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dicksbro 07-15-2018 01:17 AM

We'll keep our hopes up, then. :D

dm383 07-16-2018 12:50 AM

Originally Posted by dicksbro
We'll keep our hopes up, then. :D

Yes indeed!

Although hope was all that was in evidence this morning. No sign of Maggie - not really that surprised given my comments yesterday and the fact that it's raining quite heavily this morning - tends to put a lot of people off for some reason!

Sadly, no actual sighting of Liz today either, in any meaningful way at least. While the bedroom curtain remains steadfastly closed, the downstairs blinds were opened as I was walking towards the house. These are obviously opened/closed from the side though, as I could see no sign of her. Did see her very briefly as she got into her car, but (a) I don't want to be too obvious and (b) had to keep an eye on the wee dog.

Our neighbour across the road, who I see most mornings while I'm sitting here, will definitely have a coat on as she has done on all but the hottest mornings - shame, as she has a lovely slim, yet fairly busty, figure! Ah well .. .. ..


dicksbro 07-16-2018 01:44 AM

Maybe tomorrow … maybe it's building up to a wonderful … er … dare I say it … climax.


dm383 07-18-2018 12:47 AM

Originally Posted by dicksbro
Maybe tomorrow … maybe it's building up to a wonderful … er … dare I say it … climax.


Not a soul to be seen this morning, rain absolutely throwing it down!

I don't know if my dogs are unique, round here anyway, but they're loving this rain - even the wee one, who normally hates it! They're lying quite happily in their bed, over <<< there, permeating the air rather sweetly with odeur de chien humide.

Lovely! :eew:


dm383 07-19-2018 12:47 AM

This morning saw the welcome return to view of the woman who started my little odyssey off, way back when; yes, MANDY broke cover today!! :cheers: :wine: :love:

I must say, the years have remained kind, to her posterior in particular (couldn't see her :boobs: unfortunately, as she had a light jacket on in addition to walking away form me!) it is still lovely, round and firm yet with that little element of wobble that, to me, makes for the perfect ladies rear end. :D Her legs are, perhaps, slightly thicker than before, but still have a beautiful taper to slender ankles.

Aaahhh .. .. .. .. lovely!!! :wobbly: :thumb: :horny:

As for Maggie, I'm starting to think that was something of an aberration, pleasant as it was, and Liz is definitely hiding! :( Ah well, it was great while it lasted.


dicksbro 07-19-2018 03:22 AM

Yippee! Good things come to those who wait! Sounds like your perseverance paid off for you (and us). Let's hope the trend now restarted … continues. :D

dm383 07-20-2018 12:45 AM

Raining again today, so - nada.

Except . . . . in the bottom corner of Liz's (frosted, natch) bathroom window this morning, was espied a light-coloured patch I took to be a robe. This was in the bottom corner initially, then wider and further up. I suspect it was she, 'sitting down' as ladies do, then standing to go about her other business.

I'm some sick puppy, I think; I felt a wee tingle to think she was there, not 40 feet from me, almost certainly naked from the waist down .. .. .. that ass .. .. .. :licker: :slurp:

That's all folks, move along please .. .. ..


dicksbro 07-20-2018 11:31 PM

Shucks, just when it was sounding promising.

dm383 07-23-2018 01:14 AM

Well, it was the return of Maggie today, who passed in front of me in a manner that showed off her boobs to wonderful effect. They do bounce rather nicely I'm pleased to report! She's really very attractive too - bonus!

Also making something of a return is the lovely Liz; well, she opened her cutrains today for the first time in ages, though I didn't actually see her! !

Ah well, getting there. :)


dm383 07-24-2018 12:49 AM

Maggie again.

Today we approached each other "head on" (for about 10 seconds or so) which allowed for a fantastic frontal view of her bosom; she really does have spectacular breasts for her age, which I'd now estimate at late 40's having seen her a bit closer in proximity.

Still wearing her jacket tied round her waist, so yet to manage a good view of her butt, however she does have lovely, straight sexy-looking legs!!

I shall keep you posted!


dicksbro 07-24-2018 02:33 AM

Things are looking up! ;) Anxiously awaiting the next chapter. :D

dm383 07-26-2018 12:36 AM

Originally Posted by dicksbro
Things are looking up! ;) Anxiously awaiting the next chapter. :D

Speaking of looking up; similar scenario to yesterday.. .. .. but it's quite chilly this morning! Let's just say the view was even better today!! :D :boobs: :slurp:


dicksbro 07-26-2018 11:52 PM

Lucky DM … that's for sure. :boink:

dm383 07-27-2018 12:47 AM

Originally Posted by dicksbro
Lucky DM … that's for sure. :boink:

Now and again DB, now and again!

A week of mixed fortunes to be sure; 4 days-worth of sightings of Maggie, half of which were lose range and very easy on the eye!

Signs that Liz has been about, i.e. 3 days where the curtains were opened when I was in the blind spot (can that really be coincidence now?) one of her driving away and this morning - no open curtains but a glimpse of her through the bathroom window.

And, on Wednesday evening, served by Barbara (who isn't really a Barbara, as I've said!) in our local supermarket. I suspect being an "Older" lady is why she had her zip-up jacket 'thing' zipped up, and those things really are not designed to show off the feminine figure!! Anyway, she is really quite softly spoken, not at all what was expecting - a voice one could very much enjoy listening to post-coitally, as well as whilst "in the throes"! :D

That's all folks!


dicksbro 07-28-2018 12:39 AM

Sounds like a very profitable 4 days, DM.

May the sightings continue and only get better! :)

dm383 07-30-2018 12:41 AM

Not much to report today.

A distantly viewed Maggie, who looked to have left her hair down today - I suspect that would look lovely closer to.

And that's it. No-one else about this morning, not even the crow family I usually see. Ah well .. .. ..


dicksbro 07-30-2018 02:56 AM

Will keep my thumb on the thread to be alert for later developments. :D

dm383 08-01-2018 12:41 AM

Originally Posted by dm383
Maggie again.

Today we approached each other "head on" (for about 10 seconds or so) which allowed for a fantastic frontal view of her bosom; she really does have spectacular breasts for her age, which I'd now estimate at late 40's having seen her a bit closer in proximity.

Still wearing her jacket tied round her waist, so yet to manage a good view of her butt, however she does have lovely, straight sexy-looking legs!!

I shall keep you posted!


This, again! :D :D :D :boobs: No bra on today, very obviously; boobs do sag a little, but more than made up for by very prominent, quite thick-looking nipples (it was quite chilly this morning!)

Got a nice wee "'mornin'" smile from her too - bonus! :)

As for Liz - opening them curtains again, but not wide and not when I can see! I don't think she luvs me any more! ;)


dm383 08-02-2018 12:45 AM

Originally Posted by dm383

As for Liz - opening them curtains again, but not wide and not when I can see! I don't think she luvs me any more! ;)


Maggie was too far away this morning, so no smile - or anything else come to that!

However, Liz opened her curtains while I was walking towards her house but while I was checking on the dogs!!!

"Dammit!" I thought, but then I saw her moving into the gap, looking out. She had what looked like a thin nightie on, but I got a bit wary and looked away; when I looked back again she was still there, but further back in the shadows.

Still, all does not appear lost quite yet. :)


dicksbro 08-02-2018 11:20 PM

Keeping our fingers crossed for you (and me, your faithful follower :D).

dm383 08-03-2018 12:53 AM

Originally Posted by dicksbro
Keeping our fingers crossed for you (and me, your faithful follower :D).

Cheers DB!

Well this is my last foray into the field for a while, as we're off on holiday next week. A rather disappointing end to Liz-watch; she stood right behind the central divider of her window to open the curtain this morning, to the point I caught a milliseconds' glimpse of her head and that was it. :(

Maggie on the other hand; mmmm mmm MMMM! :yikes: She had ditched the all-black look for what I call the French onion-seller type of top; you know, very thin, horizontal black and white stripes, the kind that follow said curves faithfully, serving mainly to delineate and highlight every millimetre for the discerning viewer.

So, I viewed. So would you have, if you'd been there! :slurp: :boobs: :boobs: Braless again, soft round orbs bouncing lightly in time with her strides, a truly major effort to drag my eyes away in an effort to kid on I wasn't really scoping her out .. .. .. .. I suspect to no avail if the sparkling eyes and cheeky wee half-smile are any guide!! I tell you, I was a bit of a quivering wreck for the remainder of our walk - maybe why my sighting of Liz wasn't all it could have been; I pass Maggie first, you see, before heading towards Liz's place.

On that note I shall leave you .. .. .. Maggie is seriously hot, and I'm away to take care of something that just came up - and maybe pray a little!! :wish: :cheers:


dicksbro 08-04-2018 12:00 AM

What a great start to a week's holiday. Here's hoping you'll have a great time, DM! Tell us all about it when you get back. Just stay safe!

dm383 08-14-2018 12:48 AM

Hello again, reader(s)!

Holiday was fun; an almost full week of doing not very much at all. Just what the doctor ordered!

Yesterdays return to dog-walking bore little fruit - only a sighting of Liz, sort of hovering/hiding behind the centre vertical "bar" of her window after she'd opened the curtains. NO idea what that was all about! :confused:

Today wasn't really much better, to be brutally honest. Although I did spot Maggie this morning she was quite far away, plus I was concentrating more on the wee guy, who isn't too well at the moment.
However what I did see was uplifting, in that even from a distance, she filled out her pale pink sweatshirt very nicely indeed and, as usual, seemed to be 'bouncing' well!

Maybe tomorrow will reap bigger dividends? Who knows.


dicksbro 08-15-2018 10:48 PM

Hope springs eternal! :D

dm383 08-20-2018 12:50 AM

Originally Posted by dicksbro
Hope springs eternal! :D

Well, that eternal hope you spoke about? I was starting to wonder if that particular spring had dried up, but no; it seems that Maggie has reversed direction of her walk in the morning, probably to minimise any boredom for her dog (or maybe herself? Who knows).

So, as we walked onto the park this morning I caught a glimpse over the tops of the grass of a dark head, then spotted Molly running around on the park. Got to the "entry" path and there she was, striding toward me - Maggie. Dressed in her usual black legging-type apparel but, as it was/is a bit chilly this morning, jacket was on (instead of tied round her waist as it always has been before) and fully zipped up. My imagination would love to think she was naked underneath it, but this is the West of Scotland in autumn - just ain't happnin'!

Still, she passed by the end of the path before I got there, so I was able to cast a lengthy glance at her arse :booty: which I have never managed to see properly until now. Well. You may know how some types of female pant/trouser don't really cling to curves in quite the way us males (and some ladies too, of course!) would like? These are they and, coupled with being black, make proper observation & appreciation very difficult. I'm aware of my audience, however, and gave it my best shot for y'all! :)

It is a very nice size and shape from what I can see, her legs are perhaps a little thicker than some might like but, to me, that speaks of healthy exercise - and appetites! ;) There is also a very pleasant side-to-side sway to her hips, which I have to say is very alluring. All in all, her partner is a very lucky wo/man! :D :D

Got myself all of a fluster now; I think I may have to go and lie down for a bit! :D


dicksbro 08-21-2018 12:27 AM

As they … whoever "they" is … say, no good arse goes un-noticed. :kissass:

dm383 08-21-2018 12:44 AM

Originally Posted by dicksbro
As they … whoever "they" is … say, no good arse goes un-noticed. :kissass:

Very true that, and I did miss it this morning; no sign of her. :(

Did see Liz though, in fact I passed by within about 3 feet of her! Her hair looks a lot redder closer up, and her boobs looked lovely under a scoop-necked, yet fairly snugly fitting, top.
From what I see of when the curtains open to when she leaves the house, I think she's changed her routine so she's dressed by the time the curtains are opened. Either that or she leaves her top off until the last minute sometimes?!?! Whatever, even glimpses of bare skin are absent these days. *Le Sigh*


dm383 08-22-2018 12:39 AM

Well the rain is bouncing off the pavements this morning and, as usual, there was NO ONE else about!

I often wonder if folk think their dogs will melt, or they simply don't need the exercise in the rain? Very odd. Forecasts are for more of the same tomorrow - deep joy!!


dicksbro 08-23-2018 01:12 AM

Maybe the dogs don't melt but they do. Just saying … :D

dm383 08-30-2018 12:46 AM

First "proper" dew on the grass this morning, which showed very clearly tracks over a similar path to that which Maggie uses; other, smaller and more random tracks, into and through the long grass, strongly suggests to me that Maggie (and Molly) are out that few minutes or more earlier than they were. Very possibly the time she used to be out at, before she "showed up" so suddenly those few weeks ago!

Oh well, it was lovely while it lasted. :)

No signs of life at Liz's window this week either - I wonder if she's on holiday? Ah well. :(


dicksbro 08-31-2018 01:54 AM

Maybe the good times will return. We can always hope. :wish:

dm383 09-13-2018 12:47 AM

Originally Posted by dicksbro
Maybe the good times will return. We can always hope. :wish:

Well it doesn't seem it's going to be; not for a while anyway. Not so much as a glimpse of any of the lovely ladies I've been privileged to see in various stages of dress over the past few years, and it distresses me greatly.

I have stopped actually looking for any such views, simply because, when it all started, it was very much a happy accident! I shall hope that similar accidental sights occur again, until then .. .. ..

Arrivederci! :wave:


dicksbro 09-13-2018 01:16 AM


Sad news. Your visual adventures were a delightful part of the mornings when they happened. Our hopes will continue.

dm383 10-04-2018 12:51 AM

Well. From last night's events I had hoped to be the bearer of good news; young Jill had, it seemed, come to stay with Barbara for the night.

As I said, relatively high hopes for a sighting of her luscious form, perhaps exiting the bathroom or standing in the window drying her hair, topless ideally as she did once; not a bit of it. Nothing at all this morning, as for these many mornings past.

Ah well, just keep plodding on!


dicksbro 10-06-2018 01:40 AM

We'll keep our fingers crossed … and legs … and arms … and …

You have a great day, DM!!

dm383 11-13-2018 01:45 AM

Well, after weeks of nothing at all, finally achieved a 'viewing' this morning. Kind of.

First of all, I saw the curtains of Liz's house opening; sadly, the room was in complete darkness and I was too far away to see her. Given the course of events in recent weeks (which I won't bore you with) she is obviously getting fully dressed before she opens the curtains, rather than afterwards like she did before. Ho hum.

Then I saw Barbara in her small front bedroom, very well lit. However, her attire consisted of a thick, white bathrobe, so nothing to see there! She is a good-looking woman though, that much was confirmed. Again.

Ah well . . . . onwards!


dicksbro 11-13-2018 03:01 AM

A little encouraging … at least. Hopefully, the trend will continue and improve. :slurp:


dm383 01-04-2019 04:10 PM

Originally Posted by dicksbro
A little encouraging … at least. Hopefully, the trend will continue and improve. :slurp:


As you may have gathered, any sightings at all have been, essentially. non-existent. This morning broke that drought, and once again by the lovely Liz.

Managed a good view of her exiting her house and walking round the back of her car to get to the drivers' door. (Bear in mind this is the UK, so the driver's door is on the right side of the car!) Obviously she was well wrapped against the cool of the morning (roughly 2C this morning!!) but still I was able to see she had on wonderfully snug jeans, serving to remind me of the gorgeous round bottom she has.

Sadly, nothing else of any note whatsoever since my last post - lets hope for more in the coming weeks/months.


dicksbro 01-05-2019 12:24 AM

Ah, hope "SPRINGs" eternal. Thanks for the latest! :thumbs:

dm383 01-08-2019 01:48 AM

Liz again.

This morning she came out of her house with her coat open (it's not cold today) and wearing a thin white/li-coloured polo-neck top (you guys in the US call them roll-necks I think).

Anyway, as thin jumpers do, this showcased her lovely, pert boobs very nicely indeed; as I've noted before, she has small, but wonderfully formed pair of breasts. I hope her partner appreciates them properly! :boobs: :licker:


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