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BlueSwede 05-03-2003 08:52 AM

:D Thank you, Lilith, re. the chatroom. But, I must confess that I am really computer illiterate. The chatroom screen looks like the "dashboard" in the cockpit of a 747 to me. Yikes! Would someone please PM me or explain here the difference in Nickserv, Chanserv/botserv, and Memoserv? Also, what the heck is all the stuff at the right of the screen...the Opcontrol and Channel modes? (Dang. Wish we all could just be on a "party line." Then all I'd have to do is pick up my phone.) :(

Irish 05-03-2003 09:20 AM

BlueSwede---Just a word of advice.I am certainly not a "newbie"
& I still have my training wheels.I am also still computer illiterate.
I have been a mechanic for most of my life.I had to take a night
course in keyboarding because a mechanic never had a reason to
type.Just be yourself & join in.No one here will judge you.You should enjoy yourself here.The only rule is not to fall for that"Bullshit"about PF being a nice guy.On some sites,that's what is referred to as "spam"! Irish

PantyFanatic 05-03-2003 09:34 AM

... just bring your sister! ;)


Sugarsprinkles 05-03-2003 09:42 AM

Originally posted by pantyfanatic
... just bring your sister! ;)

...................or your OLDER brother!!

:D:D:D:p :p ;) ;) :D :D


BIBI 05-03-2003 11:22 AM

Originally posted by babybunny

4. Please remember that this is a forum board and that appropriate use of grammar/spelling is much appreicated. :)

LMAO :) we all make errors in spelling, even I do! Even you do ;)

Lilith 05-04-2003 01:26 PM

BlueSwede~ I encourage you to push all the buttons, see what works and what doesn't. They will only work if they are something for you. The Op controls etc. only work for those who are set to do that. If you come into chat and I am there I would be glad to help you figure it all out.:)

Lilith 05-04-2003 01:50 PM

Custom User Status a.k.a. the text just above your avatar.

After a certain number of posts, ( I always forget how many, 30, 50 or 100) when your titles no longer reads Jr. Member, you can change your title. To do this

1) Click user cp
2) edit profile
3) right below the place to enter a birthdate about the 9th box down should be Custom User Text
4) Enter what you'd like and then scroll to the bottom and click submit modifications.

babybunny 05-04-2003 01:55 PM

:( Sorry for mentioning that. It is just hard on ones eyes when all I see is:

Do U liek Secs? Me adn my GF luv it 4 howrz...


PantyFanatic 05-04-2003 05:44 PM

U r a verry fune wabet :D

Flynn 05-05-2003 12:52 AM

Concerning the buttons in non-mIRC chat: I usually ignore 'em. It's the typing that's important.

Concerning the boards: rule #whatever (I don't remember what we're up to): bring your sense of humor. Actually, that's a good one for the chat, too.

BlueSwede 05-05-2003 12:07 PM

Regarding what one types when one is in a non-mIRC chat, there is no place TO type on the screen that comes up for me when I click on "Chatroom" when I'm at the Pixie's Forums. There's no place on the screen to type like what there is, for example, on the screen when I am in a chatroom on Yahoo. There are a bunch of little boxes with options at the top, side, and bottom of a big blank box in the middle of the screen, but there is no long narrow horizontal bar in which to type an entry, which, when I would hit enter, would then appear in the big box on the screen. And there is no evidence of anyone else being present either. :(

Aqua 05-05-2003 12:55 PM

Originally posted by babybunny
:( Sorry for mentioning that. It is just hard on ones eyes when all I see is:

Do U liek Secs? Me adn my GF luv it 4 howrz...


If it is because someone is just not all that graceful with a keyboard... hey, we can see past it. We're not here to compare, grade, or judge anyone's grammatical prowess.

If, however, someone types that way in an effort to be 'clever' or what have you... please save it for the forums where it is accepted. I hav no d3sir3 2 d3cph3r posts lik3 this... u c whut I m33n.

babybunny 05-05-2003 01:19 PM

Thank you Aqua~
That is all I meant...

Hell I am the Typo Queen. I know the typos and mispellings are common.

Grumble 02-28-2004 04:39 PM

For the newbies

We have some members who have wicked humour, you may have noticed it in this thread already eg Pantyfanatic ;)

It is all in fun so dont take it seriously, its part of the ambiance of this place. PF is actually a very decent guy who hides it behind his flippancy LOL.

The essence of pixies is to have fun, be open, be respectful and be you. There are topics that are serious and you will have differing views than others. It is OK to have a differing opinion but you must be careful to not to denigrate another person in expressing it.

BamaKyttn 02-28-2004 09:18 PM


Ignore Me.

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