View Full Version : Brew Amber Flex

02-05-2004, 02:08 PM
The only proven metQhod to enhVance the giKrth and lenTgth of your peQnis.Both of our proKducts Vill Vork for you....I receivedthis in my e-mail this morning.Is it me or has spam gotten very sloppy these days?

02-05-2004, 02:13 PM
ROFL.... as I read it.. I was thinking "what is he smokin?"... certainly not well written like your posts normally are..

02-05-2004, 02:19 PM
it's their way of trying to get around the programs that block spam by targeting specific words normally found in spam mail.

Or, it could be they just have spelling and grammar that's that terrible, lol

02-05-2004, 02:27 PM

We are all suffering from the spam in our in-box. To cut out the junk, some email systems use a technology known as Bayesian filtering to spot and stop spam before it reaches their users' in-boxes. When trained to spot what is spam and what is legitimate mail these smart filters can catch, in many cases, more than 99% of junk messages.

The smart filtering has been so successful that it has already forced a change in the way spam messages are written. Random words are being added to some messages specifically to fool the filters.

These filters are looking for things that are not spammy, words that outweigh the spamminess of the message. This is the reason that many spam messages feature rarely used words such as "formic", "brouhaha", "granitic" and "occlusive". Another feature of this technique is to purposely misspell words and to incorporate unnatural capitalization.

Another problem with this technique is that it can generate false positives, and direct valid email to the trash.

02-05-2004, 03:04 PM
End vot kwas rong WIT zee gerspellinfinkle?

02-05-2004, 03:32 PM
Jseal,That has been my thought to.I have spam filters on my WEB TV but they cause problem sometimes with thing I do want to receive.Undauntedly,I dispatch these spams to my discard file and then into web oblivion they go.I have noticed some of their trends lately, including where they make it sound like they are responding to my request for information.Not Bloody Likely. heh heh