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nancy 01-21-2002 12:55 AM

my husband likes to watch me being fucked - what do you think

souls_cry2000 01-21-2002 01:01 AM

honestly i could handle my lady with another woman better than i could another man. it kinda tugs at my heart the wrong way. i may be a bit on the insecure side. these are probably feelings felt by anyone who's on the other end of it.

souls cry

scotzoidman 01-21-2002 01:54 AM

Re: sharing
Originally posted by nancy
my husband likes to watch me being fucked - what do you think
I'm not the jealous type, so I don't think it would bother me to watch her - in fact, I have a fantasy of watching (don't think I could actually partipate, just watch) her play out her fantasy of taking two men at once...

dv847 01-21-2002 01:59 AM

I think I wanna watch too!There is something that is inordantly beautiful in sharing/watching the sexual interaction of a couple,especially when you know one or even both of them.
May I help?


ROCKHARD 01-21-2002 02:24 PM

Im with Souls Cry...
I could get into my wife with another women, but not with another man.

Prophet Reality 01-21-2002 10:38 PM

I could handle watching either, just as long as eventually I got to participate too. NOT with another guy per se, but sharing my lasy with another guy.

Wally 01-23-2002 08:09 AM

I think...
I think I wanna be the one he watches!

And I can't believe I'm the first one to say that!

Seriously, what I think... what I wonder is do you enjoy it, Nancy?

Irish 01-23-2002 08:48 AM

It's just the way that I feel but I couldn't or wouldn't share my
wife with anyone!Maybe I'm old fasioned but I didn't marry her to
share her!If I'm not enough for her then she can move on.I am
still of the(romantic)belief that there is only one person in the
world;that is destined for you!Who else could or would put up
with all that I have pulled;and stand by me? Irish

Lovediva 01-23-2002 08:53 AM

It's just the way that I feel but I couldn't or wouldn't share my wife with anyone!

Ahhhh...... But the question is Irish....Will your wife share you with me???? :D :D :D ;) :p

Heeheeheee...... ;)

Irish 01-23-2002 09:32 AM

No!There have been a few instances of mutual masturbation and
oral sex(on me)since our marriage;that she has found out about;
and;although;you normally wouldn't think that she would act the
way she did;she was extremely pissed off and jealous!(possesive) Irish

Sunshine_Girl18 01-23-2002 08:31 PM

Re: sharing
Since I first had sex at 15, I have often been shared, and I really enjoy it

Aqua 01-23-2002 08:39 PM

Welcome to Pixies Sunshine Girl...

Good to see you're jumping right in... :)

My first time having sex was in a threesome with a friend who was into sharing his g/f. It worked for him... and me for that matter!
I think if it works for you, great! :D

looga 01-24-2002 07:00 PM

Sun Shine Girl:) You have to be a Q'lander:) :) :)
Life is great and sharing is one of the things that is not taxed in this country.
I also started on the sharing trail as a teenager and have many fond recolections of encounters.
KEEP ON SHARING and enjoy a full life, :rolleyes:

Prophet Reality 01-25-2002 01:38 AM

Welcome Sunshine Girl! I think sharing is all right, as long as all parties are agreeable. I would love to have a woman in my life that would want to share herself and me with another or others.

thefireman 01-26-2002 03:14 AM

My wife and I tried sharing each other last fall. It was pretty cool. The first time we got together with the other couple, we just did alot of kissing. Wife was kind of jealous seeing me kiss someone else. I WAS enjoying myself.
The next time we met with them we went for it. We just swapped wives for the evening. She loved it. It was so much fun to see her with that other guy. I never thought in a million years that I would like to see my girl sucking on another guy or riding him for all she was worth. It was just cool to see her really cut loose and enjoy herself. And it was just sex. Thats it. We never once questioned each others love. I must admit I was a bit jealous at first, but it passed very quickly.
She had fun watching me with the other wife also. The next time, we tried to do things that included the whole group together. MFM, FMF, and variations with all four of us. Also the wives did each other. It was the first time for both of them. What a treat.
But before we decided to share each other, we talked about it for a long time. About what we would allow to happen and how far things would go, if we even ever found someone that would be willing to share. We made sure we were very open with each other, especially while we were screwing this other couple. We would contact them the next day to make sure everyone was comfortable with what happened the night before.
I use to be a bit jealous and protective, but this experience has loosened me up alot and has improved our sex live and our relationship. The key is trust and open communication. So it is not for everyone.
Hope we get to do it again soon!!!!
Sorry, didn't mean to ramble.

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