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TDK 10-09-2001 04:12 AM

Who Has met?
im just windering how many of of the people here have met each other and maybe have had some experiences from meeting each other???

Oldfart 10-09-2001 06:43 AM

Re: Who Has met?

Nearest poster seems about 3000km away.


Prophet Reality 10-09-2001 11:10 AM

Have met several people here, but only one of them in person. And things just didn't go that great. But I have talked to a couple of people online outside of here and truly wish that I oculd meet them in person.

Nubian 10-09-2001 11:29 AM

Haven't met...
but have (and is developing) some warm friendships. Pixies just can't be beat.

Irish 10-09-2001 11:50 AM

Who Has met?
I haven't met anyone personally;but it is amazing;how well that
you can get to know someone;just by the threads; that they
write and the different views that they express.It's just like in
politics,religion and every other thing.There are opinions; that
you agree with and those that you don't.As I get older;I find that
just because;someones opinion;differs from mine;that doesn't
make them a bad person.When;I was alot younger;I thought that
;if you thought different than me.You were wrong. Irish

Lovediva 10-09-2001 06:48 PM

I have only met Ripcord...it was at Amournow's funeral...God rest her soul..

But it sure would be nice to get together with everyone here and have a couple of drinks...oh ya..pepsi for Irish..and talk about the "Oh my God..I can't beleive I posted that pic..what the hell was I thinking!?!?" :D

All in all...I would love to meet my extended family here!

Irish 10-10-2001 07:52 AM

Who Has met?
LoveDiva4u---I hate Pepsi!Besides;I have to have diet anything;
because I am diabetic.My wife and both daughters love Pepsi.
Also;I do weight lifting;and with the help of Slim-Fast;I have
gotten my weight down to 212lbs.(SF Powder&skim milk)Believe
me,it's not fat.I am not going to enter;any contests)at my age but
I have found that; regular exercise;keeps my blood pressure and
blood suger lower.It also helps my pride in my personal appear-
ance.They say"Use it or lose it."That's a good excuse for mastur-
bating(at least)once daily anyway!Just kidding!Thanks for thinking
of me,anyway! Irish

jaymz 10-10-2001 06:13 PM

I haven't met anybody from thsi forum, but i have met about 10 people from online at parties and such. It has been great fun, at first it's kind of nervous, but after 10 minutes, its just like talking over the internet. I recommend it, in the right circumstances etc of course.

RipCord 10-17-2001 08:23 AM

I knew Amournow personally. We had lost contact for awhile and I was looking for some stories and I noticed a sweet sexy ass posted and I knew right away who she was!!

Unfortunetly our reunion was short lived. I miss her alot.

I also met Diva, at the funeral...a beautiful, sexy woman!
Who keeps me coming back here for more all the time!

Prophet Reality 10-17-2001 08:48 PM

Rip.. I am jealous...Would have loved to have meet AmourNow.... heard a lot of good things about her. And to be lucky enough to meet LoveDiva... wow you lucky dog you.

Lovediva 10-18-2001 07:54 AM

Awwww guys... you like making me blush???

Thanks for your sweet remarks!!

rabbit 10-21-2001 08:59 PM

not yet
No, I haven't met anyone live but have met a few on-line. I actually exchanged photos with one person (she knows who she is...*grin*) but that is as far as I have gone. Like Diva, I would enjoy meeting everyone in the flesh, under the right circumstances of course.

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