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dicksbro 10-08-2016 12:23 AM

Originally Posted by gekkogecko
The most lopsided college (American) football game occurs, with Georgia Tech beating Cumberland College with a score of 222-0.

222-0!! :yikes:

gekkogecko 10-08-2016 05:46 AM

8 October 1916
Western Front
Battle of the Somme:
British advance north and east of Courcelette; German counter-attack achieves slight success. Canadians capture, then lose, Regina Trench and the ‘Quadrilateral’.

Eastern Front
Transylvania: Battle of Brasov:
Troops under Falkenhayn advance on a 75-mile front, forcing Romanian troop back towards their frontier of Transylvania at many points.
Germans occupy island in Danube near Ruschuk.

Southern Front
Artillery activity on whole Italian front.
Italians inflict heavy losses on Busa Alta.
Serbs occupy the Dobropolye summit (east of Kaymakachlan).

Naval and Overseas Operations
5 merchant ships (3 British, 1 Dutch, 1 Norwegian) worth 20,388t captured and sunk off Newport (Rhode Island) by U-53 (Rose) after refuelling there (left base September 17, returns October 20).
Atlantic Ports International Merchant Marine orders no vessels to sail pending instructions.

Political, etc.
Imperial Order in Council to amalgamate ‘all means of air combat and air defence with the Army, in the field and in the home areas, into one unit’.
United Kingdom: Prohibition on Sunday munitions work in force.
Denmark: Nielsine Nielsen, the first female physician and academic in Denmark, passed away.

gekkogecko 10-08-2016 05:48 AM

Originally Posted by dicksbro
222-0!! :yikes:

I was wondering if anyone would notice that little item.

dicksbro 10-08-2016 11:36 PM

I bet the Georgia Tech receivers and running backs were tired by the end of the game. :faint:

gekkogecko 10-09-2016 05:53 AM

9 October 1916
Western Front
Battle of the Somme:
British advance east of Le Sars towards Butte de Warlencourt, 25th Division captures Stuff Redoubt.
French 320th Infantry Regiment on the road from Bussang to St. Amarin: http://imgur.com/2yPR3m0* © IWM (Q 58152)
After France published the names of 11 French flying aces, Germany responds by publishing a list of 29 German aces, 7 with 10+ kills.

Eastern Front
Germans take Torzburg (south-west of Kronstadt).
East of Brzezany (Galicia) Austro-German armies assume offensive, fighting on Volhynia front.

Southern Front
Eighth Battle of the Isonzo
begins. Italian Second and Third Armies’ 225 battalions; 26 dismounted squadrons; 1,305 guns and 883 mortars against Austro-Hungrian Fifth Army 107 battalions with 538 guns. Bombardment begins.
Trentino: Italians regain north slope of Mt Pasubio, more progress in Vallarsa valley (October 11-15 and 17), repel counter-attacks (October 19); 372 PoWs and 8 guns taken.
Allied forces in Macedonia advance on both wings.
Serbs attack Bulgaria's 3rd and last line of defence in Cherna loop, capture positions at Slivitza; Bulgarians retire north of Brod.
British advanced posts within 5,000 yards of Seres.

Political, etc.
United Kingdom:
British Royal Commission on Wheat and Flour Control appointed.
Greece: M. Venizelos arrives at Salonika (see August 30th and September 25th and 29th). Lambros heads new official government.

gekkogecko 10-10-2016 09:08 AM

10 October 1916
Western Front
Manfred von Richthofen (future Red Baron) earns his 5th aerial victory, making him a flying ace.
Battle of the Somme: French troops advance on a 5 km front, taking Bovent, outskirts of Ablaincourt, most of Chaulnes wood, and 1200 prisoners.
A different source, more details: In the south French Sixth Army resumes offensive (until October 21); woods captured northwest of Chaulnes and ground gained toward 3 villages with 1,400 PoWs on 3 1/2-mile frontage.

Eastern Front
Tsar’s order officially ends Brusilov Offensive.
Austro-German advance continues; Averescu takes over Second Army which halts in Predeal Pass (3,415 ft).

Southern Front
Eighth Battle of the Isonzo:
Italians attack at 1450 hours in pouring rain, capturing in Austrian first line 5,034 PoWs, Hills 86 and 95, Mt Sober (east of Gorizia), Nova Vas village and Hill 144 (Carso). Futurist architect Antonio Sant’ Elia killed, aged 28.
Battle of the Carso commences; whole of Austro-Hungarian first line, Hill 208 and Nova Villa taken by Italians. 5,034 prisoners.
General Otto van Below made Army Group commander for Macedonia (until April 22, 1917; headquarters at Uskub = Skopje) to stiffen Bulgars, requests reinforcements (October 20); 6 battalions (3 Jäger) and 48 guns sent from Western and Eastern Fronts, formed into Division Hippel by mid-November. Another 6 battalions follow from Western Front.
Struma front, Seres railway cut by British, Bulgarians falling back to hills.
Serbs gain footing in Brod (Cherna front).

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
New C-in-C India Monro (appointed October 1) at Basra, visits Tigris Front, cables GIGS (October 19) that forward positions easy to maintain.
Arabia: Feisal’s 7,000 Arabs retreat southwest from Bir Abbas to Hamra before Turkish advance from Medina (actually just 80 camel-men).
Sheikh Ahmed es Senussi leaves Baharia Oasis for Siwa.

Political, etc.
United States:
5-year-old Mart Payne, picking cotton in Comanche County, Oklahoma: http://imgur.com/BhHFKVK
The very first PGA Championship is held at the Siwanoy Country Club in Bronxville, New York.
Greece: Allied ultimatum for Greek Fleet’s surrender by noon (October 11) plus all but 3 coast batteries and Piraeus-Larissa railway, accepted on October 11.
Professor Lambros forms new Greek Ministry (see 3rd, September 29th, 1916 and May 3rd, 1917).

gekkogecko 10-11-2016 04:14 AM

11 October 1916
Western Front
Battle of the Somme:
French, after sharp fighting, repulse counter-attacks at Bois de Chaulnes (south of Somme) and take 1,702 prisoners.

Eastern Front
First Battle of Oituz (until October 27): Rumanian Fourth Army (Prezan) eventually halts Arz’s Austro-Germans on border (until October 22).

Southern Front

Italian front carried forward 2,000 yards in direction of Mt. Pecenka, attack on Veliki Hriak.
“Decisive” fighting in Mt. Pasubio region.
Italian line advanced to foot of Mt. Roite (farther border of Cormagnon).
French carry Bulgarian first lines west of Gevgeli.
Battle of the Carso: Italian troops claim the capture of 5,034 Austro-Hungarians as they advance on the Carso Plateau.

Naval and Overseas Operations
East Africa:
1/2nd KAR defeat c.76 Germans in Kilwa, push to Fort Kibata (seized October 14).

Political, etc.
King Otto of Bavaria passed away. He had been deposed in 1913 due to mental illness: http://imgur.com/EQ6nk7T
United Kingdom: PM Asquith-“This war cannot be allowed to end in some patched-up, precarious & dishonoring compromise masquerading under the name of peace.”
United States: In Bayonne, New Jersey, 10,000 strikers clash with police, resulting in the shootings of 4 policemen and 21 strikers.
Greece: Greek Government accept Entente demands: 2 battleships and armored cruiser Averatt stripped of shells and breech blocks, crews reduced to 1/3. Allies tow cruiser Helle, 19 destroyers and torpedo boats, 2 submarines and 12 auxiliaries to Keratsini. French hoist tricolour on them and occupy Salamis Arsenal (November 7).
Norway: Norway prohibits belligerent submarines from using her territorial waters. (Ban extended to all foreign submarines on February 1, 1917).

gekkogecko 10-12-2016 08:18 AM

12 October 1916
Western Front
Raymond Collishaw is credited with first aerial victory. He goes on to become the Royal Naval Air Service's leading ace, with a total of 60 kills.
No 3 Wing RNAS, first British strategic bombing unit, flies first major operation from Luxeuil (Vosges) with 21 aircraft (3 lost) against Mauser small-arms factory in Oberndorf; 34 French aircraft (6 lost) participate. German fighters attack at the target and back.
Battle of the Somme: British attack on 4-mile front Eaucourt-Bapaume, gain 500-1000 yards. French claim to have taken 40,125 PoWssince July 1.

Eastern Front
German and Austro-Hungarian troops pursue the Romanian 2nd Army to the frontier.
Fierce fighting round Brod (Cherna front).
Carso front Bulgarian counter-attacks completely repulsed.

Southern Front
Eighth Battle of the Isonzo
ends (see 9th). Italians push Austrians east of river Vallano. Operations suspended in evening after a claimed total of 8,200 PoWs taken in 2-mile advance for 24,000 casualties.
Salonika: British War Office committee ‘We have had to deal with a specially virulent … malarial infection in a body of troops unseasoned to tropical conditions’ (304 deaths to November 11, 1916.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Publication of Despatch of 12 August 1916 from Lt.-Gen. Sir P. Lake relative to operations in Mesopotamia, 19 January to 30 April 1916.

Political, etc.
At the German Reichstag, Socialist leader Philipp Scheidemann declares, “We declare openly and clearly that the nation wants peace.”
United States: Wilson Women’s Wagon”-women supporters of President Wilson’s reelection: http://imgur.com/pa7PHt8
Greece: Admiral Fournet demands Allied control of police, no Greek citizens to carry arms, no war material to Thessaly, but wheat exports can be resumed.

gekkogecko 10-13-2016 04:06 AM

13 October 1916
Western Front
Big Allied raid (40 aeroplanes) on Mauser factory at Oberndorf.
Battle of the Somme: A French armored car with a 47 mm gun near Sains-en-Amienois, Somme: http://imgur.com/TesBWEB* © IWM (Q 69716)

Eastern Front
Rumanian Second Army checks pursuers in Predeal (town falls) and Badza Passes, but Falkenhayn advances through Torzburg Pass to Rucar 6 miles inside Rumania. Rumanians forced from Transylvania except in northeast. Germans also enter gap between Rumanian Fourth Army and Lechitski.

Southern Front
British forces pushing forward on Struma front.
Successful British raids on Doiran front.
Fighting in Carso continues.

Political, etc.
Returns 30,101 British PoWs.
United Kingdom: Returns 39,020 German PoWs.
Russia: Worst month for strikes, 189 (177 political) involve 189,776 strikers.
Austria-Hungary: Archduke Charles of Hungary opens HQ for Romanian front at Grosswardein.
Norway: Norwegian Government issue orders prohibiting belligerent submarines from using Norwegian territorial waters.

gekkogecko 10-14-2016 04:20 AM

14 October 1916
Western Front
Battle of the Somme:
French gains south of river on 1 1/4-mile front, capturing the hamlet of Genermont and 800 German prisoners.
French bombardment of Sailly-Saillisel (Bapume-Peronne road) commences.
British 39th Division finally captures Schwaben Redoubt.
A congested road at Fricourt, Somme, as staff cars, soldiers, and supplies head to the trenches: http://imgur.com/9mDBMjM © IWM (Q 5794)
Battle of Verdun: General Nivelle, French commander at Verdun, claims the French are firing 100 artillery shells to one fired by the Germans.

Eastern Front
Transylvanian frontier of Rumania crossed by German forces (see August 28th and September 29th).
Austro-Hungarians advance through Torzburg Pass and reach Rucar (six miles within Romania).
Frontier ridge at Predeal won by Bulgarians and town burnt.
Romanians have now withdrawn from Transylvania, except in north-east corner.

Southern Front
Allied frontal assault fails to take a single Bulgarian trench despite gas shell use; French 1,490 casualties, Russians 600. Sarrail has a final row with Cordonnier, cables Joffre (October 16) who agrees to recall him (October 19); General Leblois takes over (October 20).
End of offensive in Carso, Italians consolidate all positions, line advanced two miles; Italians claim 8,000 prisoners.

Naval and Overseas Operations
Black Sea:
Russian submarine captures Turkish armed transport Rodosto.
Mediterranean: Royal Navy SNO Malta Rear-Admiral Ballard proposes ‘three convoys per week system’ to Admiralty who study it, but French C-in-C opposes.

Political, etc.
Germany admits its potato harvest this year has been disappointing and halts all trade in potato seeds until the situation is assessed.
Kaiser Wilhelm’s two slogans to his troops on the Eastern Front: “He [the enemy] shall not get through” and “He must be beaten.”
Romania: King Ferdinand of Romania appeals to the Allies to not let his country suffer the same fate as Serbia.
Greece: King Constantine of Greece on the country’s neutrality: “I prefer to lose my throne rather than endanger Greece.”

Also: Today is the 950th Anniversary of the Battle of Hastings, beginning the Norman Conquest of England.

gekkogecko 10-15-2016 08:51 AM

15 October 1916
Western Front
Lieutenant Norman Prince (5 victories), American creator of Esc Lafayette, dies of wounds.
Battle of the Somme: 333 German aircraft support First Army against 293 aircraft of RFC (Western Front totals RFC 563, German c. 885 of which 451 against the French).
One source claims British make progress in Schwaben Redoubt and Thiepval neighbourhood.
However, another states: German gains near Schwaben Redoubt and Thiepval. Rawlinson inspects Longueval, Delville Wood and High Wood and discerns stiffening German resistance. In the south of the battlefield General Micheler (French Tenth Army) complains of being starved of reserves and ‘reduced to the role of a watchdog for Fayolle’ (Sixth Army).

Eastern Front
General Berthelot arrives at Bucharest (French Military Mission left Paris October 1, eventually 1,200 strong); having seen Alexeiev (October 11) at Mogilev who urges Rumanians to hold river Sereth not the Carpathians.
Intense fighting at Rucar.
Artillery activity on Danube.
Südarmee’s Battle of Lower Narajowka begins (until October 22).

Southern Front
Seres shelled by British.
Stubborn fighting on Cherna front.
Mt. Pasubio, Italians continue to advance.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
British raid Magharah.

Political, etc.
French General de Castelnau: “We now have the Germans by the ears & will continue to shake their heads until their brains are addled…”
Russia: Alexeiev reports to Tsar only 1.4m reserves after November 1, ie under 5 months supply.
Canada: Canadian wheat crop drops by more than half compared to last year due to wartime demand and crop failures.
United States: Jim Barnes, English golfer, wins the first PGA Championship: http://imgur.com/qIednZt
Greece: Anti-Entente demonstrations in Athens.

dicksbro 10-17-2016 12:21 AM

Oh, no! Don't tell me nothing happened on the 16th! Woe is me and here I thought it went on through most of 1918. ;)

jk ... I've just loved this series. So much information I had not known (apart from the almost infinite number of daily battles. Thanks GG!

gekkogecko 10-17-2016 06:23 AM

16 October 1916
Western Front
Battle of the Somme:
Five Anglo-French aircraft destroy 2 German aircraft, extensive RFC night bombing.
British troops advance 200 yards in the Thiepval region, capturing two trenches and 300 German prisoners.
French gain footing in Sailly (two miles east of Morval).

Eastern Front
Last blow of Brusilov Offensive: Gourko’s Special Army attacks on 12-mile front towards Vladimir-Volinski (until October 17) but German artillery too powerful.
Carpathians: German and Austro-Hungarian forces defeat Romanian counterattacks in Transylvania, making the invasion of Romania nearly inevitable.
Austrian Seventh Army attacks Russo-Rumanian junction, Germans take Gyimen Pass (2364ft). Austro-German mountain troops fail to breakout across Rotenturm Pass (until October 18).

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Captain T E Lawrence of Arab Bureau lands at Jeddah from HMS Lama; meets Abdulla and Ali (October 17). So far Arabs have received 3,260 rifles, 32 MGs, 16 guns and 3,344t of food.

Political, etc.
Allies land reinforcements to keep order after anti-Allied Athens demos (October 15) and seize 3 more Greek warships.
Admiral du Fournet hands fresh Note to Greek Government.
Greek Prime Minister Spyridon Lambros submits a proposal to the Allies for Greece’s entry into the war.

gekkogecko 10-17-2016 06:56 AM

17 October 1916
Western Front
Battle of the Somme:
French gain new group of houses in Sailly-Saillisel.
French gunners loading a 65 mm mountain artillery gun in Alsace: http://imgur.com/rzzJSId* © IWM (Q 108324)

Eastern Front
Romanians maintain positions at Rucar, but retreat in the Gyimes Pass (Mold.); enemy penetrate eight miles into Romania and reach Agas, 8 miles inside frontier, but Austrians beaten in Uzul Valley (and on October 27).
Russian attacks against Lemberg (Lvov) fail to break through, and a German/AH counterattack north of Korytnitsa nets 2 km of trenches and 1900 prisoners.

Southern Front
Fighting in Dobropolye region (north of Kaymakchlan).
Italy: Italians capture Tooth of Pasubio (Trentino).

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
British raid and take Dakhla oasis (175 miles south-west of Asyut).

Naval and Overseas Operations
Italian SS Bermuda rams and sinks Austrian U-16, after latter sinks Italian destroyer Nembo off Albania.

Political, etc.
United States:
Margaret Sanger establishes the first birth control clinic in the U.S. in NYC (her organization later evolves into Planned Parenthood).
China: German envoy Hentig enters, returns home (arriving June 9, 1917) via USA.

gekkogecko 10-18-2016 04:23 AM

18 October 1916
Busy day today, especially with non-war, political stuff:
Western Front
Battle of the Somme:
Battle of the Transloy Ridges ends: British advance from 0340 hours north of Guedecourt and French take Sailly. French XXXIII Corps (Sixth Army) attacks south of Somme to broaden French salient at La Maisonnette (southeast of Biaches), but Germans push it back on October 21. Joffre urges a continued powerful BEF offensive (Haig and Rawlinson met on October 17 and had intended to suspend operations on October 20).

Eastern Front
Romanian troops counterattack German/AH forces and successfully drive them back to the Transylvanian border at several points.

Southern Front
In the Dolomites, Italian Alpine battalions capture an Austro-Hungarian fortress named the “Tooth of Pasubio.”
Serbia: Serbs capture Veljeselo 1 1/2 miles north of Brod, repel German counter-attack (over 350 casualties, and on October 20 and 22).

Naval and Overseas OperationsM
North Sea
: HM submarine E.38 torpedoes small German cruiser München during brief High Seas Fleet sortie, last till April 23, 1918, peters out before Dogger Bank in rough seas and Scheer’s knowing British aware of it.
Alaunia, ex-Cunard liner, now a troopship, sunk. She struck a mine on 18 October 1916 in the English Channel off the Royal Sovereign Lightship of Hastings, East Sussex, laid earlier that day by SM*UC-16. After attempts to beach the ship and tow her to shore with tugs, her captain realized the ship was lost and finally gave the order to abandon ship. Two crew members lost their lives in her sinking.

Political, etc.
Austrian Baron Burian suggests peace initiative to von Bethmann-Hollweg at Pless, Kaiser approves it on October 25. Both ministers also agree to proclaim Polish independence as soon as possible.
United Kingdom: Men of 41 called up.
British government orders all shops to close at 7pm (8 on Saturday) to conserve electricity, starting October 30. Liquor sales are exempt.
Samuel Paull Andrews, the first working class man to become Member of Parliament in New Zealand, passed away: http://imgur.com/XQTEdnW
France: Dr Benes achieves an agreement with French to separate CzechPoWs*from other Austrian ones.
United States: “A Daughter of the Gods,” the 1st American film with $1 million budget & nude scene, is released (film is now lost): http://imgur.com/6Yj0RB6
Newspapers carry some of the first pictures of the “tank” made public: Newspapers carry some of the first pictures of the “tank” made public: http://imgur.com/ZycQORr
10,000 barbers in Harlem and Brooklyn go on strike to protest against long working hours.
Nikola Tesla testifies in federal court that he has found a way to “isolate” energy in the air to control and use it.
Egypt: New gold pound coinage removes Sultan of Turkey’s image.

gekkogecko 10-19-2016 01:20 PM

19 October 1916
Western Front
All quiet on the Western Front.

Eastern Front
Dobruja: Battle of Topraisar-Cobadinu
(until October 21): Mackensen breaks through causing Rumanian retreat astride Russians and takes Tuzla on coast (October 20).

Southern Front
Sharp fighting Tooth of Pasubio (Trentino), Austro-Hungarian counter-attacks repulsed.
Serbia: Serbian troops break through Bulgarian lines in their drive toward Monastir, capturing 2 villages.

Naval and Overseas Operations
Austria’s most successful U-boat, U-27 (first of class of 8 coastal boats), launched at Pola, commissioned February 14, 1917.
East Africa: Last German post north of Central Railway cleared. Deventer contacts Northey. German attacks in Iringa and river Ruhuje districts.

Political, etc.
United Kingdom:
Chancellor of the Exchequer McKenna states Britain is paying the U.S. $10 million a day for supplies needed for the war effort.
House of Commons passes a bill that would exclude Germans from becoming Rhodes Scholars.
France: French returns of prisoners.
Conference of Allies at Boulogne whereat Venizelos' National Provisional Government in Crete receives recognition.
United States: Polio epidemic in New York City dies down, as today is the 1st day in 4 months without a death. 2375 people died in the city in those months.

gekkogecko 10-20-2016 04:09 AM

20 October 1916
Western Front
Battle of the Somme:
Coldest day of battle so far. British repulse heavy counter-attacks on Schwaben and Stuff Redoubts.
Battle of Verdun: Nivelle commits 603 guns (including two 15.7-in rail guns against forts) and 15,000t of shells to shelling 3 1/2-mile front; they silence all but 100 of c.450 German guns (until October 24) using 530,000 x 75mm and 100,000 x 155mm shells.

Naval and Overseas Operations
Black Sea:
Russian battleship "lmperatritsa Mariya" destroyed by internal explosion at Sevastopol.
East Africa: General Smuts reports Germans limited to south-east portion of Colony of which all ports and main lines of approach held by Allies.

Political, etc.
Anglo-French Conference held at Calais to discuss Greek participation in the war.
Ethiopia: Revolution in Abyssinia.
Greece: Greek Government agree to withdraw half Greek troops concentrated at Larissa and practically to place Greek Army on peace footing by October 25.
China: Germany protests to government over French hiring of 30,000 Chinese laborers.

gekkogecko 10-21-2016 12:27 PM

21 October 1916
Western Front
RFC helps engage 184 targets and bombs extensively. Germans bomb Querrieu, Gorbie and Amiens (night October 20-21).
Battle of the Somme: British advance taking 5,000 yards of trenches (with 1,018 PoWs) between Schwaben Redoubt and Le Sars plus 39th Division captures Stuff Trench.
French 120 mm guns in action near Feuilleres, Somme: http://imgur.com/pJFjIUc* © IWM (Q 79014)

Eastern Front
: Falkenhayn drives Rumanian Second Army 12 miles across frontier at Törzburg Pass, Austrians 7 miles inside across Bodza Pass.
Austrians seven miles within Romanian frontier through Buzeu Pass.
In other Passes, Romanians hold their ground.
Dobruja: Romanians retiring; Autro-Hungarians take Toprosari and Kobadinu.

Southern Front
Weather breaks and fighting in the Cherna region dies down.

Naval and Overseas Operations
British submarine torpedoes German cruiser, Kolberg class, in North Sea.

Political, etc.
United Kingdom:
Dublin accepts a $2 million loan from a firm in Boston in order to rebuild the city after the Easter Uprising.
Austria-Hungary: Prince Henry of Prussia, the brother of Kaiser Wilhelm II, is named the grand admiral of the Austrian navy, an honorary title.
Karl von Stürgkh, Premier of Cisleithania (Austria), is assassinated by Social Democratic politician Friedrich Adler: http://imgur.com/hg7z9oi
Italy: Italian government orders all street lights and lights in stores, hotels, and cafés to be dimmed at 10:30 pm to save electricity.
United States: Despite the U-boat threat, 5 liners leave New York City today for Europe, carrying 1,800 passengers.

gekkogecko 10-22-2016 05:23 AM

22 October 1916
Western Front
Two German aircraft (1 lost to Dunkirk RNAS) drop 4 bombs on Sheerness (no casualties); 1 aircraft’s drops 3 bombs on Margate and wounds 2 people (October 23).
48 Anglo-German air combats, RFC lose 2 aircraft, claim 7.
French troops with a 145 mm naval gun at Hardecourt-aux-Bois: http://imgur.com/006k3DA* © IWM (Q 78049)

Eastern Front
Constanza (Dobrudja) captured by German and Bulgarian forces.
Galicia: Stiff fighting north of Halicz (until October 23).

Southern Front
Bulgars reinforced by Germans, counter-attack; everywhere repulsed and lose ground (Cherna front).

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Affairs in the Dakhla Oasis end (see 17th).

Naval and Overseas Operations
A squadron of German navy destroyers off Heligoland: http://imgur.com/3Nw0Zhh
East Africa: Portuguese now 8 miles north of river Rovuma. Major Kraut storms NRFF Hill at Mkapira and invests position (until October 30) until beaten over river Ruhuje after 124 casualties, 1 gun and 3 MGs lost.

Political, etc.
In occupied Belgium, Ghent University is transformed into a Flemish academy by the Germans (nicknamed Von Bissing University).

gekkogecko 10-23-2016 12:19 PM

23 October 1916
Western Front
Weather breaks, fog and rain restricts flying until October 25 and on October 27 in general. However, in Germany,13 Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutters of No 3 Wing RNAS damage 3 Thyssen blast furnaces at Hagendingen, north of Metz.
Aeroplane raid on Margate; two injured.
Battle of the Somme: British capture 1,000 yards of trenches towards Transloy.
French forces capture Ridge 128.
New Zealand Prime Minister William Massey and Deputy PM Sir Joseph Ward visiting the Somme: http://imgur.com/L6F5KHv* © IWM (Q 1483)
Battle of Verdun: Germans evacuate battered Fort Douaumont as untenable (night October 23-24). 

Eastern Front
Battle of Tirgu Jiu (until October 29) south of Vulcan Pass which Falkenhayn storms (October 24) despite snow.
A combined German-Bulgarian force under General Mackensen captures the strategic port city of Constanza in southern Romania.
Oil tanks burn in Constanza, Romania after shelling by German and Bulgarian troops: http://imgur.com/mHrhpeH* © IWM (Q 72737)
Battle in Halicz dies down.
Germans claim total repulse of Russians from west bank of Narajowka.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters

Sir C. Dobell takes over command of Eastern (Sinai) force.

Naval and Overseas Operations
British mine-sweeper HMS Genista, sunk, fighting the German U-57.
East Africa: Major-General Wahle ambushes British force, breaks through to Lettow between Northey and Iringa in next 3 weeks; captures 50 British soldiers and 2 guns at Ngominji, southwest of Iringa on October 29.

Political, etc.
United Kingdom:
Sir Edward Grey urges neutral nations to create a united “league” aimed at stopping future wars.
Canada: Canadian Premier appeals for more volunteers as “the climax of the war is rapidly approaching.” 370,000 Canadians have enlisted so far.

gekkogecko 10-24-2016 06:45 AM

24 October 1916
Western Front
German and Britain agree to exchange prisoners over the age of 45.
Battle of Verdun: "First Offensive Battle" of Verdun begins [French name and date.] (until December 18th). Nivelle and Mangin send 3 picked and compass-guided divisions (29 battalions) to assault 7 tired and depleted German divisions (only 16 battalions in front line) through mist, reoccupy Fort Douaumont (see February 25th, August 31st, October 23, and November 1st), and claim the capture 6,000 PoWs (two other sources say 4500). (French Army now back to positions held by it in May).

Eastern Front
Falkenhayn south of Torzburg Pass and fighting near Kimpulung.
Dobruja: Mackensen reaches Mejidia on Danube-Black Sea railway, occupies Cernavoda on Danube after Rumanians blow bridge on October 25. German and Bulgarian troops advance 16 miles north of Constanza, as Romanian forces fall back. German/Bulgarian forces claim 6,700 prisoners.

Southern Front
Serbian troops capture Bulgarian trenches on a front of 800 yards in the Cerna Valley and along the Vardar River.
To the west, communications established between Italians (at Koritsa) and the French (south-west of L. Prespa).

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Lawrence first meets Feisal at Hamra, decides he is the potential leader. HMS Hardinge arrives at Rabegh with Egyptian mountain guns from Jeddah.

gekkogecko 10-25-2016 04:13 AM

25 October 1916
Western Front
Allied (British naval and French) air raid on steel works (Hagendingen) north of Metz.
Battle of the Somme: Boelcke‘s Jasta 2 shoots down 3 RFC artillery observation aircraft.
Many supply trucks stuck in deep mud around Montauban, ammo shortages hamper Allied guns.
Battle of Verdun: Lieutenant Louis Franchet d’Esperey (son of general) of 401st Infantry Regiment killed before Fort Vaux, aged 18.
German counter-attacks at Verdun repulsed.
Stamp commemorating the French recapture of Douaumont at Verdun: http://imgur.com/pQRsexc
Maxime Lenoir, French flying ace with 11 aerial victories, is killed in action: http://imgur.com/oXxorxr

Eastern Front
Cernavoda captured by Bulgarian forces (see 22nd).
Russian victory at Dorna Vatra (Moldovia).

Southern Front
Five RNAS aircraft leave Imbros to fly to help Rumania, 4 reach Bucharest; 4 more aircraft sent on November 21.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Sir Reginald Wingate's despatch of 8 August published describing revolt and conquest of Darfur (January 1915 to 22 May 1916).

Naval and Overseas Operations
26 U-boats assigned (including 4 in Black Sea and 8 en route or preparing to leave).
East Africa: General Gil with Portuguese, crosses River Rovuma.

Political, etc.
United States:
Henry Ford grants women equal pay with men. All workers in his factories will receive minimum wage of $5 a day (about $110 today).
Due to a spinal injury, socialist writer and activist Helen Keller cancels her lecture engagements for the season to recover.
Greece: Greek Government issue decree disbanding class 1913 and the men called up on 10 September, and agree to transfer of two corps to Peloponnesus.
Reported at Athens that “Protecting” Powers had sanctioned loan to Salonika Provisional Government.

gekkogecko 10-26-2016 08:15 AM

26 October 1916
Western Front
Battle of the Somme:
Private Thomas Alfred Jones is awarded the Victoria Cross today for capturing 102 Germans during the Battle of Morval.
Battle of Verdun: At Verdun, the Germans have made 9 counterattacks over the past two days to reverse French advances, but are driven off.

Eastern Front
Tirgu Jiu: Rumanian First Army routs lone 11th Bavarian Division (2,000 PoWs and 4 guns captured), pursues until November 2).
German and Austro-Hungarian troops begin their invasion of the Oltenia region in Romania.
British and French aircraft reach Bucharest.

Naval and Overseas Operations
First German destroyer raid in Dover Straits (night 26th/27th) (see April 20th, 1917). 11 German destroyers (Captain Michelsen) from Zeebrugge raid in Dover Straits (night October 26-27). 24 German ships transferred from High Seas Fleet (October 23) to aid U-boat passage of the Straits. 7 net barrage drifters and 2 destroyers sunk for no loss despite Dover Patrol‘s 18 alerted destroyers (6 ‘Tribals’ from Dover briefly engage). British destroyer Zulu mined, sister ship Nubian torpedoed (Nubian undamaged bow section and Zulu stern section salvaged and mated to create unique HMS Zubian; she sinks UC-50 (February 4, 1918). Von Bethmann-Hollweg informs German High command question of unrestricted U-boat warfare exclusively Kaiser’s concern as C-in-C.

Political, etc.
Von Bethmann-Hollweg visits Pless and opposes military age extension to 60; Groener promoted Lieutenant General to head new War Munitions Office (created November 1).
United Kingdom: £60m New York loan announced. Rumania Flag Day.
United States: Wilson tells Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce ‘I believe that the business of neutrality is over. The nature of modern war leaves no state untouched’. Further, “This present war is the last war of this or any kind involving the world that the United States can keep out of.”
New York City police raid the first birth control in the U.S., jailing its founder Margaret Sanger and her assistant.
Norway: Relations between Norway and Germany sour, after more than 20 Norwegian ships were sunk by U-boats in the past few days.
Greece: Under pressure from the Allies, the Greek government agrees to reduce its mobilized army from 60,000 to 35,000 men.

gekkogecko 10-27-2016 02:53 AM

27 October 1916
Eastern Front
Romanian 1st Army in Jiu Valley (Wallachia) assume offensive, Romanians holding positions in Passes.
Western Russia: Russians forced to river Shchara east bank.

Southern Front
Serbs make progress in Cherna region.

Naval and Overseas Operations
Ethiopia: Battle of Chembebit (Sagalle, or Shano)
: Ras Tafari’s (Haile Selassie) 95,000 royal troops defeat Lij Yasu’s father Negus Ras Mikael of Wollo; he is led in chains to Addis Abeba but Lij Yasu escapes till January 1921.

Political, etc.
Three Cabinet Ministers resign because of conscription, referendum on October 28 defeats it by 72,476 votes.
Australian troops on the troopship Marathon departs from Brisbane: http://imgur.com/iRCPaA1

Teddy Bear 10-27-2016 07:32 AM

I haven't been to Pixies for a bit and fell behind in my reading this. Not sure where I left off. So picking up with this week.

gg, where are you getting all this information from? Thank you for presenting it in an easy to read, clear cut manner without talking it down to us less informed peeps.

I just started reading 'A Farewell to Arms' by Ernest Hemingway. Same war, different presentation.

dicksbro 10-28-2016 12:40 AM

Hi, TB! Good to see you back ... we miss you when you're not around! And, you're right, GG does a great job presenting this day-by-day narrative on WWI. I've really enjoyed it.

Teddy Bear 10-28-2016 06:03 AM

Thanks DB. :)

gekkogecko 10-28-2016 06:30 AM

Originally Posted by Teddy Bear

I just started reading 'A Farewell to Arms' by Ernest Hemingway. Same war, different presentation.

I've never actually gotten around to reading it: I was always under the impression that it was about (possibly partially based on personal experiences in) the Spanish Civil War that proceeded world War 2.

Maybe I will have to check it out.

Yeah, see you do learn something every day.

As far as my sources go, I use a number of different on-line references, I'll have to list them in a separate post.

gekkogecko 10-28-2016 06:34 AM

28 October 1916
Western Front
Battle of the Somme:
Captain Oswald Boelcke (40 victories), first great air combat tactician killed, aged 25, in Albatros mid-air collision over Pozieres with Jasta 2 wingman Lieutenant Erwin during a dogfight in which 8 German fighters down 3 RFC artillery observation aircraft and a Nieuport. One of 12 German aircraft losses in October. Boelcke was the man responsible for codifying the first well-known iteration of rules for aerial combat, the “Dicta Boelcke”: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dicta_Boelcke

Eastern Front
Romanians successful actions in north Transylvania Passes.
In Jiu Valley, the Germans/Bulgarians retire leaving 2,000 prisoners.

Southern Front
Bulgarian attack in force on Ormali (Struma front), repulsed with heavy losses.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Fighting near Hamadan (Persia), Russians capture two villages.

Naval and Overseas Operations
(Night of 27/28 October): 23 German torpedo boats raid the Dover Strait. They sink 1 destroyer, 6 naval drifters, and 1 troopship.
Donaldson liner Marina sunk by submarine without warning (18 lost, including six Americans) off Fastnet.
British hospital ship Galeka totally wrecked by mine off Havre: http://imgur.com/nfp8Xrp
U-boat sinks US SS Lanao off Portugal.

Political, etc.
Count von Roedern, German Secretary for the Treasury, estimates the war has cost $62 billion for all the belligerent countries.
Anglo-German Agreement to exchange interned civilians over 45 years of age.
United Kingdom: British news film “Tropical Budget” showing Serbian operations in Macedonia, among other news: http://film.iwmcollections.org.uk/record/index/5400
Austria-Hungary: Dr. Ernest von Körber appointed Austrian Premier (see 21st and December 14th).
Turkey: Halil Bey, Ottoman Foreign Minister, states, “We stand or fall with the Central Powers…The Germans cannot be beaten in this war.
Australia: Australia holds a plebiscite on whether or not to impose conscription. “No” wins with 51.61% of the vote.
United States: Contributions to the Democratic campaign for the upcoming election pass $1 million ($22 million today).
Greece: Venizelos' Provisional Government installed at Salonika.

gekkogecko 10-28-2016 06:52 AM

The sources, principally are:
http://www.greatwar.co.uk/ particularly the "timeline" pages, which give a brief listing on what they think the major events are. It's a good starting place, but they do tend to miss a significant number of what other people consider to be "major".

http://www.rafmuseum.org.uk/researc...ine/interactive -aviation-timeline.aspx Again, the most useful pages on the site are the timeline; but they of course, tend to focus on the air war, and again, miss a number of events that don't directly involvespecifically British Military Aviation. The anniversary of the death of Oswald Boelcke, for example, isn't mentioned at all.

http://www.firstworldwar.com/onthisday/1914_08_05.htm has a day-to-day calendar, and give a great amount of detail that others often miss; but one of the weaknesses of this site is that it is positively jingoistic at times.

https://twitter.com/centuryagotoday is an excellent site for much of the non-warfare, political/social events that I list. This is also the original page that leads me into the side forays into imgur.

Finally, http://ww2-weapons.com/ which used to be labelled World War One .net, is a great supplemental source; often providing excellent details, on the level of the third listed reference, but with significantly less bias.

...and of course, there are occasional other sources I quote or link to, like the dreaded wikipedia; also, I've picked up a considerable amount of my own background knowledge over the years from some many different places, I can't possibly remember them.

Teddy Bear 10-28-2016 05:14 PM

Originally Posted by gekkogecko
I've never actually gotten around to reading it: I was always under the impression that it was about (possibly partially based on personal experiences in) the Spanish Civil War that proceeded world War 2.

Maybe I will have to check it out.

Yeah, see you do learn something every day.

As far as my sources go, I use a number of different on-line references, I'll have to list them in a separate post.

It is WW1. The bf of the main girl in the story was killed in the Somme. So far the story is taking place in Italy. A number of other things you've mentioned in this thread are talked about in the story. A true history buff like yourself may not like it because even though its based on facts it is a novel. It is a love story unfolding during the war. When you have a little time you might want to read it anyway. It's really good.

Teddy Bear 10-28-2016 05:19 PM

Originally Posted by gekkogecko
The sources, principally are:
http://www.greatwar.co.uk/ particularly the "timeline" pages, which give a brief listing on what they think the major events are. It's a good starting place, but they do tend to miss a significant number of what other people consider to be "major".

http://www.rafmuseum.org.uk/researc...ine/interactive -aviation-timeline.aspx Again, the most useful pages on the site are the timeline; but they of course, tend to focus on the air war, and again, miss a number of events that don't directly involvespecifically British Military Aviation. The anniversary of the death of Oswald Boelcke, for example, isn't mentioned at all.

http://www.firstworldwar.com/onthisday/1914_08_05.htm has a day-to-day calendar, and give a great amount of detail that others often miss; but one of the weaknesses of this site is that it is positively jingoistic at times.

https://twitter.com/centuryagotoday is an excellent site for much of the non-warfare, political/social events that I list. This is also the original page that leads me into the side forays into imgur.

Finally, http://ww2-weapons.com/ which used to be labelled World War One .net, is a great supplemental source; often providing excellent details, on the level of the third listed reference, but with significantly less bias.

...and of course, there are occasional other sources I quote or link to, like the dreaded wikipedia; also, I've picked up a considerable amount of my own background knowledge over the years from some many different places, I can't possibly remember them.

WOW!! You really are a history buff. I like history and enjoy threads like this but my problem is I can't remember much of it. I read it and forget it. It made test taking in high school really hard. Oh well, enough of that.... need to read todays entry. Thanks again gg. :)

Oldfart 10-28-2016 05:21 PM

All Quiet on the Western Front is also worth the read.

gekkogecko 10-29-2016 05:35 AM

Originally Posted by Teddy Bear
It is WW1. The bf of the main girl in the story was killed in the Somme. A true history buff like yourself may not like it because even though its based on facts it is a novel.

That's pretty definitive, as the Spanish Civil War never involved any fighting in Italy, or in France.
As far as liking it or not based on the historical drama aspect:

Originally Posted by Oldfart
All Quiet on the Western Front is also worth the read.

That one, I've read. Seen a couple of different movie adaptations, as well. It's an excellent read, as well as more sobering to the jingoists when it's remembered that it was written by a German, from a German point of view.

gekkogecko 10-29-2016 05:35 AM

29 October 1916
Western Front
According to several popular accounts, today in 1916, the Royal Flying Corps dropped a wreath over Jasta 2 which read, "To the memory of Captain Boelcke, a brave and chivalrous foe."
Battle of the Somme: Allies capture Dewdrop and Hazy trenches.

Eastern Front
Romanian counteroffensive in the Transylvanian passes continues, advancing 7 miles and capturing 3000 German and Austro-Hungarian prisoners.
In Dobruja, Romanians still retiring.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Hussein bin Ali, the Sharif of Mecca, proclaims himself the King of Hejaz and the King of the Arab lands: http://imgur.com/Kv4ZJx2

Naval and Overseas Operations
U-boat torpedoes Greek volunteer transport Angeliki.
2 RNAS seaplanes reconnoiter Schillig Roads ( https://www.google.com/maps/place/53%C2%B042'06.1%22N+8%C2%B001'23.9%22E/@53.7017,8.0233,11120m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d53.7017!4d8. 0233 ) from carrier Vindex but fail to find boom; no CMB attack carried out.
Jellicoe warns of ‘…serious danger that our losses in merchant ships … may by the early summer of 1917 have such a serious effect … as to force us into accepting peace terms’.

Political, etc.
United Kingdom:
Field Marshal Viscount French warns volunteers at Derby that a German invasion of Britain is a possibility, not a mere supposition.

gekkogecko 10-30-2016 03:11 AM

30 October 1916
Western Front
Battle of the Somme:
British Reserve Army redesignated Fifth Army and reinforced with guns from Third Army and all available 52 Tank Mk I‘s for limited ops astride Ancre Valley.
German troops with flamethrowers counterattack French positions east of Peronne, but are driven back.
French take trenches north-west of Sailly-Saillisel.

Eastern Front
German/Austro-Hungarians retiring in Jiu Valley and in Vulkan Pass.
South-east of Roter Turm Pass, enemy capture heights.
Germans and Turks force back Russians near River Narajowka (Galicia).
Latter advance towards Lutsk.

Southern Front
Violent fighting along whole line in Cherna region.
Bulgarian attack on Kalendia (Struma) repulsed.

Naval and Overseas Operations
Allied Taranto conference on Otranto Barrage ducks single commander question but Italians will transfer 22 trawlers from Tyrrhenian, plus add 18 small torpedo boats and 38 aircraft (30 French aircrafts at Corfu).
Britain: Royal Navy has 47 antisubmarine ships, from drifters to medium-size steamers.
East Africa: British drive enemy over Ruhuje River, and repel them in Iringa district and at Lupembe (East Africa).* Main body of enemy south of Central Railway and about Rufiji river, Tabora force being near Iringa.

Political, etc.
Lieut.-General Hermann von Stein succeeds Lieut.-General Wild von Hohenborn as German Minister for War (see January 21st, 1915, and October 9th, 1918).
United Kingdom: Increased wages demanded by Cardiff miners.
United States: U.S. Army recruitment is down this year, and there are less than 100,000 regulars in service.

gekkogecko 10-31-2016 06:17 AM

31 October 1916
Western Front
In the air, Allied October losses 88 aircraft plus over 99 RFC personnel. RFC help engage 169 German batteries.
Battle of the Somme: German counterattacks succeed in gaining a foothold in the town of La Maisonnette.
British losses in the four months since the start of the Somme offensive number 414,202 men killed, wounded, captured, and missing.

Eastern Front
Following their success in Jiul Valley, Romanian troops also go on the offensive in Dobruja.
German Ninth Army facing the Romanians losses since September 11: 9,072 men.
Despite snowstorms, Romanian troops make further gains against German and AH troops in Jiul Valley and Bicaz, but fall back at Mieczysczow.
Austrian-Hungarians checked at Torzburg, but successful in Predeal Pass.

Southern Front
Italy: Ninth Battle of the Isonzo
begins (see November 4th).
Struma front, British take Barakli Juma (in front of Rupel Pass), also Kumli.

Naval and Overseas Operations
In October 353,600t Allied and neutral shipping (49 British worth 176,248t with 197 lives, a record so far; including 44 ships or 125,152t to Mediterranean U-boats.
East Africa: British reorganised into two divisions (Hoskins and van Deventer), former about Kilwa, latter on Ruaha and Central Railway, Northey about Iringa.

Political, etc.
Field Marshal von Hindenburg declares German lines can hold for 30 years against Allied attacks.
Russia: Russian Sixth Army censor reports soldiers saying ‘after the war we’ll have to settle accounts with the internal enemy’. Russian losses so far 4,670,000 killed and wounded; 2,078,000 PoWs and over 1 million missing.
United States: The U.S. begins circulating its new 10-cent coin (nicknamed the Mercury Dime): http://imgur.com/U8Pq4tg
China: Huang Xing, Chinese revolutionary leader and one of the founders of the Kuomintang, passed away: http://imgur.com/yjx5SQG

gekkogecko 11-01-2016 03:02 AM

1 November 1916
Western Front
Joffre letter to Haig specifies broad lines of combined action in 1917 (Haig agrees by letter on November 6).
High winds and poor weather hampers air operations until November 8 and from November 12-15.
Battle of the Somme: French repulse counter-attack at Sailly-Saillisel and advance northeast of Lesboeufs. Other British and French attempts to reverse German gains fail, in part due to bad weather. Allies announce 72,901 PoWs; 303 guns; 215 mortars and 981 MGs captured since July 1, 1916.
Battle of Verdun: Fort Vaux evacuated by Germans, and recaptured by French forces (see June 2nd).

Eastern Front
Falkenhayn advances beyond Törzburg, Predeal and Rotenturm Passes (until November 5).
Dobruja: Sakharov replaces Zayonchkovski in command of Danube Army (now 8 divisions) and orders end to ‘shameful flight’. By November 5, 27 Russian divisions in Rumania (Fourth, Eighth and Danube Armies).
Airship LZ-97 raids Bucharest (German 1st Squadron raids on November 14, 20, 22 and December 12-15).

Southern Front
Ninth Battle of the Isonzo:
Italian Second and Third Armies attack at 1110 hours east of Gorizia and on Carso. In former some ground gained on San Marco slopes despite waist-deep mud, in latter Toscana Brigade (D’Annunzio a vol) seizes Velike Kribach (1,125 ft), 5 other objectives taken and held or regained after Austrian attacks (night November 1-2).

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Lawrence crosses Red Sea from Jeddah to Port Sudan in cruiser HMS Euryalus, goes on to Khartoum for talks.
Armenia: In November Turk getting only 1/3 rations despite German motor columns and efforts. Second Army Kharput hospital has 900 deaths per month. Third Army losses 60,000 men to cold, plague, lice and typhus (July 1916 to spring 1917).
British Appointment of Colonel L. Stack as acting Governor-General of Sudan and Sirdar.

Naval and Overseas Operations
Grand Fleet receives daily Room 40 summaries of all German naval movements and changes.
Adriatic: Italian torpedo boats raid Pola.
France: 12 Japanese-built Arabe-class destroyers ordered (completed September-October 1917).

Political, etc.
United Kingdom:
In November Air Board orders 8,000 Hispano-Suiza engines.
Italy: In early November Italian Navy discover French reading their codes, but this continues into 1918.
United States: Mercantile U-boat Deutschland reaches New London on second transatlantic voyage.
Greece: Greek royalist forces and those loyal to Venizelos clash near Thessalonica, resulting in several casualties.

dicksbro 11-02-2016 01:23 AM

Interesting that France apparently ordered 12 Arabe-class destroyers from Japan. Didn't know any of the western powers ordered any ships from Japan. I'd never heard that before. Thanks. Love this little tidbits. :thumbs:

gekkogecko 11-02-2016 02:20 AM

Western Front
Battle of the Somme:
British capture trench east of Gueudecourt.

Eastern Front
Austro-Hungarians attack in Predeal Pass; Romanians pursue Austrians in Vulkan Pass (northern Wallachia front).

Southern Front
Ninth Battle of the Isonzo: Italians occupy Faiti Hrib (dominating Kostanjevitsa-Isonzo front).
French 155mm heavy artillery guns near Cerne in Macedonia: http://imgur.com/xmJIZRq* © IWM (Q 79013)

Naval and Overseas Operations
U-56 sunk by Russian patrol craft gunfire off Lapland.
Black Sea: Russian Fleet shells Constanza (and on November 4).
North Sea: British destroyers rescue Dutch*SS Oldambt, routing 5 German destroyers.

Political, etc.
United Kingdom:
Asst Chief Commissioner Thomson meets Jewish master spy Alex Aaronsohn by St James’s Park; Aaronsohn arrives at Cairo on December 12.
British soldier carries away two dogs that had wandered into the parade grounds during the review: http://imgur.com/IWLRFDN* © IWM (Q 1500)
Russia: Declaration of Labor Group at Petrograd to working classes.
United States: Campaign ad for Charles E. Hughes, the Republican nominee for President: http://imgur.com/8xaYDr0
President Wilson says the GOP’s criticism of US foreign policy is “partisan” and “unpatriotic.”

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