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LonelyHeart 11-20-2002 11:42 PM

How can I get with my bestfriend?
I mean she is beautiful and shes got the best personality i have ever saw in a person. Yet she tells me she has this thing about mixing friends with relationship type people. Is there anything i can do and not that it helps does anyone want a pic of us together?

Wisper 11-21-2002 10:42 PM

i can understand her not wanting to mix friends and relationships b/c it's somtimes hard to be friends w/ an ex if you guys didn't work out in a relationship.....what i think you should find out is if she has any feeling for you as more than a friend, if there could possibly be somthing there between you two, and go from there...have you told her how you feel, you should if you haven't, """while finding love lots of chances are taken and lots of tears are shed, its a part of life, if a person goes through their life not taking that chance then they never fully live, a life w/out love or at least seeking it is usuall not worth living"""" my opinion
so good luck

buckminster 11-26-2002 12:22 PM

Re: How can I get with my bestfriend?
Originally posted by LonelyHeart
I mean she is beautiful and shes got the best personality i have ever saw in a person. Yet she tells me she has this thing about mixing friends with relationship type people. Is there anything i can do and not that it helps does anyone want a pic of us together?

Sorry dude, my experience in that situation is that you are hosed.

Once a guy is in the dreaded 'nice guy/friend' category, women don't seem to think ya got a dick. They will fuck the "macho, bad boy, asshole" guys but not the "nice" male friends. The fact that you are probably perceived by her as being a little "emotionally needy" right now doesn't help either. Time to move on to other women.

Ya know, I have only had two "friendships" with woman that began as sexual relationships that evolved into really great friendships that happen to include fooling around. I really liked this kind of arrangement but I don't think this is typical. (Plus my friend Kim is the best lover I've ever known..) Oh well...

sanchez 11-26-2002 12:28 PM

ya, my 2 best friends are going out with eachother, and I absolutely love her, and well... they've both beeen my best friends since like.... 2nd grade :b... but I've always liked her... the worst thing was i never let her know, and now i have to put up with knowing she's fucking my best friend.... ay yi yi

ericthered 12-12-2002 09:56 PM

Afraid I'd have to go with Buckminster. Seen it happen a million times. A girl will NEVER take the good friend/nice guy over some bad dude who doesn't seem to care much about her.

Console yourself with the fact that women can be stupid as well, and just avoid her. If she calls, pretend you don't care about her but offer her a date. But don't hold your breath because it won't happen.

Oldfart 12-13-2002 01:04 PM

Until you rid yourself of your good-guy image, you're out of the game.

You have to get her to see you as sexy and exciting, thus desirable.

This will only happen when she sees you with other women having

the greatest fun, maybe kicking off a jealousy thing.

Distance yourself from her just a little, find a great girlfriend, stop obsessing

and maybe the new girlfriend'll emotionally wipe the floor with her.

Even if she doesn't, you're in a worthwhile relationship which has to be better

than the dependable wallflower approach.

Aqua 12-13-2002 01:15 PM

I must concur with Buckminster also. It sounds as if she has made a point to let you know "she has a thing." That's the same as her saying I don't want to date you. She wouldn't have said that to you if she was interested in you as anything more. If you really desire her... well, I hate to say it, but you need to not see her or spend time with her. You will just end up with emotional hurt otherwise. Not intentional on her part, but she'll be so hapy to tell you ALL about the new guy she is dating. How sweet he is, how he is so cool, how she wants to spend her life with him. This will wreck you emotionally... Leave the situation before this happens. Wish I had better advice... Good Luck!

Irish 12-13-2002 07:18 PM

I mostly agree with Wisper!Nothing ventured,Nothing gained.I agree with OF that you have to get rid of the"Good Guy"image
but I disagree with letting her see you having a good time with
another girl.Some women are very romantic and she might not
want to ruin a nice relationship for you.On the other hand,she might be competative.Only you know. Irish

NYStud 12-14-2002 11:20 PM

Damn... if I didn't know better I would think you were all talking about me. Why am I home on a Saturday night... when it's one of my best friends birthdays? Because she recently started dating this new guy... and not me. She's out with him and all my friends, and I couldn't bare to see it.

I'd like to give you advice and say to tell her how you feel before it's too late... or treat her like shit, because girls seem to like that... ignore her, make her jealous.... but I couldn't do it, I like her too much.

dzbuster 12-15-2002 01:51 AM

if you use words you most likely won't get anywhere. on the otherhand when i found myself in a similiar situation i waited until she bent over and "swooped" at her. i mean i waved my arms like at bat and loudly moved towards her like dracula in a bad movie. when she looked up it was obvious i was about to jump on her. in fact she looked at me and asked you are about to jump on me? please don't. we had a good laugh and after she thought about it (after i eventually left) the next time she jumped me

DADuke 12-27-2002 11:12 PM

yeah the same thing happened with me. i was having dinner with her then we went back to her place. nex thing u know we're making out then i'm sucking her tits... go figure eh?

Vintage Vixen 12-28-2002 11:46 PM

Hmm funny thing...a while back when i was at my hunnys,he had to go to work that nite.I was online chatting with a female friend of his we were both bored so we decided to go out for a few drinks.Now i had no idea what was coming my way but she came on to me in the bar,i never knew she was bi.As the nite went on we got quite buzzed n talked about being bi,well needless to say we ended up having quiite the nite :):) I tried to get her to stay till he got home but that part didn't work out...i soooo wanted to suprise him.

mtavistar 12-29-2002 04:55 AM

I (although female) am marrying that guy who was my best friend, the only way to handle it is to offer that you appreciate her more than any other girl and want to be with her.... point out what you have that the other guy doesn't ...like you know her menstrual cycle or the way her hair flips out on one side....and point out you love her anyway. A women needs to realize that the one for her is the one that's seen her at 6 am/piss ass drunk/after rolling in a mudpuddle and still appreciates her.

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