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WildIrish 12-27-2013 10:29 AM

If I were ever to glimpse someone back-lit behind a curtain, it would more likely be Haru than Nicolette Sheridan. :rofl:

dm383 12-31-2013 01:58 AM

Well, after something of a disappointment yesterday morning (she was up, but the blinds were closed!!) I was hoping for a nice wee treat to finish the year off this morning. Sadly, it was not to be - it would appear she has either the day off or is on a late shift :( Good news is, the blinds are open again - given the lack of Christmas decorations now, I suspect the removal of same was the cause for the closed blinds yesterday.

My other neighbour has been rather negligent in providing for my voyeuristic pleasure too …. here's to a much improved New Year!



dicksbro 12-31-2013 05:51 AM

Originally Posted by dm383
…. here's to a much improved New Year! :D

Here's to a HAPPY NEW VIEW! :p

osuche 02-08-2014 09:45 PM

Originally Posted by jseal
Don't change your schedule.

I'm with him.

dm383 02-09-2014 02:17 AM

Sadly, nil of note since my last post! Either she's rumbled what's been on show and it's been inadvertant, or, they've simply been messing with the blinds for some reason, leaving them sufficiently closed to obscure my view. Whatever, the set-up now affords me no decent view.

As for the other neighbour - well, I did see a little silhouette show a couple of weeks ago, which was lovely; not able to post that though, due to the server strike or whatever it was!


dm383 02-12-2014 01:55 AM

OK, so it seems the bus schedule has changed again, or some other factor has crept in I'm unaware of. Both yesterday and again this morning, I've met Mandy on the pavement outside her house (yesterday, and she replied to my "hello") or as she'd turned away from locking her front door (just now, and she didn't say hello!)

Just occurred to me - one of my dogs has an injured paw, so our walk is taking that few minutes longer; not enough to account for all the time, but some of it at least. Hmmmm……

Wee Billy Bonus though; the other neighbour - I'll call her Betty I think - was passing her landing window on her way to the bathroom today, and I got a tiny glimpse of side-boob! Very pert for her age too, I might add. That'll do for me! ;)


dm383 02-20-2014 01:51 AM

Not much to report over the past weeks. Not seen Mandy at all (in the mornings, I must add - have seen her at other times, going out, at the bus stop etc, so she isn't on holiday or anything) an only odd glimpses of Betty.

Til this morning - Betty's bathroom is in line with her landing window (viewed from the angle I pass by at anyway!) and today she opted to leave the bathroom door open whilst in the shower! :hot: What with the merely translucent shower screen her upper half was fairly well on show for a few seconds, and a lovely sight it was to be sure. :boobs: The old adage "less is more" certainly applies here, I think - seeing relatively little serves to fuel the imagination, which is rather nice!! :D


BIBI 02-20-2014 02:18 PM

Seriously, what will you do if you get caught? :tongue:

Cyberdude26 02-20-2014 05:04 PM

Originally Posted by BIBI
Seriously, what will you do if you get caught? :tongue:

Being a gentleman, I'm sure he would doff his hat and say, "Thanks for the wonderful show and everlasting memories ...!!"

dm383 02-20-2014 05:35 PM

Originally Posted by Cyberdude26
Being a gentleman, I'm sure he would doff his hat and say, "Thanks for the wonderful show and everlasting memories ...!!"

Exactly so! Anything I've seen has been open to view by anyone who might be passing and happens to look, so I don't feel there has been any impropriety on my part. And what I'm lucky enough to be able to see is very pleasant viewing, so thanks would, indeed, be in order. :)


dm383 02-27-2014 01:50 AM

Mystery solved!

My walk with the dogs takes roughly 25 minutes most mornings, and we're usually out of the house by 06:15. This morning, 06:20 (due to reasons that don't matter) which resulted in seeing Mandys' back as she walked towards the lane leading to the bus stop. This means that for some reason she's now catching the earlier bus, which arrives a full half-hour earlier! Damn, damn and double-damn!

And triple-damn, cos Betty seems to be working night-shift this oast week or so, son ot seeing anything there either! :(

If it's any consolation to me at all (it really isn't!) the mornings are starting to lighten-up really noticeably now, which will render any viewings impossible in ay event - it's a kind of mid-grey outside now even as I'm typing this. So, another season of Mandy- (and Betty!) watching draws to a close.

See you next year folks!


dicksbro 03-17-2014 02:51 AM

It's been a pleasure following this year's season and we'll be anxious for next years reportings. :)

AZRedHot 03-18-2014 12:15 AM

Originally Posted by dm383
Exactly so! Anything I've seen has been open to view by anyone who might be passing and happens to look, so I don't feel there has been any impropriety on my part. And what I'm lucky enough to be able to see is very pleasant viewing, so thanks would, indeed, be in order. :)


I often wander through the house (and back yard) in the nude, curtains and doors open, and my hubby gives me crap about potential spying eyes or charges of public indecency. I tell him that there's not a woman alive who doesn't know where her windows and doors are, and if you see her through them, then she doesn't care if you do. That and it's my house (and my back yard with 6-foot brick walls). If someone sees me, they're trying, and they get what they get. It's my prerogative to catch rays without tanlines if I so choose. If the glare off my pale white ass is too much for you, then stop looking into my yard! :D

dm383 03-18-2014 01:46 AM

Originally Posted by AZRedHot
I often wander through the house (and back yard) in the nude, curtains and doors open, and my hubby gives me crap about potential spying eyes or charges of public indecency. I tell him that there's not a woman alive who doesn't know where her windows and doors are, and if you see her through them, then she doesn't care if you do. That and it's my house (and my back yard with 6-foot brick walls). If someone sees me, they're trying, and they get what they get. It's my prerogative to catch rays without tanlines if I so choose. If the glare off my pale white ass is too much for you, then stop looking into my yard! :D

Ha! Never! Never I tells ya!! :D


(You mean, you saw me out there? Damn!)

Lord Snow 03-18-2014 09:04 AM

DM, next time just use google maps. LOL

AZRedHot 03-18-2014 11:03 AM

Originally Posted by dm383
Ha! Never! Never I tells ya!! :D


(You mean, you saw me out there? Damn!)

Of course. That's why I stayed out there longer. ;)

AZRedHot 03-18-2014 11:04 AM

Originally Posted by Lord Snow
DM, next time just use google maps. LOL

You are suggesting I can be seen from space? :whack:

gekkogecko 03-18-2014 11:41 AM

I think he's suggesting that we would all like to see you nude, a lot closer than from space.

dm383 07-10-2014 02:40 PM

I wasn't sure where to put this, to start a new thread or what - so opted for here, given the topic.

I'm down in the South of England just now, in a place called Milton Keynes. To get here involved a 362-mile, 6-hour drive, with a couple of stops at motorway (like interstates I suppose) service stations on the way. So far, so boring.

Anyway, at my second stop I wander in to the building where the various eating emporia are (you know - Burger King, KFC, etc etc; I reckon American folk would feel right at home here most of the time!) and heading towards me in one of the quieter areas is a 30-something young mum with a year-old, maybe more, babe-in-arms in, well, her arms! I noted also that mom was wearing a rather low cut t-shirt type thing.

You know what happened next, don't you? Yep - babe managed to grab a good handful of mom's t-shirt AND bra, pulling it down and off a very nice, pert and wonderfully firm breast. Boob. Tit. Mammary. You get the idea, I'm sure.

Best part of my day! :D :boobs:


dicksbro 07-16-2014 12:11 AM

^^^^ Some people have all the luck. :D

rabbit 07-17-2014 02:29 PM

Excellent!!! :thumbs: We enjoy the updates!!

kleclere 08-02-2014 04:49 PM

Went to Adventureland and it is really amazing when in the wave pool what comes down when those 6 foot waves hit bikini's. Breasts being exposed, all sizes and colors. A good day was had by me. lol :cabbagep:

Cyberdude26 08-07-2014 03:40 PM

Here's an example of Catch 22 situation. We are having an exceptionally pleasant August. Don't want summer to stop but would really like winter to come over on the UK side to get more eye-witness accounts on this threads ... :-)

dm383 08-24-2014 06:52 AM

Originally Posted by Cyberdude26
Here's an example of Catch 22 situation. We are having an exceptionally pleasant August. Don't want summer to stop but would really like winter to come over on the UK side to get more eye-witness accounts on this threads ... :-)

Well ……. not seen Mandy around for a while (a not unusual occurrence in the summer months) but spotted her walking to the bus stop just now as we came home from walking the dogs.

And Boy!, does she look good! Looks like she's lost at least a stone in weight (14 pounds or a fraction under 6.5kg) maybe more, but NOT in her bust region as my OH tends to do - result!! :boobs: Looked mighty fine striding along there, hoping to see a bit more "action" now the nights are drawing in. :D


dicksbro 10-26-2014 02:40 AM

Any action on the home front yet, DM? Popcorn popped. Chair sat comfortably near the window? You know, the normal preparations for watching something entertaining. :)

dm383 11-02-2014 05:18 AM

Originally Posted by dicksbro
Any action on the home front yet, DM? Popcorn popped. Chair sat comfortably near the window? You know, the normal preparations for watching something entertaining. :)

Sad to say, not much happening yet despite the dark mornings and continued dog-walking. Mandy's blinds appear to be set at the correct perv-view angle, however absolutely nothing to see thus far.

She has continued to lose weight over the summer though (I've seen her a number of times "out and about" in the past couple of months) and she looks rather good on it I must say. Sadly, the weight loss has also now encompassed her bust, which looks much smaller than previously. Shame. :shrug:

Much the same story with 'Betty' too; any time I've seen her has been outside or sitting in her living room. I noticed a couple of months ago she has bought a new car, but it has been joined by a second car too over the past month or so - I think her daughter might be back living with her, but not seen anyone else so not sure. Might be some additional viewing pleasures to be had if it is the daughter - seen her once or twice before too.

This "season" will be what it will be - Herself has changed her routine a bit in the mornings, which means mine has had to alter too. Essentially, it means the dogs and I leave the house about 10 minutes later than we did previously, so I'm not holding out much hope this year! :(

Sorry to all those who've enjoyed my ramblings over the past couple of winters - I'll do my best to report anything "exciting" I observe.


dicksbro 11-08-2014 03:27 AM

We'll be anxiously awaiting your periodic briefings. :D

dm383 11-19-2014 01:09 AM

Sad to say, absolutely nothing to report - not even seen a light, on, far less anything "fun".

This morning, however, I thought my luck was turning; lights on nice and bright, decent-sized gaps in the venetian blinds ….. and Mandy sitting on the sofa, fully dressed and coat on, zipping up her long boots!

Frustrating, but progress of sorts I guess!!

Ciao for now.


dm383 11-30-2014 05:02 PM

Well, progress of two sorts recently!

First, I found out on Friday that Mandy is the daughter of a patient I've been seeing for nearly FOUR years now!! A bit disconcerting to say the least but "mum" is a nice lady; though not ever been as sexy as Mandy I wager.

Second …. was taking the dogs for their tea-time walk today, and Mandy had her main living room light on as she hoovered the carpet. Lovely, tight-fitting top on, which highlighted her noticeably slimmer curves to perfection. Especially the :boobs: area! :D

I do like winter time. ;)


dm383 12-11-2014 01:02 AM

Well, a bit of a shock last night! We had a package handed in to us (well, Herself) for Mandy's husband, and were expecting him to collect it from us.

Instead, 'twas the lady herself who arrived at the door, and me who answered it expecting hubby. No indeed. And I must say, being the first time I've seen her that close in, probably, years ~ literally touching hands at one point ~ she is looking very pretty and healthily fit at the moment. :)

Sadly she was wearing the same heavy winter coat I saw her in the other week, but I'll take what I can get this weather!

No sightings on the Betty "front" either. I have no idea who the other car belongs to, but although the bathroom light's been on a umber of times, with two folk in the house the door is always firmly close nowadays. Dammit! :(

We live in hope.


dm383 12-19-2014 12:57 AM

Christmas treat?

I know it's a bit early, but Mandy is standing in her bra and pants through the wall from me, even as I type! Standing first to blow-dry her hair (lots of moving and such for that!) now she's got the hot straightener things on it - not so much movement but, from what I can see (admittedly, not as much as I'd like :( ), their use creates a rather nice cleavage :boobs: :D

All in all, it's turning into a lovely day despite the somewhat inclement weather outside!


rabbit 01-11-2015 06:27 PM

Lovely bit of eye candy indeed! Keep those updates coming!


dicksbro 01-13-2015 03:07 AM

Gee, nothing since the end of December ... I think I'm starting to have withdrawal symptoms (you know, it gets soft and I quit drooling :shrug: ).

dm383 02-17-2015 12:57 AM

I know I haven't updated this thread in a while, but that's for one simple reason; nothing, and I mean nothing, to tell you all. :(

Not that I haven't caught sight of both Mandy and Betty, but in Mandy's case it's been her back as she's walked towards the bus stop early in the morning - she's leaving her house as I'm getting up these days, no good at all! - and in Betty's, I've seen her a few times during the day as she's walked her dog.

The only thing of note whatsoever was Betty's bathroom door open (light on!) a couple of weeks ago; unfortunately, although it was her housemate, who is younger and prettier IMHO, she was fully dressed.

A very disappointing winter this year, all in all, and with the mornings starting to noticeably lighten up any chances of sexy spotting are rapidly disappearing. Of note, my OH remarked this morning that Mandy has lost a lot of weight over the past few months, noting that she now wraps her coat round herself where before it simply buttoned up; she wondered if Mandy has gone a bit OTT on the weight-loss front. I imagine that, unless she's one of the lucky few, her lovely round boobs will have shrunk to a mere fraction of their former glory. Booooo!!!!


dicksbro 02-18-2015 01:28 AM

Ah, it's a tough life you life, DM, monitoring the neighborhood to report on what's happening. Let me just say this,


We'll be waiting for your next report. ;)

dm383 03-25-2015 12:20 AM

Well, I didn't think I'd be adding to this thread until next winter - if at all - so I'm pleased to report a sighting (of sorts) last night.

Walking along the pavement on the other side of the road from our houses (remember, Mandy's house is "through the wall" from ours) I see that her bedroom light is on; the bedroom too has venetian blinds up, but these ones are quite a bit more open than the living room one is at present.

Suddenly, I see Mandy's head and bare shoulders appear, as if she's stood on the bed (or a stool of some sort) then she turned like she was looking out the window and her cleavage was visible for a good few seconds before she sat/fell down onto the bed.

I know that doesn't sound like much - and it isn't, really - but, somehow, it was very sexy and turned me on immensely! Luckily for me Herself was still awake when I came to bed shortly after, which is why Im only telling you now! :D


scotzoidman 03-28-2015 06:53 PM

Sometimes, it's that "almost a peek" that fires the imagination more than the blatant display...

dicksbro 03-30-2015 12:52 AM

They always say walks are good for you. :D

dm383 04-20-2015 11:20 PM

Originally Posted by dicksbro
They always say walks are good for you. :D

And, sometimes, other peoples walks are good for you!

Here I am at 06:15, lying wide awake, only to hear next doors' front door closing. I struggle for a few seconds to decide if I can bother getting up - I do. And there is Mandy, strolling along the road towards the road/bus stop, hips swinging juuuust enough to have her lovely round bottom swaying in that way that sexy ladies have .........

....... oooh, I need a wee lie-down!! :faint: :booty:


dicksbro 05-10-2015 12:12 AM

So what's the latest on the "Mandy front" ... or back ... or side ... :confused:

BTW, have a great day, DM!!

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