All of this, including the commercial programs will only be effective if you stick with it/them for three months or more.

Good luck!

Loulabelle 08-28-2008 02:41 AM

I lost about 40lbs by cutting down my portion sizes, eating less processed food, not eating less than 3 hours before bedtime and walking at least half an hour a day.

It saved me money (as I'd cook a meal that would have done us 2 meals and I'd have enough left overs for the following day) and helped me look and feel much better. Nothing faddy, just motivation to be a healthier, happier person.

denny 08-29-2008 07:41 PM

I would recommend Weight Watchers. The emphasis is on healthy diet scaled down to help you lose. The classes provide helpful info and the weekly weigh-in makes you think about what you are doing during the week.

1nutworld 08-30-2008 09:04 AM

Thanks everyone! I'm going to be trying the ABS Diet, and work out plan, it seems to have the most exercises that didnt require equipment, that i dont have.

it also has a chapter, from what I read, that deals with people like me who have a "build up" in that area...

now all I have to do is get off my lazy ass and make myself better.

Wish me luck!

Scarecrow 08-30-2008 06:50 PM

Nut, you have heard of 6pack abs, well I have them all beat with a keg belly. And I have spent more time on it than any of those dudes with 6pack abs. :roflmao:

FlirtWithMe 09-01-2008 02:01 AM

Great advice already given :nod: Look at the snacks you're eating also, and prepare them so you've always got something to munch on if you're eating out of boredom or snacking due to lack of time for a proper meal. Take carrot sticks, an apple, a small banana, even a boiled egg out with you, so if you feel you NEED to eat something and it's not mealtime, you've got something healthy to snack on.

What citrus suggested about a smaller plate, smaller portions, and drinking water before you eat is very effective, I found :nod:

In addition to all that, I have a few pounds to lose also (a few being an understatement!), so if you chase me around the block a few times every morning before work, we'll both shed some of the excess ;)

1nutworld 09-01-2008 04:07 PM

OK. So here I am on day 1 of the plan.

I missed breakfast, but had a snack(smoothie), followed by lunch 90 minutes later. I had my afternoon snack (smootie) and will be eating dinner in another hour. I'll have a snack before bed so I will eat 5 of the 6 scheduled meals on the plan.

I'm 42 years old, 5' 11 1/2" and weighed 192 lbs on the scale today. BMI of 26.8. 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight.

On the plus side, I also went for a 1.25 mile walk today and came back relatively good as far as heartbeat went and not breathing too labored.

Its only day one but despite feeling hungry,I've not eaten anything that isnt a part of the plan, just added a 1.5oz box of raisins in addition to the normal diet schedule. I'm also foregoing my usual coke or faygo for flavored water.

Lilith 09-01-2008 04:38 PM

If the flavored water is prepackaged and contains high fructose corn syrup or sugar you might as well have drank the coke. Raisins are high in sugar as well. Fresh fruit is a better option if you have it around.

Good job on your first day. I am getting back to it as well today.

1nutworld 09-01-2008 05:25 PM

Thanks Lil! I'm cutting up watermelon and cantalope that are on the diet for snacks. I'll have to check with the program about the falvored water

Coastie 09-13-2008 07:34 PM

I know dasani makes a flavoured water that uses Splenda instead of sugar and they actually taste pretty good. But yeah I agree with everything said above.

- You have to burn more calories than you consume. So in theory you could just diet.. or just exercise and do that but the best bet is to do a little bit of both.

- Portion size is the big killer, the majority of Americans eat way too large of portions. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/po...control/NU00267 I like the idea of using a smaller plate, but take smaller portions on the meats and carbs, bulk up on the veggies and fruits.

- Meat especially, you need protein but you should could back on the red meats if you eat them alot. Fish is good, but you need to be concerned about eating too much fish too because of mercury http://www.epa.gov/waterscience/fish/advice/

- That being said as a supplement lots of people have good things to say about Fish Oil, you can get a low-smell no-taste pill so it's not as bad as it might sound.

- Drinking a glass of water before you eat can also help you feel full sooner. That being said, drink more water period many people are border line dehydrated http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/water/NU00283. Drinking more water actually burns calories too! http://walking.about.com/cs/howtolo...water011204.htm no calories in, but you body expends calories using it.

- I think your on the right path with your book, and yes you should definitely start exercising now (though you may want to see your doctor before starting anything too intense if you've been pretty sedentary). Focuses exercises won't necessary help you shed your middle bulk any faster, people store their fat differently. So more working out on the abs isn't necessarily going to help you shed weight faster, the experts argue it both ways. Building up your core is important for all around fitness, most everything is helped by having a stronger mid-section.

- 3-5 times a week for at least 30 weeks of moderate or more cardio is good, you can start off with just walking now. Your options are more limited without a gym, jogging/running can be high impact on your joints if your overweight. I try to switch up my working out with swimming/exercise bike/elliptical trainer but my knees are big banged up from my Army days so I can't run as much as I'd like.

- Most importantly, you have to do something that you can stick with, make gradual but permanent lifestyle changes. Giving up everything you like (sweets, carbs) and going on some funky diet is doomed to failure. Don't expect to lose huge amounts of weight right away and don't get disappointed when you don't. You should lose 1-2 lbs a week with diet and exercise. Make goals for yourself, celebrate when you reach them. Keeping us posted on your status will be good motivation for yourself, and you can get support from those of us who may have already gone through it! :)

rabbit 09-20-2008 03:49 PM

Originally Posted by Loulabelle
I lost about 40lbs by cutting down my portion sizes, eating less processed food, not eating less than 3 hours before bedtime and walking at least half an hour a day.

Great formula for success here. Portion control + exercise is the key.

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