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denny 03-10-2015 07:43 PM


pinkFlames 03-11-2015 04:46 PM

:lurv: Thank you everyone.

Teddy Bear 03-29-2015 12:04 PM

pF, so glad to hear you kicked "C" !! There are some strong peeps here on Pixies, cancer survivors and all around good fighters !!

TY for sharing your story with us. It may help someone who could be facing the same thing. You are still a sexy woman. One is not sexy cause of their boobs but because of their attitude. And you have got that all over ya !!

*hugs to you and the Mr.

Oldfart 03-31-2015 07:14 PM

Originally Posted by Teddy Bear
pF, so glad to hear you kicked "C" !! There are some strong peeps here on Pixies, cancer survivors and all around good fighters !!

TY for sharing your story with us. It may help someone who could be facing the same thing. You are still a sexy woman. One is not sexy cause of their boobs but because of their attitude. And you have got that all over ya !!

*hugs to you and the Mr.


I knew there was a way :)

Teddy Bear 05-22-2015 05:36 PM

pF, how are you doing?

pinkFlames 01-31-2023 08:29 PM

Back for an update.

pinkFlames 01-31-2023 08:30 PM

Back for an update.
I went ahead and had plastic surgery, using back muscle as a start followed by an implant and then nipple reconstruction and a lift on the other breast to even things up a bit. When I'm dressed I look pretty normal and sometimes I even go out braless. The real breast still sits very slightly lower and the fake one doesn't move much when I walk but I doubt many people notice.

Unfortunately Mr Flames couldn't handle the changes to my body and everything fell apart where he's concerned.

It will be 9 years this weekend since my mastectomy and I am doing well.

dicksbro 01-31-2023 11:51 PM

Good to hear from you, Pink Flames, and glad to hear your mastectomy was a success in thwarting a much more serious result. God bless! DB

dm383 02-01-2023 02:03 AM

Fantastic to see you pF! I'm so glad for you that you're still free from the big 'C', and that you went ahead with the reconstruction - you sound as though it was the right thing for you.

Shame about Mr Flames' reaction, though the reactive part of me says he should get a big fucking slap for being such a wimp! (I know that's maybe too judgemental given I don't know him at all, but that's my opinion).

Anyway .. .. .. I hope you can dive back in to our very diminished community here, we'd love to see more of you - in all senses of the the word!! :D


pinkFlames 02-01-2023 04:25 AM

Thank you both for the welcome back. :x:

gekkogecko 02-02-2023 07:20 AM

Yay, so glad you've returned , pF. And that you've made the moves that have worked out for you. Hope you'll pop by more often.

pinkFlames 02-02-2023 07:41 AM

Thank you gekkogecko. I think I'll be calling in regularly again. This place has always been in my heart.

PantyFanatic 02-09-2023 01:01 AM

pink FLAME, welcome home. :molest:

Truly pleased to see you peek in. And that you have and are dealing with the 'pop-shots' life takes at us. Sometimes it's more of a cannon roar when you are the one in the line of fire. But you bucked off one of the biggest with a HARD fight and come through. I'm very happy for you and proud to be a friend.

I'm not so thrilled with the relationship results :tear: but no one can understand when it comes apart in all directions, oftrn even those it is happening to. From waaay outside and far away it would seem more than a mastectomy causes that different kind of death.

pinkFlames 02-17-2023 08:41 AM

When I was going through treatment, I joined a few breast cancer groups on Facebook. The type of cancer I had tends to favour younger women and unfortunately it was a common occurrence for men to cheat or leave their partners after breast cancer.

After my diagnosis, my partner lost interest in me. During chemo, I didn't mind as the side effects knocked me about but after treatment, I wanted to return to the sex life I once had. He would assist me but not show interest himself. He played on being old and no longer into sex but then he started chasing younger women. His excuse from his own mouth was he missed my breast.

dm383 02-17-2023 09:18 AM

Originally Posted by pinkFlames
When I was going through treatment, I joined a few breast cancer groups on Facebook. The type of cancer I had tends to favour younger women and unfortunately it was a common occurrence for men to cheat or leave their partners after breast cancer.

After my diagnosis, my partner lost interest in me. During chemo, I didn't mind as the side effects knocked me about but after treatment, I wanted to return to the sex life I once had. He would assist me but not show interest himself. He played on being old and no longer into sex but then he started chasing younger women. His excuse from his own mouth was he missed my breast.

I'm far from blameless when it comes to bad decisions about relationships and/or breakups, but even though we were apart for many years, I still fancied my ex-wife massively right up til the day she died.
This was following lengthy treatment for breast Ca, including a radical mastectomy, and because I'm a nurse (psych, NOT physical) and her private health insurance didn't cover much in the way of nursing care, I was sometimes the only person who was both willing and able to change the dressings for, her post-op.

For various reasons, this went on for quite a few months afterwards, but as it meant she had to disrobe her top half for me to attend to her, it meant her remaining boob was 'free to view', as it were, and got me just as aroused as I ever was before. Maybe just me, having been able to deal with seeing some really rather traumatic stuff in my time, but I always had deep feelings for her and she never lost her attractiveness to me in a sexual way - we just couldn't live together! If I'd been single, and she wanted to, I would quite happily have made love with her as often as she'd wanted.

I'm aware I've kind of :jacques: here - sorry pF!

Long and the short of it is, in my limited experience of these matters, it seems there is a small percentage of people who can deal with their partners' life-altering illnesses/conditions, and the much higher percentage of folk that can't. It's a shame, but that's life unfortunately.


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