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Maid of Marvels 10-28-2003 04:47 AM

"Bless me, Father... "
" ...for I have sinned."

That's the way it always began. For most people. But for Diane Foster, those simple words, spoken quietly to Father John in the confessional at St. Anthony's one late Saturday afternoon a year ago, had drastically changed her life.

Before that, her confessions had always been something small -- an imagined offense just large enough to seem suitably repentant of her sins. No one ever went to confession without having a sin to confess. Did they? Well, that day she had had a big one to confess.

Diane hadn't thought it was a sin. It felt too good to be sinful. But Mother, holier-than-thou church-going woman that she was, had assured her that it was. That it was evil and that she would burn in the eternal fires of hell for it.

You see, Diane Foster, a forty-something woman who had never left home, had been caught masturbating. Her penance, if you could call it that, was to repeat the act in different places, at different times, with different people and then shamefully describe the events.

And so it was.

Every Saturday evening since, long after "regular" confessions were over, Diane would quietly knock on the door of the rectory and make her confession in person to her spiritual guide. Father John had assured her that it was the only way for her to find salvation.

A God-fearing man of the cloth wouldn't lie about something as serious as that now... would he?

Join myself and bangerog2 as we explore the dark and twisted path Father John encourages Diane to take in order to ensure her place in heaven rather than in the fiery furnace of hell. :hot:

Maid of Marvels 10-28-2003 07:31 PM

Diane dressed carefully, putting on her favorite lace bra and matching thong under a low-cut and revealing blouse and free-flowing skirt that buttoned down the front. Black thigh-high nylons and spike heels completed the ensemble -- one of several she kept hidden from the eagle-eyes of her saintly mother. These were for her eyes alone. Hers and those of whomever she chose to show.

It was raining, so she slipped into her mac and covered her head with a silk scarf before putting on a pair of sunglasses. Checking to see that Mother was still resting comfortably, Diane let herself out and hurried to the car.

Today she would go to the cinema. Oh, not a local one. Diane didn't "play" too close to home. She did her research though and usually found the setting she required somewhere within an hour or two of home. This theater was such a place.

Arriving just moments before the film was to begin, she parked her car on a side street and walked into the time-worn building that now showed art films and others of a seedier genre. Diane had made a prior visit to see if it would suit her purpose. It had, and today she would put her latest scheme into action.

She paid for her ticket, stopping only briefly at the concession stand to buy a small popcorn and a drink before entering the balcony of the theater. From there she could look down at the sparse audience to see just where she'd actually sit. Unless, of course, there was something of interest up here.

Diane was in luck. There was a young man sitting alone in the last row down below. Within a few short minutes she had slipped off her coat, leaving it draped over the seat behind her and eased herself down into one of the worn velvet covered seats only one away.

Now it would begin...

The movie was perfect. From the sound of moans and groans that emanated from the screen, they were already getting it on. Diane glanced surreptitiously at the young bloke who was beginning to shift restlessly in his seat. His eyes were glued front and center and she had more than a little idea that she was cramping his style -- or at least interrupting it.

Well, boyo. This is your lucky day. Without giving him a second glance, Diane began unbuttoning her skirt so that she would have better access to the treasures that lay hidden beneath and the dirty sweet release that waited there.

bangerog2 10-29-2003 04:22 AM

Tony settled into his seat as the opening credits began to roll. He was looking forward to seeing 'Un homme et un femme', hoping that his french was now good enough to understand what was being said without reference to the subtitles. He was aware of a woman coming to sit two seats away, but thought no more of it.

Diane was ready. She felt heightening excitement as she spread her legs wide, and slid her fingers down to her already slightly pouting pussy, and gave a gasp as the long finger found the little love button. Looking along the row she was disappointed that the young man seemed to be concentrating on the film. It wasn't supposed to be this way. She wanted him to look at her and watch.

Getting no reaction from him, after a few minutes she picked up her coat and moved into the seat next to his, letting her coat drape over her knees. She spread her legs, and let her knee make contact with his for an instant applying gentle pressure before withdrawing it. There was no response. Again she opened her legs, wider this time, so the pressure on his knee increased, Yet again there was no response as she withdrew from contact'

'Christ' Tony thought, 'Can't this bloody woman sit still?'

He moved his leg away from her slightly, thinking that that should give her enough room, though heavens know why, in an almost empty cinema she had to come and sit in the seat next to his. To make matters worse, she was now making a hell of a racket eating popcorn.

He tried to concentrate on the film, and was glad when the noise of her eating ceased, but then almost immediately the pressure on his knee started again, more insistent this time, Out of the corner of his eye he could see that she was looking at him, and once again he moved his leg , only for her leg to open wider and keep up the annoying pressure. He turned to face her, intending to let her have a piece of his mind. Seeing that she was old enough to be his mother, he thought she should know better. She was looking him straight in the eye, but then her eyes dropped, and when his automatically followed her gaze, she slowly lifted her coat.


Maid of Marvels 11-02-2003 06:32 AM

Normally Diane just waited to be "caught out", but it seemed this bloke just wasn't going to take notice of anything. Seeing that, she moved into the seat beside him. If he wouldn't look on his own, she would make him.

Spreading her legs, she pressed hers against his thigh to no avail. All he did was move it away. He didn't turn when she ate the popcorn loudly either. Diane wondered if she would have done better to sit behind him. At least then he would have turned around. Frustrated, she decided to try rubbing her leg against his one more time.

This time he turned. It had certainly taken him long enough! Diane moved the coat and parted her unbuttoned skirt so he could get a better look at what she was doing. Even in the dim light of the theater, she knew that he would soon realize and hopefully...

The gusset of her thong slipped between her puffy outer lips as she rubbed her fingers over the thin material. She liked the feel of it pressing against her as she began. It was wet from her juices and the unmistakable scent of sex began to permeate the air around them. She liked that, too.

The young man hadn't said a word, but she saw that he was stirring restlessly. Diane felt a thrill run through her body at the thought of what he might do. What she hoped he'd do. Even if he didn't do it here, she knew that he would later while he thought of her. And she liked that as well.

Certain now that she had his attention, Diane used her left hand to pull the thong aside as her other hand moved downward over her curly mound -- closer to the petal-soft folds of her hot, wet sheath. A low moan of anticipation escaped her lips. This was so dirty and sweet.

She watched the young man through half closed eyes as she touched herself, spreading the slick wetness with her fingertips as she slowly began to massage her swollen nubbin.

Father John had told her that it was called a clitoris. He had told her the names for all of her parts, in fact. Mother always just referred to them as her dirty bits -- if she referred to them at all. Father John. Her spiritual guide. Her mentor. Her savior. Her...

Diane's hips gyrated rhythmically with the movement of her fingers. Her orgasm was only a breath away and she altered the tempo of her movements, allowing the feelings to surge and ebb. She wasn't ready. She didn't want it to end...



Even so, Diane could not deny it and cried out softly as she lost control.

Slipping over the edge as that strong lovely sensation claimed her, she stiffened. Her voice was low, pleading, raspy and wanton. Her breathing came in shallow gasps and she was drowning. Drowning beneath a wild wave of pleasure. Her body was wracked by uncontrollable, shuddering contractions as she called out quiety, "Bless me, Father... Ohhh... "

bangerog2 11-02-2003 09:01 AM


Tony could not believe what he was seeing. This was the stuff of fantasy and he had almost to pinch himself to convince himself that he wasn't dreaming. He had heard that there were men who approached women in the movies in a similar way, But a woman!!----- and doing it to him.

His eyes were almost popping out of his head as he watched her, taking in the pale skin above her black nylons, hypnotised by the finger moving between her thighs, and savouring the pungent aroma of a female arousal. She was moaning softly and breathing heavily, causing him to look round to see if anyone else had noticed, but they were sitting in relative isolation.

Her moans were gettinng louder, and her finger movements moree frantic and then her whole body stiffened and she let out a pssionate 'Bless me Father---' before her body slowly relaxed and her hand was withdrawn from between her thighs and her legs closed slightly. Then she did something that Tony had not known a girl to do. She took her glistening fingers to her nose and sniffed deeply before placing them deep in her mouth and sucked them clean, seeming to find perverse pleasure in so doing. He wondered what her father had to ddo with it. Was she thinfing of a family fuck?

He was fully erect by that time, but that final act of hers seemed to make his cock twitch to greater heights. He needed release. With another quick look round, to see no one was looking, again, he half turned towards her and undoing his belt, unzipped his jeans, pushed his boxer shorts down, and withdrew his turgid tool. As he did so he looked at her.

She was starting to breath heavily again and her eyes were fixed on his manhood. He wasn 't particularly long but he knew from jack off sessions with his friends that he was much thicker than average. He took himself in hand, and pulling the foreskin right back exposed the swollen helmet to her for a few seconds before starting to stroke himself.

Another part to follow

bangerog2 11-02-2003 02:44 PM

He was so excited. Exposing himself like that in public provided an added thrill. However he was close to cumming and he wanted to savour this moment. He stopPed wanking himself and pulling his hand to the base of the shaft, drew the foreskin back, and squeezed. Diane's gaze was transfixed on the swollen mushroom which, even in the semi darkness of the cinema was glistening and as he squeezed a big clear drop ogf pre-cum juice appeared from his pee-hole. With some primeval instinct she licked her lips.

It was her turn to look quickly round to see if they were being watched, and satisfying herself that that was not he case, she turned to face him. He was looking her in th face and she gave him a nervous and tentative half smile. Then once again she spread her legs wide, and pulling the gusset of her thong to one side with onehand, used both of them to pull the swollen labiae apart so that she was exposing her inner self to him.

'Show me your tits.' he ordered in a loud whisper

She felt herself blushing deeply, as she withdrew one hand from her cunnie, and like an automaton undid, first the top buttons of her coat, then the buttons of her blouse, finally pulling the tits out of her bra. The nipples were already stiff peaks on the mountains of her breasts, and she started to squeeze and twist them alternately, at the same time, with a gasp, sliding the middle finger of her other hand deep into her slippery slot she began to finger fuck. She was really gushing, and feeling soooo hot.

Tony tried to sieze his chance and letting go of his prick, reached over with one hand trying to squeeze her breast, while the other went down to cover that between her legs. Her body stiffened, and her legs closed quickly. Not in climax this time, but in rejection.

'NOOO!!' she protested loudly, looking round in embarrassment, thanking god that no-one seemed to have heard except Tony who had rapidly withdrawn his advances.

She half closed her eyes as she felt the feeling starting to build, as she recommenced playing with her nipples, once again opening her legs so that he could see the pistonning finger as she masturbated.

Tony started to rub himself, slowly at first, then faster, the noise of his jerking off transporting Diane back into the confessional.

He was moaning on the vergge, and she suddeenly felt a perverse urge.

Cicero 11-04-2003 07:59 AM

Where was the priest in all this - had he not understood the 6th commandment?

Maid of Marvels 11-04-2003 09:31 PM

Diane didn't want him to touch her. There was only one man she had even considered allowing, and he was beyond her reach.

Secure in the fact that the stranger had backed off, Diane spread her legs again and continued to masturbate, watching fascinated as he stroked himself. The glistening bead of precum on the head of his erection held her rapt attention. She wondered...

Taking a chance that she had never risked before, Diane extended her index finger toward the young man. His eyes were fixed on her cunny as she played, but he slowly raised them to meet hers when he saw her reach out.

Unsure of what she wanted, yet not wanting to break the seductive spell that surrounded them, he moved closer -- just within her reach. He gasped as she touched him, tracing her finger over the swollen purple helmet of his erection.

Diane drew in her breath. It was thicker than water -- kind of syrupy -- though it wasn't sticky at all! Her eyes widened in almost childlike wonder as she drew her finger away and noticed that there was a glistening strand connecting the two.

It snapped as she brought her finger closer to her mouth, her lips parting as her tongue flicked out to taste it. The young man moaned audibly and she smiled. It wasn't something she'd want to make a steady diet of, but it wasn't horrible. A bit tangy -- sort of salty-sweet. Diane couldn't help wondering what he would taste like.

The thought spurred her on as she returned her hand to her pussy. She was still pistoning in and out of her cunny and began to rub her clit furiously with the fingers of the other. She was ready. Very, very close. But she wanted something more. Did she dare?

Light-headed, driven by her lascivious and wanton desires, Diane wondered what her penance for this would be as she whispered hoarsely, "Cum on me. I want you to cum on my breasts."

Stardust Memory 11-04-2003 10:37 PM

The Housekeeper
Mary Stafford was a widow, Harry having gone to his maker five years before and leaving her to fend for herself at fifty two. She hadn't had much schooling and wasn't suited to life in the business world, only knowing what she had been doing for the last thirty years. That was keeping house and cooking and making sure that her husband was content in all manner of speaking.

Not knowing what to do, she went to the parish priest with her troubles, as she always had done. Father John was more than understanding, offering her a live-in position as his housekeeper. The man was practically a saint in her eyes, and if not that -- her savior at the very least.

It was all quite awkward at first. Mary wasn't sure how to act around a priest -- they were next closest to God than anyone save the Pope. However, they grew more accustomed to each other as time wore on, falling into a comfortable and companionly routine of sorts. Most times it was just the two of them in the rectory, and they quite liked it that way.

The cups clinked on their saucers as she carried the tray of tea things into his study. Diane Foster would be coming soon for her "Private Counselling" and Father John was always especially edgy toward week's end. He'd need a bit of soothing to be sure, she thought with a knowing smile.

bangerog2 11-08-2003 09:30 PM


'Damn,' he thought 'Spunk on her tits. She wants me to spunk on her tits.'

He looked at her face and she was concentrating on his glistening glans, not looking at him, but with a dreamy, almost ghostly, smile as if she had transported herself to another land.He was so close to coming that he could almost feel the semen preparing itself for the journey from his aching balls. He started to piston his fist rapidly up and down the stiff stalk, and as he did so Diane moved from her bent position and half leaning against the arm of her seat, slid her bra straps down and pulled her blouse even wider open so that her swollen breasts were even freer for him to desecrate.

Because she had moved he had to get himself into a semi-standing position to facilitate aiming his spendings in the right direction. He was watching her finger pistonninig in and out of her juicy vaginas as she urgently stimulated her clit with the fingers of her other hand.

'Pleease. Do it! Do it now!! she whispered urgently. 'Cum on me.'

He needed no second bidding, he was so close. He took the loose skin between his thumb and forefinger and pulled it right back again, once again baring the glistening glans, with its now droplet of semi milk precum to her gaze. Then one more quick flick and his cock contracted, then expanded and spat a great glob of cum cream in an arc in the air to splatter on her tit.

'AAAAROOOOPH!!! AAARooph!! Aaaaroooph!' He moaned loudly as his prick contracted time and time again sendin jet after jet of seminal fluid all over her breasts. Moving forward slightly as it did so, he ehabled all his spendings to cover her tits, except for a small trail down her stomach.

As the first splat landed on her, Diane went over the top, and all feelings of pleasure seemed to drain from the rest of her body to centre on her cunnie. She held the finger deep inside her, feeling the contractions in her vagina forcing the lovejuice out to soak the edge of her seat. She was cummmming. Cummming as she never had before as she removed the hand from her clit and putting it to hr breast began to massage his gism into the soft skin.'
She was mewing quite loudly in pleasure.

As he came down from his climax and his penis softened, Tony suddenly realised that now they were being looked at. He was no gentleman, and hurriedly put his cock away, zipped himself up, and forcing himself past Diane, almost ran out of the cinema.

Diane for her part was in the middle of a secondary orgasm, as, suddenly, a light was shining on her, baring her perverse nudity. She turned to the light embarrassedly trying to adjust her clothing, and was dazzled so that she could not see who it was that held the torch, assuming it was the usherettte. Then the usherette and the light were gone. Even though she still felt the need to reach the secondaary climax Diane adjusted her clothing as quickly and as best she could, not caring what effect the drying cum had on her clothing.

Fully dressed once more, she too could not get out of the auditorium quickly enough. As she went through the exit through which she had entered, the way was blocked by the usherette. She was a tall blousey redhead, with a plumpish figure. Diane's heart sank as she thought of what the consequences of her actions were going to be.

'Excuse me madam.'


'If you come to the matinee next week, sit next to my jump seat, and when the cashier's , cashed up and gone, we can have some fun in the office.'


Maid of Marvels 11-10-2003 03:36 PM

Diane didn't reply to the usherette's lewd suggestion, unsure if it excited or sickened her. Maybe a little bit of both. She'd never considered intimacy with a woman before -- then again, she'd never thought she'd be roaming around diddling herself for men to see.

Mother was just waking when Diane arrived home and looked in on her. "Have you made tea yet, Diane?"

"No, mother. I was just... "

"Where have you been?" the old woman suddenly asked as the fact that her daughter was wearing a coat finally registered in her still sleepy mind.

Diane hesitated before answering -- lying. She would add that to her list of transgressions when she went to see Father John. "I've been round to the shop, Mother. Just let me hang my coat and I will start it directly."

"Yes, well. Hurry then."

Certain that she'd heard a hint of suspicion in her mother's voice, she blushed and hurried to her room. She glanced in the mirror as she removed the coat. Her blouse was still unbuttoned, her bra around her waist and the young man's cum had dried in patches over her heavy breasts. Tempted to finish what she hadn't at the theater, Diane stripped and slipped a housecoat on instead. Mother could be so impatient at times. It would have to wait until later.

Once in the kitchen, Diane filled the kettle and put it on to boil, the whole time wondering what Father John would think about the redhead at the theater and her proposition. The thought made her whole body tingle and she was tempted to touch yet again, but the sound of Mother's voice brought her down from her fantasy and she quickly prepared something for her to eat.

bangerog2 11-10-2003 05:47 PM

Father John
Father John sat at his desk. He should be working, but his thoughts were filled by Diane. He knew from her confessions that today was the day she chose to go on her 'wanderings' and he wondered what she had done that she would confess on Saturday. As he thought of her sitting or standing there confessing, busy with her hand between her legs and the other playing with her lovely breasts, his penis rose and because it was uncomfortable he unzipped himself, withdrawing it. He started to alternately gently squeeze it, then stroke it slowly a couple of times.

She was about ready, he was sure, for him to absolve all her sins by applying the holy unction, and in his mind's eye he could picture her either bent, kneeling, or lying before him, ready to recieve him and the look of rapture on her face as she received his spendings. At the same time he had a battle with his conscience. He, as a priest was doing wrong. He should be celibate, or that was what his parishioners thought.

He knew different though. Were the brethren celibate when they beat him for having an erection, and then sodomised him, reaching round to masturbete him to climax, so that he remembered the pleasure of ejaculatory release more than the pain. He thought that when he went to the seminary things would be different. Even there the priest tutors used their charges. Of course he had masturbated, but from them he learnt how much more pleasurable the touch of another on his manhood was.

Since he had been ordained, he haad discovered that housekeepers had other duties than keeping house, but as they were usually much older he got much relief, but little pleasure.

Since he discovered the need of some female parishioners for the special absolution that came with holy unction, he supposed he had had about twelve who seemed to know when the unction was no longer needed, but none had obsessed him the way that Diane was doing. He wanted her so much and yet, even though in other cases he would have taken them on their first visit to the presbitery, with Diane he was frightened that it might break the spell that he had put her under, causing her to rebel.

He could see her now, her mature figure and her big breasts. He could almost smell the subtle perfume she wore, mingling with the smell of woman, as her fingers squishilly pistonned back and forth in her vagina. OH!! How he wanted her, needed her. Needed to sink himself into her.

His hand was moving faster and faster up and down the shaft of his hardness. He knew that he should save it for, but he was powerless when he fantasised. He lost all will.

Just as he was about to approach, the home straight, of his manual stimulation, there was a knock on the door.

'Tea Father?' asked the voice of his housekeeper muffled by the door.

Then the handle began to turn, and he hurriedly tried to make himself decent, but he seemed to be all fingers and thumbs. He couldn't get it away. The door was opening and in desperation he pushed it down between his legs and crossed them, hoping against hope that it was hidden and that she would not glance down past the desk top as she entered.

Then she was there at the open door with his tray.


Stardust Memory 11-19-2003 09:13 PM

Mary smiled as she entered Father John's study and set the tea tray down. "Good afternoon, Father. I thought you might be a bit peckish by now so I brought some of your favorite biscuits as well," she added, beginning to pour.

When he didn't answer right away, she glanced up at him only to notice that his face was quite flushed. Perhaps it was a fever.

"Father, are you well?" The motherly instinct in her brought Mary around the desk to Father John's side. Placing her hand on the back of his neck first and then on his forehead, she felt that he was cool to the touch, but also noticed that he was sitting rather stiffly with his hands on his lap.

Why, it's no fever at all. Least ways not that kind of fever, she thought. She knew he was testy when it was time for that Diane Foster to come round, but she hadn't realized...

Somehow it seemed a bit demeaning for a man of the cloth to have to resort to such things. In a way it shocked her. Mary had never considered that a priest could have a lustful thought, though after some consideration she reasoned that they were only men. And men were that way. Her Harry certainly had been.

Harry often said he'd burst if she didn't do her duty, but she'd never hesitated long enough to find out what exactly did happen if a man was not relieved of certain pressures. Harry had merely said it was quite painful, and she didn't like to see anyone in pain.

Did she dare to 'do her duty' for this man -- this priest? She thought for a moment, feeling a long forgotten and unbidden tingle between her thighs. Mary was in service to Father John even as he was in service to the Good Lord. Would anyone fault her for offering to ease a bit of this poor dear man's discomfort?

Her decision made and tea things forgotten, Mary knelt down beside him. He first looked at her as if she were daft, struggling to hide the frustrated look on his face. Of all the times! "You wish to pray, Mary? Is something wrong?"

"Father John," she said softly, placing her hands over his and moving them aside to reveal his semi-erect penis which was bent at an awkwardly painful looking angle. The poor darling man! Now more than ever, Mary was certain that she would only be doing him a good deed.

"Mary... " Father John struggled to keep his legs crossed as his housekeeper began to unfasten his belt.

"Husheen," she murmured, nudging his legs apart. "It will be all right." The gasp she heard as she took his manhood in her hand told her that she was right.

bangerog2 11-20-2003 11:08 AM

Father John
'What are you doing, Mary?'

'Ssshh, Father. I'm just going to make it better, going to stop that aching in your testcles.'

So saying she pulled his foreskin back and, making an'O' with the thumb and forefinger of one hand, began to to masturbate him at the base of his cock, with an almost imperceptible , but rapid, up and down movement. With the other hand she coveed the peehole with her thumb, and feeling the copious pre-cum juice beneath it, began to massage it into the rapidly swelling mushroom tip with a circular motion.

Father John was moaning as if in pain.

'Please Mary! Stop!! You mustn't. You'll make me come.'

Her reply was to remove the 'O' from the base and to take his now rigid rod in her fist and, removing the other hand from his glans, start to furiously jerk him off. Her hand was almost a blur as it moved up and down his potent prong, and she felt that tingling in her nipples, and between her thighs that she had always felt, when she was doing her duty for her dead husband. A tingling that he never really satisfied, or very rarely, leaving her busy with her fingers between her legs when she was sure he was asleep.

Father john had stopped pleading with her to cease what she was doing, and his body was stiffening, and he was was moaning loudly.

'Oh, my God, woman, do you realise what you are doing?'

'Sssssh, Father. I am only doing my duty.'

Suddenly she felt it. He was going to shoot. She knew it. However, her hand seemed to have a life of its own and she couldn't stop it fisting him as he started to cum. As a consequence, he was spunking all over the place. On her dress on her face on her hand and on her arms.

Suddenly, Mary rememebered something from her past. The time that she had been spanking her youngest son, and at the end of the chastisement, he had lain over her lap, humping her skirt. With his trousers round his ankles, he was jabbing at the skirt between her slightly open thighs, and then he was moaning, spunking onto her navy blue skirt, staining it with great globs of white sticky cum.

'What a mess Father. What a rude boy you are. All that naughty spunk has gone all over me.'

The tingle increased in her body, as she told him that she was going to have to use the cane.

'I'm so sorry Mary.'

As if in a trance Mary was back in yesteryear.

'It is too late for sorry. Fetch the cane.'

Father John stood up and with trousers round his ankles, rummaged behind a curtain, and brought out a bamboo cane. His mind, too, was going back to schooldays, and the pleasure of a fondling hand, after he had been beaten. His still glistening cock began to rise, and seeing it start to stiffen, Mary began to juice.

'He;s a randy beggar, just like our Liam. It's my duty to cane him, and my duty to get rid of his stiffy. I'll make sure that he does his duty by me, as well.'

She took the instrument of punishment from him------

Stardust Memory 11-21-2003 07:02 PM

Mary Stafford
"Lean over the desk." Mary commanded and Father John didn't hesitate to obey, his erection almost fully revived.

The cane whistled through the air as she wielded the first blow, his buttocks clenching when it struck his tender flesh, leaving a bright red welt. "You're a naughty one, you are" Mary said as she smoothed her fingers gently over the mark. "It's my duty, you see." She raised the cane and struck again.

Father John moaned softly. "Not a sound! This is what you deserve." Mary's hand played across the priest's ass, yet again. Caressing the welts she was placing there.


He flinched, his erection throbbing. "No, no. We can't have that, Father." Mary's voice was low and husky, an aching deep inside her puss growing to match his more than obvious arousal. "You'll not soon forget this indiscretion."

She rubbed the pattern of raised weals that was developing on the priest's posterior, feeling their heat and soothing the sting almost tenderly. It was her duty to discipline him, but there was still more to come.

Mary continued for ten strokes -- the sharp swish of the cane cutting through the air alternated by the sound of her voice, gently reprimanding as she smoothed her hand over its latest mark. Finished at last, she bade him rise.

"Now, Father" she said sternly. "Now I will show you where you should deposit that mess instead of on my clothing."

bangerog2 11-22-2003 10:11 AM

Father John
He stood there with Mary standing behind him. His arse felt as if it was on fire and as if it were raw flesh. He had never had so many strokes, and it was all he could do to keep from crying.

'I had to do it Father, it was my duty.' It was almost a whisper.

Mary was still gently caressing the weals that had now risen to their full height, and Father John was aware of a certain change in her demeanour. He could not realise though, the effect that chastising him had had onher. Her nipples were now fully stiffened, pressing against the cup of her bra, her cunnie lips were swollen and her clit erect, her juices soaking into her panties.

One hand started to move round his thigh slowly approaching his erection, just as, many years ago she had reached round her son. The difference this time was that she had waited until the end of the punishment. Before, with Liam, she had reached round after every couple of strokes to check if his erection was subsiding, knowing full well that she was adding to his excitement as she took him in her fist and squeezed.

Now, her fingers tickled Father John's ball ssac before she took him in her hand.

'OHHH Father! What a rude man you are!! Such a stiffy!! We'll have to get all that naughtiness----- all that naughty spunk out!'

He moaned as she held him loosely, and slowly, oh so slowly stroked him. Then her hand was gone.

'I used to find excuses to punish Liam' Mary thought. 'I guess 12 or 14 times in three years, and he always got a stiffy. It would make me cum as I masturbated him from behind and got that spunk out, all the while talking dirty. But I wanted more. I knew it was wrong to think of doing my duty for him, when I finger diddled, but I wanted my son soooo much. Oooh Father, I need it now, be Liam for me.

Hurriedly she unbuttoned her dress and let it fall to the floor, standing there in her bra, girdle, panties, stockings and shoes.

'Turn round Father.'

He did so standing there, trousers still round his ankles and his erection pointing at her like a flagstaff.

'Such a lot of naughtiness.' she whispered.------

Stardust Memory 11-28-2003 07:09 PM

Mary Stafford
Mary's voice was barely a whisper as she stood before Father John, overcome by memories of her son, the punishments she'd meted out to him -- and their results. She shivered unconsciously as she gazed down at the priest's tumescent organ, mere moments from living out a fantasy she'd never imagined could come true.

"Do you know where that nasty spunk belongs, Father? It's a sin to spill your seed on the ground, the Bible says. There is a sacred place for it, you see. A place meant for a man to do the deed. Our bodies are our temples as you well know. Aye, Father. It's my duty to show you where that place is and teach you how to worship there -- and well."

She looked around the small study toward the settee. That would do nicely, she thought as she watched his eyes take in her near-naked form. "Do you like it then?" Her eyes became dreamy as she ran her fingers over her brassiere. Her nipples, hard as diamonds, jutted through the thin material aching for attention.

"I suckled my boys long after they walked. Harry disapproved. He thought they were only meant for him. Do you think that was right, Father John?" Mary slowly reached behind and unclasped her bra, letting the straps fall down over her arms as she pulled it free of her heavy breasts.

"Come. Tell me if these were not meant for suckling." The look in her eyes had changed again. This time they held an almost maniacal gleam -- or was that purely lust?

Mary nodded approvingly as Father John shuffled closer, his ankles hobbled by his trousers. "Touch them, Father. Taste them. Tell me if Harry was mistaken."

Father John timidly raised his hands, and taking a breast in each began to suckle his housekeeper's teats. Mary moaned softly as his lips closed over the puckered areolae and his tongue lashed across her stiff buds.

She felt his manhood, hard and strong, jutting against her belly and longed to fondle him but she resisted. She had other things in mind. "Touch me," she whispered. "Touch my cunny. But no cumming for you, mind. You must learn to keep your lustful thoughts under control."

Yes, she would teach him. It was her duty, just as it was his to be penitant. Mary Stafford moaned again as the diligent Father's hand snuck between her legs, encountering the wetness that had saturated the gusset of her panties.

"Take them down."

bangerog2 12-02-2003 03:53 PM

Father John
Father John reached for the waistband of her panties, and pulling it dowm thrust his hand inside, running his fingers down over the hairy mount, and tried to invade her cunny. However she closed her legs tightly.

'We'll have less of that, Father. Take them right down, and off.'

Not quite sure why he should obey his housekepper, he knelt bfore her, and, as she relaxed her legs slightly to make it easier for him, drew her panties slowly down her legs to her ankles and then gently lifted one foot then the other so that her panties were totally free.

'Give them here.' she ordered.

Sorting them out, she held then in front of his face so that the wet gusset was in front of his nose.

'Go on! Sniff them!! Smell my cunnie juices.'

He inhaled deeply, smelling her femininity and her arousal. Almost as a reflex action, his hand reached for his cock, and started to pull himself off.

'Stop that this instant!! I've already told you. You can't cum yet. You can't cum until I say.'

Still holding the panties to his face, she moved towards the settee, with him crawling along on all fours, with his trousers stiil round his ankles. He looked almost like a dog following a scent. She sat down, and hiding herelf from him behind the panties, spread her legs wide and then using them as lure, drew his face into her, before thrilling at the touch of the material on her labiae, as drawing upwards she bared her secrets to him.

The bottom of her girdle together with her garters, framed the luxurious growth and the glistening pouting labia, which seemed to be open offering the erect little nubbin to him. His tongue snaked out and he started to lick with long slow strokes from the puckered rosebud to her clit.
He felt her body jerk at this intimate touch, and her hands came to his head and pulled him tighter into her. At the same time her thighs came over his shoulders and, crossing her ankles, she straightened her legs, holding him in a vice-like and almost suffocating grip.
He was totally enveloped in the aroma and flavour of her, and his tongue circled round and round on her clit before he pusred his lips, and began to suck kiss amd nibble at it.

He was getting a violent respons, she was pulling him in harder and moving her hips up and down, rubbing her cunnie on his face , soaking him in the copious flow of her juices.

She was confused. Present, and yet far away.

'Oooooooph, Yeeeeesss. Father!! Liam!! You are bringing me. Don't stop. Bring me. Make me spend.'

Looking down between her breasts with passioned glazed eyes, seeing not he black wavy hair of Father John, but he red head of her progeny. She was living, or partly so, the years of supressed desire.

Then she was cumming. Cumming as she never had before, to visions of what could have been, had she had the courage to seduce her son completely. She explodied. Her body twiTching and ger legs stretching out hard so that Father John thought that she was going to crush his head.

Even as she relaxed in completion, she urged him to keep lickinG--- to bring her up again, and he eagerly complied, knowing that he would get his reward.

Just before she was about to climax for the second time, she openEd her lEgs wide and pushed him away, so that he fell backwards and lay before her.

Sliding of the settee, she straddled him aand taking hold of his throbbing turgidity, positioned herself so that, as she lowered herself,he entered her.Slowly she moved her body downwards and rested there, using her stomach muscles to stimulate his rampant rod, while moving her hips back and forth and round and round, so that there was friction on her clitoris.

'There, Liam. Thats where all that naughtiness; all that naghty spunk should go. But you mustn't cum till I say.'

Father John aws confused, and he wanted to fill her with his cream, but lay there, wondering about this Liam, and waiiting for her permission, feeling a sense of wellbeing.

Stardust Memory 12-11-2003 05:36 PM

Mary Stafford
Years of forbidden fantasies that had almost made Mary snap at times were finally being played out as she ground herself against Liam in a display of power she'd often masturbated to. Mary didn't want him to cum yet, wanting to feel his spunk shooting at the same instant she, too, found her release.

"Not yet, Liam. Soon... " Her voice was still stern, though it sounded to her as though it came from somewhere distant rather than from her own mouth. She knew it wasn't her son, but that did nothing to subdue her lasciviousness as she rubbed her engorged clit against Father John's pelvic bone. So good not to have to use her fingers... so good.

Mary could feel his cock -- hard, swollen, ready to burst with his thick seed as she drew nearer and nearer to her goal. She moaned. That lovely, familiar feeling began to spread throughout her body as she hovered on the verge.

Her muscles began to tighten and she stared deeply into her son's eyes, oblivious to any sense of reality except her own impending orgasm. "Ahhh... Liam! See what you have done to me, you naughty boy?" Mary cried out, overcome with intense spasms which threatened to displace her from the good father's erection.

"Now, Liam!" She finally commanded, her voice hoarse yet shrill. "Cum for your mother. Empty that naughty spunk deep inside my cunny the way you always wanted to. Now!"

bangerog2 01-17-2004 02:27 PM

Father John
Father John was about to lose control, when he at last got the permission to spunk.

The pulsating wet warmth of Mary's vagina had been contracting and relaxing round his throbbing organ, stimulating him beyond belief. However, it was as she climaxed and comannded to cum 'NOW!' that the spasming walls started to milk him in earnest, and he felt the sperm start on their journey from his aching balls. He felt the pleasurable pain at the tip of his glans intensify, and then the seminal fluid was flowing up from his depths as his penis contracted, then expanded spitting his gism deep into Mary.

'AAAAAAArrrggh' he cried in relief and pleasure, becoming in that instant, as if by magic, her surrogate son.

'Ooooooooph, Mom. I'm cummming. Shooting it where you want it. Right up your yearning cunt. Naughty naughty spunk into naughty mommmy.'

His prick spat spunk into her time after time after time, as he seemed to dicover untapped reserves of his manjuice. Her wet pussy was pouring juices onto his pubic hair and balls and the air was full of the aroma of their primeval coupling.

They stayed there, locked together, not moving other than the reflex actions, jerks and twitches caused by their mutual climax. Mary's pussy seemed to be milking him of every drop of his manhood, trying to draw it deep into her womb.

He reached up with both hands and taking her nipples beteween his fingers, began to pinch and twist them hard, causing the loving pain, that enhanced her climax.

'Oh, Liam, it has been so long, since I had a good hard cock up me. It is sooooooo good. And you are the first to make me cum on a cock.'

He was still spirting but now the jets were getting weaker, as the balls emptied their contents into her.

Mary suddenly leaned forward, and was showering his face with kisses, as she settled down on him in post climactic langour. For Father John, his prick rapidly softening inside her, it too had been an intense experience, but he now felt guilty that he had not saved himself for Diane.

His prick slipped out of Mary, and he could feel the mixture of spunk and lovejuice, leaking out of her onto it. They lay for a few minutes, spent, surrounded by the scent of their lovemaking.

Mary, on getting up, and starting to dress, became buisinesslike again.

'Your tea will be getting cold, Father. I'll go and make another brew. Remember, I am always here to do my duty.'

As she left, John stood up and pulled his tousers up, wincing as he caught the weals on his buttocks, then smiling as he thought of the euphemism Mary had used.

'Why can't she say what she means?' he thought. 'if you want to screw-----.'

He adjusted his dress, and, notwthstandiNg what had just happened, his thoughts turned to Diane, and how he could position the mirrors for when she next came to her confession.

He wondered what she was doing now, and what new secrets she would have to divulge.

If only she knew about her mother!!!

Maid of Marvels 01-21-2004 12:20 PM

Diane Foster
No matter how hard she tried, Diane couldn't shake the image of the usherette or her proposition from her mind. Twice now she'd gone into the bathroom for a quick diddle, rousing Mother's concern. "Just something I ate, Mother" she'd countered when the old woman asked if she was all right. But still the thought remained. Did she dare?

"You look feverish, Diane. Come here and let me feel your forehead."

"I'm okay, Mother. Really."

They had been watching one of Mother's favorite television shows, but once again Diane's thoughts had turned back to the voluptuous redhead at the cinema. The flush on her face was definitely not a fever -- at least not that kind of fever. She hadn't realized just how obvious the effects of the woman were until Mother spoke just now, but this left her an opening that she couldn't miss the opportunity to take.

"I don't know, Diane. You look all red in the face. You must be coming down with something."

"Perhaps you're right. I think I'll call Dr. Fisher and see if he can fit me in."

"Then do it. I will be fine while you're gone. Sometimes I worry about you, girl."

Of course she had no intention of going to see Dr. Fisher. It was early yet and she knew there would be at least one more film showing. Diane wondered if...

Leaving her mother's room, she went to the phone in the hallway. Hands shaking, she leafed through the telephone directory until she found the number she was looking for and dialed.

"Bijoux Cinema, Fran speaking. The movies this evening are... "

"No. Wait. This is D... Doreen Frasier. I think we met this afternoon?" Please let it be her. Please...

"Ohh... Yesss... "

Was it Diane's imagination or had the woman's voice become lower, huskier? She felt the urgency between her legs begin yet again.

"Have you considered my proposition? I would love to see you again and get better acquainted."

"I can be there directly," Diane replied in a voice loud enough for Mother to hear.

"Mmm... I'll be waiting, Doreen. Hurry."

Replacing the receiver in the cradle, she stuck her head into her mother's room. "He said he's booked solid -- flu season -- but he can take me. It might be a wait though. Are you sure you will be all right while I'm gone, Mother?"

"Yes, yes. Go. It won't do either of us any good if you fall ill." Mother's attention was already back on the television before Diane quietly closed the door and hurried to her room.

Choosing her lingerie carefully, Diane felt like a schoolgirl going on her first date -- scary and wonderful all at once. Wanting to freshen up, she showered quickly and dressed, putting on her mac and covering her head with a kerchief before slipping on the sunglasses. Calling out a goodbye, she hurried ot the car and headed to the Cinema for the second time that day.

Diane really didn't know what to expect, but she had seen photos in that magazine she'd taken so long ago. The one that had eventually gotten her caught masturbating by Mother. The one that had been the reason for her private sessions and confessions with Father. Father John... The thought of confessing this to him made her hotter than ever and it was all she could do not to bury her fingers in her cunny for relief.

Lost in thought, she found herself pulling into the parking area of the cinema before she realized. A quick look in the mirror to check her appearance and she was out of the car and hurrying into the building. Her heart caught when she saw Fran standing by the door waiting.

"Doreen" the woman purred, raising her hand to Diane's face. "I haven't been able to get you out of my mind."

Feeling herself almost in a panic, Diane nearly turned and ran. She would surely go to hell for this. If nothing else, this was truly an abomination. A woman with a woman. On the other hand...

"Have I come at a bad time?"

"Of course not, silly woman. There is never a bad time to... cum."

The innuendo was not lost on Diane who followed Fran toward the office and whatever would happen there.

bangerog2 01-27-2004 11:45 AM

Fran opened the door to the office, and stood back to let Diane/Doreen enter.

Diane for her part was very surprised, She had expected something totally utilitarian, but this office was fitted in somewhat faded luxury. The deep pile carpet, had seen better days, and, while there was a space which held a desk, a safe, and the ussual office accoutremeents, the larger part of the room held a luxurious settee and two easy chairs, which surrounded a coffee table on thre sides, together with a fridge, drinks table and coffee machine.

Doreen undid her mac, and Fran offered to take it, but Doreen demmurred, and on being offered a seat, tok one end of the sofa covering her legs with her coat.

Fran busied herself at he drinks tray and then proffered a glass of wine, before going back to pour herself a vodka tonic.

Turning, she looked at Doreen and wondered what had brought her here. During the years that she had worked at the cinema, she had seen it all, even partaking herself on odd occasions. From the men who came to harrass the woman on her own, who could be a nuisance if the women rejected their advances. Usually torchlight full on their face sorted them out. There were of course the women who were amenable to the male approach, and would in most cases partake in mutual masturbattion, even at times going the whole hog in the restrooms, or the exit vestibule.

Then, of course there werE the women, a lot less
in number than the men, who were there to seduce the man on his own. Fran had lost count of the number of times that she had seen a woman, and they were women of all ages, sit next to a solo male, and after a short while her head would disappear below the back of the seat, as she administered to hard cock with her mouth. Or perhaps sit back with the man suckling on her breasts with his fingers busy in her cunt, finger fucking, as she tossed him off.

Doreen did not fit into those categories, seeming timid, and unsure of herself, and Fran had not expected to see her again at all, let alone to receive a 'phone call tonight.

She turned just as Doreen removed her shades, and rEalised that her visitor had a mature beauty.

'Did you enjoy it this afternoon?' she asked.

'Yes.' cma the reply in a whisper. and Doreen was blushing.

'Was it good?'

'Oooooooh Yessssss' came the reply as Doreen blushed even a deeper red, and closed her eyes as if conjUring the incident up again.

Fran noticed that her hand was moving under her coat, and felt own niplles start to stiffen as she realised that Doreen was starting to diddle herself, whether through or under the material of her skirt, she wasn't sure. Her own hand went to the junction of her thighs and moving her feet to give herself easier access she pressed the material of her skirt deep down to put pressure on her clit.

'How often have you done that?'

'That was the first time. I--I--I don't know what made m do it. I suddenly had this urge to have somebody watch me masturbate.'

'And then the bastard shot his wad all over you.'

'I asked him to.'

As she made this admission, Doreen's fingers became busier under her mac, which was starting to slide forward from her thighs. It was obvious what she was doing, and that she was turned on by her recollecton of the afternoon's activity.

Although she knew she had to proceed with caution, Fran was starting to juice and her nipples and clit were hardening. Her skirt was too tight to lift, and she hurriedly unzipped it and, letting it fall to the floor, stepped out of it.

Through half closed eyes, Doreen watched her, and looking more closely realised that she was older than she had first thought. The roots of her red hair were grey, and her face was more wrinkled than she remembered from the afternonn. Therewere bulges under her slip between her girdle and bra, and under her arms. But her tits were huge. Doreen felt an urge to suckle on them, but said not a word.

'I want to watch you.' Fran almost gasped as she lifted her slip up to her waist, and pulling the gusset og her black french knickers to one side used both hands to pull the labbia well apart exposing herself fully to d Doreen.

Maid of Marvels 02-09-2004 03:32 PM

Diane Foster
"Ohh... " Diane was fascinated by the sight of Fran's exposed cunny. She had seen them in pictures but never in person. Even when she tended to Mother, Diane had never really "looked" -- just washed her up and cleaned her. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Letting her coat slip from her shoulders, Diane stood and lowered her own skirt to reveal her "special" panties -- the ones she used when she went out to do her naughty things. Tonight she wore a thong -- white and lacy, barely covering any of her puss or the thick tangle of hair that covered it. The gusset, where it had become wedged between her pouty outer lips was drenched with her juices and she wondered if Fran knew. She must. It was obvious she'd been rubbing herself over her skirt since she'd come into the office.

Still staring at the spot between Fran's legs, Diane decided to take her thong off completely before sitting back down on the sofa and parting her legs. "I've never seen... "

Fran nodded, her voice hoarse with desire. "They are much like a flower. Especially when the petals are covered with dew. Like yours. Touch."

Unable to resist the command, Diane parted her outer labia with her thumb and pinkie, the middle finger of her right hand searching for her distended nubbin. She knew that she wouldn't last long despite the fact that she'd been diddling on and off all day. Especially now. Rubbing and circling her clit wildly, she wished that Fran was sitting closer.

As if she read her mind, Fran stood and walked over toward the woman she knew as Doreen. She was so close, Diane could smell her sex. That same sweet, musky scent she recognized from her own puss when she was aroused. It made her want to... Her tongue slipped between her slightly parted lips to moisten them.

"Cum for me, Doreen." Fran urged, baring her cunny to her once more. "I want to taste you."

"Taste?" Diane's finger was a blur as she felt that familiar and lovely sensation start to wash over her. Did Fran mean what she thought she did? "I've nev... Ohh!"

Diane closed her eyes, her body tensing in preparation as her orgasm began to bloom. But there was a new sensation now. "Oh, my!" Fran had dropped to her knees and was pushing her hands aside to replace them with her mouth.

bangerog2 02-25-2004 11:57 AM

Fran savoured the aroma of Doree's sensuality as she flicked her tongue out, and after parting the labia stuck her tongue between them. One long lick took her to the hard little pea of pleasure, which she tittilated for a few seconds, before moving down again . Making a roll with her tongue, she thrust it deep into Doreen's vaginal opening, using it like a liitle cock for a few thrusts, so that she could get the full flavour of her lover on her taste buds, before returning to the clitoris, where she stimulated it with rapid flicks of the tongue, up and down, and round and round driving Doreen into a frenzy.

As she did that she lifted her eyes, to see tyro lesbian, with her eyes closed and her moutth open and gasping one minute and then closed with her teeth biting her lower lip the next as she gave herself over to the fellings of pleasure that Fran was producing in her.

Fran for her part was undoing the buttons of her blouse with one hand while the other was busy inside the gusset of her knickers, fiirst playing with her own clit , which was so large and long that she could almost imitate a man when she took it between her thumb and fore finger and then sliding three fingers into her cunny, slowly frigging herself.

Suddenly, much to Doreen's dismay her Fran lifted her head.

"NOOOoooo!!!!! Pleeeease!!!! Don't st0p!!" She cried in frustration.

"It won' t take a minute." panted Fran, as she hurriedly divested her blouse slip and bra, letting them fall in a heap, so that she was standing there in just her girdle, stockings and shoes, letting Doreen see for the first time the long, hard nipples surrounded by large brown aureolli, which tipped the massive mammaries. They were large and surprisingly firm, for someone of Fran's age with very little sag.

Fran knelt before Doreen's open thighs again, but, to her surprise, instead of administering with her mouth, took one tit in her hands and squeezing it, started to thrust it hard into the labia. She spread them by thrustung in hard so that Doreen could feel the nipple, and more, enter her pulsating passage, before it continued upwards to stimulate her sexual nerve centre by moving back and forth on it.

Then it was gone.

She gave a gasp of frustration and looked down her body. She had no need to worry . Fran had only removed it to take the other in her hands and repeat the ptocess. Several times more Doreen was frustrated just as she was reaching a crescendo of pleasure, as first one then the other was removed and replaced alternately, getting the nipple area well soaked in lovejuice.

Then Fran stood up and let one breast dangle down so that the nipple brushed against Doreen's lips.

"Suck" she commanded as her fingers hurriedly undid Doreen's blouse and digging into the bra pulled her titties out. She twisted and pinched the hard nipples for an instant, before the hand started to move down the body beneath her, once again , tickling the stomach on the way, approaching the centre of pleasure again.

"I said suck!! Suck momma's titties!!!"---------

Maid of Marvels 03-29-2004 02:32 PM

She hesitated for a moment only, the tone of Fran's voice unintentionally mimicking the sound of Mother's. Even at her age, Diane found that Mother could wither her with a mere word or a look, and Fran seemed able to do the same.

Cupping the heavy weight of Fran's cunny juice covered breasts, she moved her face closer, the unmistakable scent of her own arousal drawing her to the wet, glistening peaks that jutted out tantalizingly. Diane glanced up at Fran's face as her lips parted to admit first one turgid nipple before switching to the other.

The older woman's mouth was slack, her eyes glazed as she watched her pupil's tongue swirl over her nips before devouring them. Nipping, suckling, tugging at the rubbery tipped flesh, Diane's enthusiasm increased as she became more aroused. She wanted to bury her own face in Fran's puss, the way the older woman had done her. She wanted to taste her, to see if it was the same as her own.

Diane moaned softly as she felt the strong, lovely sensation of her own climax approaching despite the fact that neither she nor Fran was touching. "Please... " she whispered. "I want... "

Fran grinned and spread her legs in invitation, Diane slipping from the settee onto her knees before this almost mirror image of herself. Spreading her labia with her thumbs, she drew in the heady scent of the other woman's desire.

"That's it, Doreen. That's the way. Lick me!"

Diane didn't hesitate. Opening her mouth in a wide "O", she engulfed Fran's clit, sucking, licking, murmuring into this sensual garden of paradise as her body began to convulse.

She cried out, though her tongue didn't slow its tireless caress of Fran's puss. Somewhere through the dirty sweet haze of passion, she realized that the older woman's clit was beginning to retreat. She sucked it back, knowing Fran was very close. Cum for me she cried out in her mind. Cum...

A gasp and a low, deep groan of release told her that her wish had been granted. Diane pushed a finger into Fran's cunny just as the woman's uncontrollable spasms began to wrack her entire body, the thought of Father John's reaction to this story bringing her own to yet another delicious peak.

bangerog2 03-29-2004 04:31 PM

Fran was in ecstasy. She had had such an intense climax. She could feel the juices still gushing from her cunnie as she pressed Doreen's face hard into her. Then she relaxed and freeing her lover's head reached down and drew her to her feet.

Taking Doreen in her arms, she pulled her to her, so that there nipples dug into each other's breasts and kissed her full on the mouth gently, as they both bathed in the afterglow. She could smell her own sexual aroma on Doreen, mingling with Doeen's on her own lips and face.

Doreen pulled away sligthly.

"I've never-----"

"Hush, hush, darling. I know. It was your first time."

Doreen blushed.

"I had never done anything at all like this before this afternoon, and--------"

"Sssshhhhhh, sshush. You don'tt have to explain. I understand.
Late in life, you have just discovered your own sensuality."

"I have to go. " Doreen whisperd wistfully.

"I know." replied the older woman, reaching up with her hand, and caressing Doreen's face gently. "If you feel the urge again, I have a friend who would love to watch you finger diddle. He doesn't want to touch. and then perhaps you would like me to come and sit next to you, when he has got it off."

"I don't know whether------"

"Don't worry." Fran assured her as she turned and started to dress. "Just think about it. You have my number if you decide you would like to."

"Thank you." replied Doreen, she in turn making herself presentable.

When both were fully dressed, and as Doreen prepared to leave, Fan went over and kissed her tenderly full on the lips.

"I hope I WILL see you again."

Doreen loosened herself from her grasp, and, turning as she went through door, whispered "Perhaps."

Maid of Marvels 04-23-2004 07:56 AM

Diane Foster
Diane's heart was pounding as she hurried out of the theater and to the car. She'd taken longer than she intended, and by now Mother would be having a hissy.

What had she done? What was she thinking? Diane could still smell Fran's cunny juices on her face, taste them on her lips. Did she dare to see her again? Did she want to? Diane's mind was saying "No. No. No." but the pulsing ache in her pussy was saying "Yes! Yes! Oh, please... Yes! Somehow though, she wasn't sure that she would, for it was Father John's face that she kept envisioning in her mind's eye.

Worry about having to face a most certain reprimand and the arousing memories of her tryst with Fran made Diane less than attentive as she drove, causing her to go through one red light and only the blaring of several car horns at another roused her enough to notice that the signal had been green and was already turning amber. Diane waved an apology and hurried through, grateful that she was finally less than a couple of blocks from home. At best, she could hope that Mother had taken a good long nap and wouldn't notice how long she'd been.

Finally home, Diane checked her appearance in the rearview mirror before going into the house. Not [i]too[/b] bad, she thought. The flushed look on her face could still be put off to her nonexistant fever. But what if?

"Diane! Is that you?" Mother called out almost the moment she opened the front door to let herself in. "Where have you been, you daft girl? I phoned Dr. Fisher's office and he said you had long gone."

Diane sighed. Bless the man. She would have to phone him and explain. Tomorrow. She would be sure to do that tomorrow.

"I had to stop by the pharmacy, Mother" Diane lied. "I'll be there as soon as I hang up my coat."

Hurrying into the bathroom, she washed her face and took a swig of mouthwash to mask the scent of what she'd truly been doing. Not that Mother was likely to recognize it, but nevertheless. Diane's pussy twitched yet again at the forbidden memory. Did she have time for a quickie? Maybe if she hurried...

Not bothering to get comfortable, Diane pulled up her skirt and plunged her fingers between her legs to ease the urgent need there. She was amazed at how wet she was. How aroused. It didn't take long at all for her to reach that glorious point where her began to shudder with release.

Diane's eyes closed as she felt the glory of it consuming her. "Yes, John. Oh... yesssss... that feels sooo good."

bangerog2 04-27-2004 08:28 AM

Father John
It was late as Father John crossed the yard to what had been the early 19th century school, under the watchful eye of Mary, who stood in her darkened bedroom. What on earth went on in there? Why was he suddenly spending so much time there?
She had oftenwondered to what use it was put, but had never been able to see inside. The heavy curtains at the windows were always closed and it was the one door to which she did not have a key.

Father John let himself in and switched on the light. At one end of the room was a low altar, with the painted icons of his faith, and of course the large gold cross. At he other, to the left, just inside the door, was the result of all his efforts over the past few days. A confessional surrounded by heavy maroon curtains.

There had always been a confessional there, but it had been in a temporary room and that didn't suit his purpose. He hoped that he was right, and that Diane was ready to receivce the holy unction, but he wanted to see her first, not through the mesh of the confessional screen, but in full, before he sent her to the altar. He also wanted her to see his manhood. To this end he had designed the curtains to open swiftly when he wished it, and placed a mirror on the wall opposite.

This room had been use for the unction ritual for years, but now for some reason, the number of eligible girls and women had fallen. When he had re-opened it it had smelt musty and damp, and he was glad now that the incense masked it even though it had been some hours since he had sprayed it round. He would make sure that the smell was all pervading when SHE came.

As he wondered what she would be wearing he felt his arousal. Would she let him administer to her, as he so strongly desired.

Going to a cupboard, against the side wall, he withdrew the ledgers, and, taking them into the confession booth put them on the small table therein. These were the logs of the ritual which his conscienscious predecessors had started and that he still kept up-to-date.

In the old days, there had been 2 or 3, or sometimes even 5, entries per week, the recipients of the unction seeming to return regularly, for times varying for a month to a year or so. Then it seemed they came to terms with there sexuality. Looking back thirty years, one name stuck out to him like a sore thumb.

Theresa Foster!!!!!!!

Turning to the ledger for the present day, he looked at the entry of three weeks ago. There in his own neat hand was the entry:-

'Visited Theresa Foster to hear her confession and administered the rites.'

Returning the ledgers to the cupboard, he locked it, swiched off the lights, and securing the little chapel once again made his way to his bed, fully aroused in anticipation of Diane's visit and, once in bed, wrestled with the problem as to whether he should tell her of her mother's hypocrisy.

Maid of Marvels 05-09-2004 10:40 PM

Diane Foster
"Diane! What are you doing in there? What's taking you so long?"

The sound of Mother's voice penetrated the oh-so-sweet haze that surrounded Diane as her breathing slowed and her heartbeat slowly returned to normal causing a sharp pang of guilt hit her like a cannonball in the gut. What had she been thinking? She'd practically neglected Mother the entire day -- and here it was night already. "Coming, Mother! Be right there!"

Giving her hands a quick wash, Diane straightened her clothing and hurried to her mother's bedroom. She'd make her a cup of tea and read to her from the Bible before they did their evening prayers. Yes, Mother would like that. It would do her own dark soul more than a little bit of good as well.

It was quite late by the time Mother finally nodded off, releasing Diane from her daughterly duties for the day. She knew that she shouldn't feel relieved, but she wanted to take a hot, leisurely bath and choose her pretties and clothing for tomorrow. It was her day to see Father John.

She'd been going to him for private counselling and confession for weeks now and it was always the same. He sat behind a makeshift screen and listened to her tell of her secret encounters, instructing her to touch -- dictating the where and how and when of it. He even told her when she could let go and let the Holy Spirit overtake her. That's what Father John called 'cumming' -- but Diane didn't let on. After all, it was sort of heavenly when she thought about it.

Over time, Diane had begun to notice that Father John's voice would change when he commanded her to claim release from the nasty thoughts and deeds she'd committed, making her long to tell him her deepest, darkest secret of all -- but she was also certain that this was the one confession that would damn her for all eternity. She just couldn't bear it any longer. Tomorrow she would tell him. She needed to if she was going to keep at least a shred of sanity.

Ablutions performed, Diane fell into her bed exhausted. Mother said she was evil for touching while Father John encouraged her to perform her penance -- doing the same thing that Mother had excoriated her for. Which of them was right? Were either of them wrong?

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