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RedNLaycee 12-04-2001 09:05 AM

Ok all. You knew me as PurpleLayc, but something happened in the last couple months that would make any insane person sane!! I had my sister and her kids here living with me. She had been here a few months when I had to leave town and go to Vegas for a family emergency. My hubby and I left for Vegas the weekend of October 5th. When my hubby came home, that's when everything started going to hell! I came back the weekend after Thanksgiving and tried to sort out the mess she had going on with my computer. To make a very long and crazy story short, she basically took over my computer life by changing my hubby's password for aol, changed mine 3 times, changed my yahoo password and posted at Pix. She also talked to a couple of members that I talk to outside of Pix. From what I understand, she had me in an accident and hurt badly. I was never in an accident.
I hope you all can understand this. I will try and explain things better but it is really hard to understand...

nutworld 12-04-2001 09:27 AM

Hi everyone,

It sees that I duped. I feel so bad for upsetting those of you that are friends with layc, by making untrue statements about her.


PantyFanatic 12-04-2001 11:25 AM

An early Christmas present
Welcome back with your HOTself!

Whatever headaches your having now, they are better than the ones we thought you were having.

We missed you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If that body is OK, show us! …..Get posting….your way BEHIND! (pun intended);)

Sharni 12-04-2001 01:44 PM

As long as you are ok....dont worry about it :) Just glad you made it back to Pixies

Nutworld - It's cool mate....we all have been suckered one time or another :)


TDK 12-04-2001 04:17 PM

arhhhh, now i understand the 'not my fault' thread

wow, what a sis u have..thats real bad, y do such a thing?

scotzoidman 12-04-2001 08:09 PM

Wow... sounds like you really were in a "wreck" of sorts, & hurt badly, without even knowing it! How awful to have a family member abuse your trust so badly, but glad you are really ok & glad to have the REAL Layc back!

Irish 12-04-2001 09:01 PM

Having spent; most of;my adult life in the biker world&lifestyle;I
thought that I had; just about; seen it all.I will never understand-
Mans inhumanity to Man!Make the best of it and carry on.Welcome
back;anyway. Irish

Prophet Reality 12-06-2001 10:47 PM

Wow! Been through a similar situation and can understand completely. But gald to see that the real Purplelayc is back though.

Nubian 12-09-2001 05:55 PM

What a touch situation? Glad to have the real you back. And, don't worry about it nutworld, you posted with the best of intentions. Your sincere concern for your friend and fellow member and other Pixites of your ilk are what make this place special.

sad_sam 12-09-2001 07:37 PM

Even though I wasn't posting and had not joined yet I used to follow your threads and post.

I am glad to see the real you back and look forward to your posts.

A special word to nut.

You posted out of a genuine concern for someone and that was a great thing to do. Don't change the person that you are because the rest of us would miss the nut that we all know.

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