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dicksbro 04-23-2013 04:25 AM

Which Matters the Most
Little bit different than other games. In this one two related choices are presented and you answer which choice would matter most to you.

For example,

In choosing a car, which matters most in your opinion ... the engine or the style?

In buying panties, which matters most ... the fabric or the color?

Answer the question, then ask one of your own for the next person.

To start out,

Which matters most to you ... the temperature outside or the temperature inside?

gekkogecko 04-23-2013 09:03 AM

Inside, so if it's warm enough, I can spend the day nude. Of course.

WMMTY: comforting background noise or total silence when you're trying to go to sleep?

dicksbro 04-24-2013 02:42 AM

Comforting background noise.

WMMTY: Getting to your destination quickly ... or ... relaxing and enjoying the ride?

dicksbro 02-17-2020 09:47 AM

Relaxing and enjoying the ride.

WMMTY: Reading your mail … or … posting at pixies?

dicksbro 02-18-2020 04:20 AM

POSTING AT PIXIES … of course. :D

WMMTY: Watching TV or Reading a Book?

gekkogecko 02-18-2020 04:57 AM

reading a book...no loud commercials

WMMTY: running or swimming for exercise?

dicksbro 02-19-2020 05:13 AM

Prefer walking … but between the two choices you gave, I'll pick swimming. :)

WMMTY: Wealth or happiness?

gekkogecko 04-05-2020 10:08 AM

Happiness, although it's a complex issue. There is a truism, 'money can't buy happiness'; but financial stability can lead to peace of mind.

WMMTY: A healthy mind, or a healthy body?

dicksbro 04-07-2020 02:37 AM

Another complex issue. Generally, I think a healthy mind. At least when I've had surgeries, I've generally not been AS concerned about my body and more concerned with being the kind of person that doesn't place demands on those caring for us, but instead try to treat them with respect and caring. One time, for example (once the IV was removed), I did a walk without a nurse going with me at a very early hour when not many were up and around. I stopped by an elevator where the only one I saw was a housekeeping lady cleaning the door to the elevator. I commented how "housekeeping" kept the hospital so clean and fresh looking. Startled, she responded, "No one's ever said that to me before." I told here they should have … every day. When I checked out and she didn't know my name or room number, she was there to say goodbye. God bless her.

WMMTY … Making others happy or wanting others to "make you happy?"

Goofy 04-19-2020 11:40 PM

I tinks makin' odder's happy is shore more gud. I tink da Gud Book says sumptin' like "You do fer odders like youz wants dem to do fer youz." If we did dat, da whole world be better place.

WMMTY … family er' friends?

gekkogecko 04-20-2020 06:22 AM

Friends...my family of origin was one of those that put the 'fun' in 'dysfunctional'...in that ever not-so-fun way.

WMMTY: As a hobby, practical creativity (ex: gardening) or creativity for art's sake (ex: painting)?

dicksbro 04-20-2020 11:24 AM

Probably creativity for art's sake. Not much of a gardener but have a BFA degree from Millikin University in Decatur, IL.

WMM: A well-sealed basement or good shingles?

gekkogecko 04-21-2020 06:05 AM

That's a tough one, but probably the roof.

WMMTY: Small everyday luxuries, like your favorite beverage, or big-ticket, durable luxuries, like a fancy car?

dicksbro 04-22-2020 12:21 AM

Being a fairly practical person, I guess I'd go with the small everyday luxuries as my most likely choice. (Although a bigger ticket item, the stove would be nice, too. :D)

Goofy 04-22-2020 10:06 PM

db, yuz forgets to add da WMM question so I use da same as you.

I wud love da new car but WMM to me is like yuz, db, da small everyday stuff.

WMMTY: yer kin or yer friends?

dicksbro 04-23-2020 04:10 AM

God, family, friends and other in about that order. But, that's not to say there's huge difference between each. Try to be honest and fair with all.

WMMTY: Watching stars at night outdoors or watching the morning sunrise from an outdoors vantage point?

gekkogecko 04-23-2020 06:00 AM

So very much not a morning person like I used to be: I'd rather watch the stars.

An adaquate supply of PPE or an adaquate supply of toilet paper?

dicksbro 04-25-2020 12:29 AM

Toilet paper. Don't sit down without it.

WMMTY … free time or keeping busy?

Goofy 04-26-2020 05:48 AM

Keepin' busy. I likes to take breaks and all dat, but I likes bein' busy.

WMMTY? Kissin' or Huggin'?

gekkogecko 04-26-2020 10:31 AM

Probably hugging, much more body contact that way.

WMMTY: Planning outa project in detail, or winging it as you go?

dicksbro 04-27-2020 03:08 AM

Right now, probably winging it. When this COVID-19 thing settles down, then maybe more "planning" could be done. Right now, the plans could easily be cancelled by new or changing rules.

WMMTY: Toilet paper shortages or hand sanitizer availability?

gekkogecko 04-27-2020 05:53 AM

Probably toilet paper, we seem to go through more of that than hand sanitizer here.

Reading to stay informed on your favorite subjects, or reading for "fun"?

dicksbro 04-27-2020 11:15 PM

Reading to stay informed on favorite subjects.

WMMTY: House or Car?

gekkogecko 04-28-2020 06:16 AM

Easy one, this time. House, I don't even have a car of my own.

WMMTY: For staying in touch, dropping an e-mail, or making a ph9one call?

dicksbro 04-30-2020 02:54 AM

With the stay-at-home thing caused by COVID-19, probably e-mail. I'm not big on phone calls. When my cell phone died, I enjoyed so much NOT getting phone calls at the wrong time … I never got another. Been a couple of years now that the peace and quiet are nice. :)

WMMMTY: Being to an appointment a bit early; on-time; or, fashionably late?

kleclere 07-03-2020 07:45 AM

I try to be early. Just the way I am.

WMMTY: Good friends or social distancing?

dicksbro 07-13-2020 01:42 AM

Well, friends matter the most unless they showed signs of coughing, sneezing or complaining of not feeling well ... in which case I'd elect social distancing and mask wearing. :shrug:

gekkogecko 07-13-2020 06:00 AM

WMMTY: For long-distance personal contact, occasional video chat or frequent texting?

dicksbro 07-17-2020 12:14 AM

Like the personal contact the best, but when distance is a problem, it's nice to have the electronic options. So, both are good.

WMMTY: self-sufficiency or a helping hand?

kleclere 07-17-2020 08:23 AM

A helping hand. Sometimes that personnel feeling helps.

WMMTY: Casino or movie theatre?

gekkogecko 07-17-2020 10:25 AM

Movie theater, I don't do casinos at all.

Indoor foliage, or a well-kept garden?

dicksbro 07-19-2020 04:23 AM

Since I'm not a real dedicated gardener, I guess I'll say "Indoor Foliage." I like plants and flowers, just not one to plant and cultivate them. :(

WMMTY: Hearing someone say what you like ... or truthfulness? :confused:

kleclere 07-21-2020 07:19 AM


WMMTY: A nice relaxing weekend or one extremely busy weekend

gekkogecko 07-22-2020 06:03 AM

Probably relaxing, at this point in my life, all my weekends are busy.

A well-made salad, or a poorly-cooked steak?

dicksbro 07-22-2020 11:06 PM

I'll go for the well-made salad (although I love steak ... just not sure about the poorly cooked).

WMMTY: quantity or quality

Goofy 07-24-2020 07:19 AM

Probly depens on what it be. Tings like dose poker chips ... be lots and lots. Tings like fud ... sum of both. Wife ... want da best.

WMMTY: Lots to do er not too busy.

gekkogecko 07-24-2020 09:14 AM

I always have lots to do, not even sure what 'not too busy' would be.

Solo walk in the woods, or inside interacting with people (even if it's only a zoom meeting with friends)?

kleclere 07-24-2020 09:47 AM

Interaction with people.

WMMTY: Good book or interesting web site.

gekkogecko 07-25-2020 09:00 AM

Probably the book: interesting web sites often turn out to be rabbit holes.

Hiking in boots or running through a lawn barefoot?

dicksbro 07-26-2020 12:04 AM

Hiking in boots.

WMMTY: Swimming in a pool or swimming in a lake or river?

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