View Full Version : nipple varnish

08-15-2002, 08:23 AM
What do you use when you want your favourite pair of nipples to show suggestively through her clothes? Ordinary cosmetics won't do because they wear off and just mark her clothes. The most imaginative suggestion I have heard is a mixture of carpenter's glue and indian imk. This not only colours but can hold a nipple erect. After use it just peels off - but what happens if one of them peels of during the disco?

Suggestions please.....

08-15-2002, 11:12 AM
Ooooooooookay ;) They acutally have fake nipples that you can wear.....They were on Sex and The City and are now a big seller on the market.


08-15-2002, 11:31 AM
they also sell little rubberband type rings that will keep them erect looking :)

08-15-2002, 11:57 AM
Just have you S/o keep sucking on the every 10 minutes or so...Climb below the shirt give alittle such and stiff you go...

08-15-2002, 01:48 PM
OMG! LMAO @ skipthisone......that's the best suggestion I've heard so far :D


08-15-2002, 08:49 PM
Geee, and I am always thinking about how not to get my nipples to show when I don't wear a bra.........I feel uncomfortable when people start talking to my chest ....:D LOL

Uncle Silky
08-16-2002, 03:10 AM
a pain i know all too well, xanne.

08-16-2002, 05:39 AM
Xanne, you should be ashamed of yourself! Depriving the poor staving miillions of the chance of watching your nipples as they bounce past down the street..... How mean!

08-16-2002, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by ericthered
Xanne, you should be ashamed of yourself! Depriving the poor staving miillions of the chance of watching your nipples as they bounce past down the street..... How mean!
well said!

08-16-2002, 05:16 PM
Actually, I sell a product through my parties that are decorative and keep your nipples hard at the same time. They are simply a string of "pearls" on a soft nylon rope with little nooses that tighten around your nipples and keep the blood rushed to them, sort of like a cock ring does to a penis. And on top of that, the dangling pearls feel sexy with a slight pull that is very erotic to feel and to see. Gee, that sounded like a commercial didn't it? I didn't mean for it to, sorry! But that's my contribution to the nipple caper.....OH! I just remembered, I have another product called nipple nibblers which makes your nipples hard too. I won't give you a commercial on that one though.

08-20-2002, 07:03 PM
I think we should be talking subtlety here. The suggestion of nipples seen through clothing hints at something interesting...... After all, you want to catch some-one's eye, not poke his eye out. And even the most conservative boss, priest, red-necked conservative could not complain because they would be too embarrassed to admit noticing.

08-20-2002, 07:25 PM
What do you use when you want your favourite pair of nipples to show suggestively through her clothes? Favorite pair? You got more than one? Woohoo! LOL!! :)

Try liquid latex it wont smear off and its fun to paint on!!;)

08-21-2002, 01:37 AM
Liquid latex?
what's that? What do other people use it for? What color is it?


08-23-2002, 06:20 PM
I dunno about the rest of you guys, but I can get my favorite pair of nipples to show thru her clothes just by smiling at her....in my best "just wait till later" grin.

08-24-2002, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by Murphy
just by smiling at her....in my best "just wait till later" grin.

Or by that terrifically sexy way you say "Hey, Baby!" when you answer the phone.:D ;) :D
Damn what a voice!!!

08-25-2002, 05:13 PM
Have a look at WWW.BODYPERKS.COM

09-24-2002, 01:25 AM
OMG Murphy! HEE HEE! That always works! (A great smile that is...) Of course, I am in a constant state of arousal lately, so mine are always poking out anyway!

09-27-2002, 04:17 AM
I can't believe that NO-ONE KNOWS how to colour nipples. There must be something you can paint on that won't stay for-ever at one extreme, and won't come off on your clothes on the other.